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Top 20 Shoulder Workouts and Exercises for Women at Home

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Aman Priya Khanna
Written by Shivani Arora, last updated on 15 November 2022| min read
Top 20 Shoulder Workouts and Exercises for Women at Home

Quick Summary

  • Shoulder exercises enhance joint as well as upper body strength.
  • Strengthening your shoulder will not just give you stability but also help prevent injuries to the shoulder.
  • Shoulder strengthening workouts can do wonders for your overall posture and help relieve muscle tension, tightness, and pain in your shoulder and neck regions.

Have you been struggling to reach the upper shelves of your kitchen or feel a sudden pain while trying to reach out for the pen that fell into the corner of your bed? If you nodded “yes” to these questions, then you probably have a weak shoulder joint. It’s time to strengthen your shoulders and the surrounding muscles. 

Shoulder exercises enhance joint as well as upper body strength. Strengthening your shoulder will not just give you stability but also help prevent injuries to the shoulder. Shoulder strengthening workouts can do wonders for your overall posture and help relieve muscle tension, tightness, and pain in your shoulder and neck regions. Here we list down some of the best shoulder workouts for women to achieve their desired goals.

Role of Shoulder Exercises for Women

Shoulder exercises helps the shoulder by:

  1. Increasing shoulder joint flexibility.
  2. Improving shoulder joint strength.
  3. Enhancing the stability of the shoulder and preventing dislocation.
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Benefits of Shoulder Exercise for Women

Shoulder exercises may bring some positive changes in your body. The benefits of doing shoulder exercises are as follows:

  1. Strengthens the muscles supporting the shoulder
  2. Keeps the shoulders stable
  3. Keeps the muscle strength, which prevents injury 
  4. Relieves shoulder pain
  5. Improves joint flexibility
  6. Restores the range of motion after any injury
  7. Reduces muscle soreness

Best Shoulder Exercises for Women

The following shoulder exercises will help you gain flexibility and strength. But before you do these exercises, ensure that you do not have any medical conditions that contradict shoulder exercising. The best back and shoulder workouts for women are:

Standing Arm Stretch

This exercise provides a good stretch to the arms and upper spine. It also flexes and stabilises the shoulder. To do a standing arm stretch: 

  1. Stand straight with your arms at your sides.
  2. Lift your arms as far as possible above your head with the palms facing each other.
  3. Hold this stance for five to ten seconds.
  4. Lower your arms and repeat this exercise five times. 

Lying Arm Stretch

This exercise warms up the muscles around the shoulder, chest, and back areas. It results in improving mobility, flexibility, and range of motion. Steps involved in a lying arm stretch: 

  1. Lie on your back on a mat.
  2. Place your arms beside you.
  3. Raise your arms overhead as far as possible with the palms facing each other.
  4. Hold this posture for five to ten seconds.
  5. Return to the starting position and relax.
  6. Repeat this exercise five times. 

Arm Lift

This exercise tones the shoulder muscles and increases muscle strength. It also improves posture and stability of the shoulder joint. To do an arm lift:

  1. Place your hands at the back of your head.
  2. Elbows pointing to the sides and pushed back as far as comfortable.
  3. Hold this posture for five to ten seconds.
  4. Now, place your hands behind the back.
  5. Elbows pointing to the sides and pushed back as far as comfortable.
  6. Hold this posture for five to ten seconds.
  7. Repeat this exercise five times. 

Shoulder Stretch

This exercise gently stretches the muscles of the shoulder and chest regions. It improves the flexibility of the shoulder joint. Shoulder stretch can be done as follows:

  1. Stand straight.
  2. Squeeze your shoulder blades backwards.
  3. Hold on to this posture for five counts.
  4. Now, pull the shoulder blades downwards.
  5. Hold for five counts.
  6. Come back to the starting position.
  7. Repeat this exercise ten times. 

