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Pinodial sinus

Uday Chand Ghoshal
Posted Under General Surgery, on 1 November 2024

Uday Chand Ghoshal
Posted Under General Surgery, on 1 November 2024
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Dr. Aman Priya KhannaExpert
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Hello Uday Ji,

Pilonidal sinus is a condition in which a small tunnel or tract forms under the skin, typically near the tailbone. It is often caused by ingrown hairs or prolonged sitting and can lead to discomfort, swelling, and sometimes infection.

Exploration of the sinus tract is a common procedure to diagnose the extent of the sinus and to guide treatment. Depending on the case, treatment may include cleaning, drainage, or surgical removal of the tract to prevent recurrence. Minimally invasive laser procedures are also available, which can result in faster healing and less discomfort.

It’s best to consult with a surgeon to determine the appropriate treatment for your condition. We can help you get the best treatment done.

3 months ago
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