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What is the charge of gall bladder stone operation charge

Posted Under General Surgery, on 1 February 2025

Posted Under General Surgery, on 1 February 2025
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Dr. Bhavya GuptaExpert


The cost of gallbladder stone surgery starts from ₹40,000 and varies based on multiple factors:

  • Surgical Technique:
    • Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (minimally invasive, faster recovery, less pain)
    • Open Surgery (recommended in complex cases, requires a longer recovery time)
  • Hospital & Doctor Choice: Charges differ based on the facility and surgeon's expertise.
  • Insurance and Financing: The procedure is typically covered under medical insurance, and financing options are available.

Most hospitals offer a package covering the surgery cost, surgeon’s fees, medicines, and a 1-day hospital stay. However, if complications arise or a patient has pre-existing conditions, costs may vary.

For an exact estimate and hospital options, connect with our HexaHealth Care Specialists. We’ll guide you to the best treatment within your budget.

1 month ago
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