Shoulder Circle

This exercise stretches the outer shoulder and rotator cuff (muscles and tendons that hold the shoulder joint in place). It improves the flexibility of the shoulder joint. To do a shoulder circle:

  1. Stand in front of a chair.
  2. Rest one hand on the chair.
  3. Let the other arm hang down.
  4. Swing the hanging arm gently in a circular motion.
  5. Repeat this exercise five times for around two to three times a day. 

Backward Table Press

This exercise helps strengthen the muscles around the shoulder and back. Backward table press can be done as follows:

  1. Stand straight with your back against the table.
  2. Place your palms against the edge of the table.
  3. Slowly push your shoulders and hands against the table.
  4. Don’t move the table; feel the resistance in your shoulders.
  5. Repeat this exercise 10 times. 

Door Press

This exercise warms up the chest and shoulder muscles. One must feel the tension in the chest and shoulder muscles while performing it. The door press exercise can be done as follows: 

  1. Stand straight in a doorway.
  2. Bend your elbow at a right angle and tuck it close to your body.
  3. Press the back of your wrist against the doorframe.
  4. Push the arm outwards against the frame of the door.
  5. Hold on for five counts.
  6. Repeat the exercise 10 times for each arm.
  7. Now, repeat the same exercise but with the palm facing towards the door frame.
  8. Hold on for five counts.
  9. Repeat the exercise 10 times on each arm. 

Table Slide

This exercise gently improves and maintains the shoulder’s range of motion. Table slide exercise can be done via the following steps:

  1. Sit on a chair with a table in front.
  2. Place a cloth on the table.
  3. Bend your elbows and rest the palms on the cloth (if uncomfortable, place the palms facing each other).
  4. Keep the back straight and tilting slightly from your waist, gently slide the cloth forward.
  5. Slide both arms as far as comfortable, keeping the arms straight.
  6. Allow your head to drop slightly forward.
  7. Hold for five counts and slide back.
  8. Repeat this exercise 10 times. 

Crossover Arm Stretch

This exercise aims at the back of the shoulder muscles and gives a good stretch to the shoulder joint. To perform a crossover arm stretch:

  1. Stand straight and relax your shoulders.
  2. Gently pull one arm across the chest as far as comfortable using the other arm (Do not exert pressure or pull your elbows).
  3. Hold this position for 20 seconds.
  4. Relax and repeat the exercise using the other arm. 

Sleeper Stretch

This exercise stretches the muscles in the outer and upper back and behind the shoulder. It improves the flexibility of the shoulder joint. A sleeper stretch can be done as follows:

  1. Lie on either side of your mat.
  2. Place a pillow if you feel uncomfortable.
  3. Bend your elbows and use the other hand to push them down (avoid bending the wrist).
  4. Stop pressing as you feel a stretch in the back of your shoulder.
  5. Hold this stance for 20 seconds and relax.
  6. Repeat this exercise five times on each side. 

Scapula Setting

This exercise stretches the shoulder blades and upper back region. It improves the stability and flexibility of the shoulder joint. To do the scapula setting exercise:  

  1. Lie flat on your chest on a mat.
  2. Place your arms by your sides.
  3. Gently raise your shoulder blades as far as comfortable.
  4. Hold for ten seconds.
  5. Relax and repeat this exercise 10 times. 

Internal and External Rotation

This exercise aims at the chest, front and back of the shoulder, and upper back muscles. It enhances the shoulder’s range of motion and stabilises it. Internal and external rotation exercises can be done as follows:

  1. Lie on your back on a yoga mat.
  2. Extend one arm out, away from the shoulder.
  3. Bend your elbows so that your fingers are pointing to the ceiling.
  4. Gently move your arms forwards and backwards in an arc-like manner (bring the arm down to 45o if you feel pain at 90o).
  5. Repeat this exercise five times. 

Passive Internal Rotation

This exercise works on the front of the shoulder muscles. It also gives a good stretch to the shoulder and arms. To do passive internal rotation: 

  1. Hold a rod or stick behind your back with both hands, one hand holding each end of the rod.
  2. Pull the rod horizontally to one side so that the shoulders are stretched. 
  3. Hold this position for 20 seconds and relax.
  4. Repeat this pulling exercise on the other side to stretch the other shoulder. 

