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I masterbate 7 times on monday and around 3 times on Tuesday and 2 times Wednesday and today is Saturday i haven't masterbate as it is not able to erect properly please help I am feared
It’s common to feel concerned when experiencing issues with erections after frequent masturbation. Overstimulation can temporarily affect your ability to achieve an erection, as the body and mind may need time to recover.
Give your body some time to rest. Avoid masturbation for a few days to allow recovery.
Try to relax and avoid stress.
Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep can improve sexual health.
If the issue persists or if you feel extremely anxious, consult a doctor for guidance.
Your symptoms suggest a condition called phimosis (tight foreskin), which can cause pain, discomfort, and bleeding during intercourse. To understand your condition better, please share:
Since when are you experiencing this problem?
Can you retract your foreskin fully while flaccid or erect?
Any history of infections, swelling, or white patches on the foreskin?
Have you tried any treatment or ointments before?
Possible Treatment Options:
✔ Gentle Foreskin Stretching Exercises – Should be done carefully to avoid further injury. ✔ Oral Medications – If there is associated inflammation or infection. ✔ Circumcision – If phimosis is severe and causing pain and recurrent bleeding, minimally invasive surgical options like stapler or laser circumcision may be needed for permanent relief.
Since you are experiencing pain and bleeding, we strongly recommend consulting a urologist at the earliest for proper evaluation and treatment.
Avoid forcing the foreskin back, as it may worsen the issue. Let us know if you need assistance in finding the right doctor.
कधी कधी, झसर (circumcision) झाल्यानंतर तात्पुरती सूज येऊ शकते, विशेषतः जर लसीकेच्या ग्रंथी (lymph nodes) प्रतिक्रिया देत असतील.
परंतु, जर सूज वेदनादायक, लालसर, उष्ण वाटत असेल, पू भरलेली असेल, किंवा वाढत असेल किंवा बराच काळ टिकत असेल, तर तो संक्रमण किंवा इतर गुंतागुंतीचा संकेत असू शकतो.
तुम्ही काय करू शकता?
✅ गरम पाण्याचा शेक द्या – यामुळे सूज कमी होण्यास मदत होऊ शकते. ✅ स्वच्छता राखा जेणेकरून संसर्ग होणार नाही. ✅ डॉक्टरांचा सल्ला घेतल्याशिवाय कोणतेही मलम किंवा औषध वापरू नका. ✅ जर तुम्हाला तीव्र वेदना, ताप, किंवा सूज वाढताना जाणवली, तर त्वरित डॉक्टरांचा सल्ला घ्या.