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Stone in kidney I want a treat ment by ayushman card

Sanjay Kumar
Posted Under General Surgery, on 4 February 2025

Sanjay Kumar
Posted Under General Surgery, on 4 February 2025
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Dr. Bhavya GuptaExpert

Hello Sanjay Kumar ji,

Thank you for reaching out. I understand that you have a kidney stone and wish to receive treatment under the Ayushman card. Generally, kidney stone treatments—ranging from non-invasive procedures like lithotripsy to surgical interventions—can be covered under the Ayushman Bharat scheme, provided the treatment is deemed medically necessary and is performed at an empanelled hospital.

Here's what you can do next:

  1. Verify Coverage:

    • Please check the official Ayushman Bharat website for a list of empanelled hospitals and to confirm if the specific kidney stone treatment you require is covered.

  2. Consult a Specialist:

    • It’s important to consult a urologist to assess the severity of your condition and determine the most appropriate treatment plan. The specialist can guide you on the best options available under the scheme.

1 month ago
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