Passive External Rotation

This exercise targets the back of the shoulder muscles. It also enhances the flexibility of the shoulder. To do the passive external rotation exercise: 

  1. Hold a rod or stick in front of you with both hands, one hand holding each end of the rod.
  2. Keep your elbows close to your body and push the stick horizontally to the side as far as possible.
  3. Do not twist the hips or back while doing this.
  4. Hold on to this position for 20 seconds.
  5. Relax and repeat the same on the other side. 

Wall Crawl

This exercise provides a good stretch to the arms and shoulder joints. It also strengthens the shoulder muscles and improves the shoulder’s range of motion. Wall crawl exercise can be done as follows:

  1. Stand erect in front of a wall.
  2. Keep an arm’s length distance from the wall so that your fingers can just touch the wall.
  3. Gently crawl your fingers up the wall as far as comfortable.
  4. Keep the shoulder down, do not shrug up towards the ear.
  5. Hold for 20 seconds. 
  6. Now, slowly bring the hands back down. 
  7. Repeat this exercise five times 

Sidewall Crawls

This exercise stretches the shoulder and side of the chest muscles. It also enhances the shoulder’s stability and range of motion. To do a side wall crawl:

  1. Stand with one side facing the wall, as shown below.
  2. Maintain around a 1-foot distance between you and the wall.
  3. Raise your arm facing the wall and crawl the fingers up the wall as far as possible
  4. Breathe normally.
  5. Now, crawl your fingers back down the wall to waist level.
  6. Relax and repeat this exercise 10 times. 

Wall Push-Ups

This exercise stretches the shoulders, arms, and chest. It is the best exercise to strengthen the chest, shoulder, and arm muscles. Wall push-ups can be done as follows:

  1. Stand straight in front of a wall and keep your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Place your arms flat and straight against the wall (do not bend your fingers).
  3. Now, bend your elbows and press your chest towards the wall.
  4. Keep your core muscles tight.
  5. Lean towards the wall slowly and in a controlled motion.
  6. You will feel your shoulder blades coming closer to each other in the back.
  7. Now, slowly push yourself back so that your arms are straight.
  8. Repeat this exercise 5 to 10 times. 

Shoulder Wings

This exercise improves the outward movement of the shoulder. It also flexes the muscles around the shoulder joint. To do shoulder wings:

  1. You can do this exercise while standing or sitting on a mat.
  2. Place your hands on your collarbone or chest.
  3. Lift your elbows out to the sides to shoulder level.
  4. Do not raise your elbows above shoulder height.
  5. Hold on to this position for five seconds.
  6. Lower your elbows back to the side of the torso.
  7. Repeat this exercise 10 times. 

"W" Exercise

This exercise flexes the shoulder blades and upper back region. It also improves the shoulder’s range of motion. To do W exercise: 

  1. You can do this exercise while standing or sitting on your mat.
  2. Form a “W” with your arms, as shown in the image below.
  3. Raise your arms high as far as comfortable. 
  4. Squeeze your shoulder blades together. 
  5. Hold on to this position for five seconds.
  6. Relax and repeat this exercise 10 times. 

Backward Shoulder Rolls

This exercise gently stretches the chest and shoulder muscles. This easy exercise improves joint flexibility. Backward shoulder roll exercise can be done as follows:

  1. Sit or stand comfortably on a mat.
  2. Relax your arms and place them beside you.
  3. Rotate your shoulders ahead, up, backward, and downwards in a clockwise motion.
  4. Make these rotations as big as possible for you.
  5. Relax and repeat this exercise 10 times. 

Points to Remember for Shoulder Exercises for Women

A person must remember the following points before doing the shoulder exercises:

Before the Exercise

  1. Program your workout 
  2. Start slowly
  3. Always warm up before doing exercise
  4. Do these exercises daily to improve strength and flexibility 
  5. Stay hydrated. 

