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Need an experienced doctor for treatment of psoriasis in Hyderabad

Posted Under Others, on 5 February 2025

Posted Under Others, on 5 February 2025
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HexaHealth TeamExpert

Hello MN Sharma Ji,

Thank you for reaching out. Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that often benefits from specialized dermatological care. Hyderabad city has experienced dermatologists who can suggest the treatment for psoriasis.

Here’s a brief line of treatment:

  • Topical Therapies:
    Corticosteroids, vitamin D analogues, and retinoids are often first-line treatments for mild to moderate psoriasis.

  • Phototherapy:
    Controlled exposure to ultraviolet light can help reduce symptoms in many patients.

  • Systemic Treatments:
    For moderate to severe cases, oral medications targeting specific inflammatory pathways may be recommended.

  • Lifestyle Modifications:
    Stress management, a healthy diet, and avoiding triggers (such as smoking and excessive alcohol) can support overall treatment.

While psoriasis is a chronic condition, these treatment options can significantly improve symptoms and quality of life. Treatment is individualized based on severity, patient response, and any co-existing conditions.

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HexaHealth TeamExpert