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Required INTESTINAL perforation treatment with hipatites B positive

Taqi Hussain
Posted Under General Surgery, on 8 March 2025

Taqi Hussain
Posted Under General Surgery, on 8 March 2025
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Dr. Rudrani DholeExpert

Hello Taqi Ji,

Intestinal perforation is a surgical emergency and requires immediate hospitalization with surgical and critical care support. The patient should be urgently evaluated for exploratory laparotomy or laparoscopic repair to seal the perforation and prevent peritonitis/sepsis.

Next Steps:

✅ Immediate referral to a surgical team for emergency intervention.
✅ Close monitoring for signs of peritonitis, sepsis, or worsening liver function due to Hepatitis B.
✅ Long-term follow-up with a hepatologist for Hepatitis B management post-surgery.

⚠ Delay in treatment can be life-threatening. Immediate surgical intervention is required!

4 days ago
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