During the Exercise

  1. Do not overexert your body
  2. Know your limits
  3. Stop the exercise if you feel any discomfort or pain
  4. Listen to your body
  5. Engage your core muscles while doing any exercise
  6. Take a break after each exercise. 

After the Exercise

  1. Cooldown and relax your body
  2. Drink plenty of water
  3. Gently massage your arms and shoulders
  4. You can increase the repetitions and sets in your next workout if these exercises become easy.

Lifestyle Changes for Women

Exercise and diet go hand in hand. It is never too late to start with good habits and a healthy lifestyle. You can start with the following:

  1. Eating a balanced diet rich in protein, carbs, fats, fibre, etc.
  2. Drink more water to flush out toxins.
  3. Exercise daily for at least 20 to 30 minutes. Plan out simple exercises if you are a beginner. 


To reap the maximum benefits, you must do shoulder exercises regularly. These exercises help build strong shoulders and may also help you prevent injury. Shoulder exercises like arm stretch, shoulder wings, wall push up, sleeper stretches, wall crawl, etc., may help you improve your posture and build overall strength. In just a few days of doing the shoulder exercises, you will start noticing positive posture changes and feel stronger. 

If you are unsure which exercises to do, the HexaHealth personal care team can help you with your queries. If you are struggling to find the best shoulder workout for women or arm and shoulder workout for women, first get the right guidance before you begin. If you want to build strength for any specific body part or the body, learn the best exercises for you by connecting with an expert from HexaHealth.

Frequently Asked Questions

A woman can sculpt perfect shoulders by training with shoulder exercises. Some of the shoulder exercises include arm stretch, shoulder stretch, shoulder circles, etc. 

Yes, women should do shoulder workouts. They increase flexibility and strengthen the muscles around the shoulders as they improve posture. Therefore, a woman must follow some shoulder workout routines. 

Each body is different. There is no specific duration to build your shoulders. However, it typically takes 4-6 weeks of regular exercise before you can notice any significant changes in your shoulder shape. 

You can try a few shoulder exercises like wall push-ups, wall crawl, side wall crawl, crossover arm stretch, sleeper stretch, etc., to build your shoulder muscles at home. 

You can sculpt and tone your shoulders by doing shoulder exercises. Try a few shoulder exercises like shoulder wings, scapula setting, pendulum, etc., to fulfil your desired goals.

You can get shoulder cuts by doing some shoulder workouts, including exercises like crossover arm stretch, pendulum, passive external rotation, passive internal rotation, sleeper stretch, W exercise, etc.

A woman can build her shoulders by doing some shoulder exercises. Include shoulder exercises like wall push-up, wall crawl, side wall crawl, W exercise, arm circles, etc., in your shoulder workout schedule. 

Working out your shoulders makes your shoulder muscles toned and flexible. [1] It depends on your goals whether you want to tone them or bulk them up.

Yes, shrugs are a good form of exercise for women. They activate the shoulder muscles and strengthen them.

Your body needs protein, fats, and carbohydrates to build muscles while working out. So, if you lift weights without proper protein, carbs, or fat intake, you will not be able to develop adequate muscles.

Shoulder toning exercises include pendulum, passive internal rotation, passive external rotation, W exercise, scapula setting, etc. They help tone the muscles of the shoulder joint. 

The best shoulder exercises for women are push-up, wall crawl, side wall crawl, passive external rotation, passive internal rotation, sleeper stretch, etc. 

Yes, women should train their shoulders to strengthen their arms, improve posture, and increase flexibility.

Shoulder exercises for women are arm raise, arm circle, shoulder stretch, table press, W exercise, pendulum, push-up, wall crawl, side wall crawl, passive external rotation, passive internal rotation, sleeper stretch, etc. 

Last Updated on: 15 November 2022

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

MBBS, DNB General Surgery, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery, FIAGES

12 Years Experience

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Shivani Arora

Shivani Arora

BA Journalism and Mass Communication

2 Years Experience

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