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How to Remove a Lipoma Yourself Naturally? - Home Remedies

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Priyanka Sharma
Written by Hexahealth Care Team, last updated on 24 August 2023| min read
How to Remove a Lipoma Yourself Naturally? - Home Remedies

Quick Summary

  • Lipomas are fatty tumours that are not cancerous. They can be removed surgically or at home with home remedies.
  • Home remedies for lipoma include applying apple cider vinegar, castor oil, or tea tree oil to the affected area.
  • If you have a lipoma, it is important to see a doctor to rule out cancer.

Have you encountered small, soft, round or oval lumps growing under your skin? You may have panicked, and thousands of thoughts must have revolved around your head. What is it? Is it cancer? It would help if you got it examined by a doctor, but in most cases, it would be a lipoma. 

Lipomas are fatty tumours (non-cancerous growths) found in different parts of your body. Can these lipomas be removed? Yes, they can be removed surgically, and you can also learn how to remove a lipoma yourself at home in this article. So keep reading to know more about home remedies for lipoma. 

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What are Lipomas?

  1. Lipomas are painless, soft, round or oval lumps of fat that grow under your skin. Lipomas have a “doughy” feel and move on touching. 
  2. They can develop anywhere on the body but are found mainly on the back, shoulders and neck. 
  3. It can occur in all age groups but appear primarily in middle age. A single lipoma occurs both in men and women with equal frequency. Multiple lipomas are more frequently seen in men. 
  4. They are non-cancerous and do not need removal unless they are causing symptoms. However, their presence in the visible areas of your body can make you feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. 
  5. Lipomas can be removed surgically as an outpatient procedure, or removing a lipoma naturally can be done safely by trying some home remedies for lipoma.
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Do Home Remedies Work in Treating Lipomas? 

  1. There's no clinical evidence for curing lipomas with home remedies, but you can try them if you don't want to go under the knife.
  2. Home remedies to remove a lipoma yourself may help reduce the occurrence and help remove or shrink the lipomas.
  3. Consult with your doctor before trying these home remedies for lipoma. 

Home Remedies for Lipoma 

Home remedies are the first treatment one generally opts for to eliminate any disease. Since early times, constipation has also been treated by simple home remedies. Some of these home remedies for constipation are listed below.

  1. Turmeric: It is a well-known anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial agent. Turmeric can be an effective way for lipoma removal naturally. Make a paste with water and turmeric and apply it to the lipoma. Let it dry well before washing it off.
  2. Neem Oil: This has been long used as an astringent and antibiotic agent. The astringent properties of neem oil can help to shrink the lipoma and has cooling properties that will help soothe the lipoma. Thus, it can be an excellent option to remove lipoma naturally. One can apply neem oil directly on the lipoma or mix it with turmeric and other herbal oils to form an ointment.
  3. Flaxseed Oil: This is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which helps to reduce the inflammation caused by lipomas. Flaxseed oil is readily available in the market or can be extracted at home. Apply the oil directly on the lipoma or mix it in equal quantities with other herbal oils like neem oil and then apply it on the lipoma. This method is one way of lipoma removal at home.
  4. Chickweed: It is a trendy ingredient that has been used for lipoma removal at home. Chickweed contains many saponins that effectively inhibit lipoma growth and help control inflammation. Chickweed is available in the form of lotions and ointments in herbal stores.
  5. Bitter Herbs and Foods: These foods have certain compounds that increase the body’s capacity to digest fat. They act on the liver and gallbladder and stimulate them, thus enhancing the process of fat metabolism. Consuming these foods, therefore, would help in the shrinking and dissolving of lipomas. Foods like bitter gourd (Karela), citrus peels, olives, and dark chocolate can serve as was to remove lipomas naturally.
  6. Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar is known for its detoxifying and antioxidant properties. Mix a few spoons of ACV with water and consume it in the morning daily. This concoction cleanses the body by flushing out toxins. It also boosts fat metabolism by working as a liver and gallbladder stimulant. All these things make ACV one of the effective home remedies for lipomas.
  7. Dried Sage: Sage is a herb known to dissolve fatty tissue. Make a mixture of dried sage with neem or flaxseed oil. Apply this mixture on the lipoma like a poultice. This method helps to shrink lipoma. 
  8. Thuja Occidentalis: Thuja occidentalis is a homoeopathic medicine with proven efficacy in treating warts and verrucae.1 This medicine is believed to be effective on lipomas also. Applying it on the lipoma as an ointment may help shrink the lipoma.
  9. Boswellia Serrata (Indian Frankincense): Studies have proven that Boswellia Serrata is a potent anti-inflammatory agent.2 Some medical practitioners believe this could be useful for treating lipoma at home.
  10. Triphala: Triphala is a medicine commonly used in Ayurveda. This compound has been proven to have fat and cholesterol-reducing properties.3 Since lipomas are made up of fat cells, Triphala may be a home remedy effective in reducing the size of the lipoma.

Things to Keep in Mind while using Home Remedies for Lipoma

Lipomas are not a cause for worry as they pose no threat to your body. The only reason for removing them is for you to look cosmetically acceptable. Home remedies can teach you how to remove a lipoma yourself and help in shrinking or, at times removing the lipoma, but there are a few things to keep in mind while using the home-mentioned remedies for lipoma:

  1. As home remedies are not an instant solution for removing lipomas, you need to be patient while trying one out. When using a home remedy, stick to it for a least a month. If there is no change in the lipoma, you can add another home remedy to it or try a different option.
  2. Home remedies work differently for everyone. If a particular home remedy has worked for your friend, the same remedy doesn't need to work for you too. This is because how your body reacts to that ingredient differs from how your friend's body responds to it.

Lifestyle Changes

Home remedies, along with lifestyle changes, help in shrinking or removing lipomas. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential for your body.

  1. Lose weight: Lipomas are lumps of fat. The more overweight you are, the more propensity for lipomas to develop. It is advisable to lose weight to prevent the formation of lipomas.
  2. Do not eat unhealthy food: Eating the right foods will help the body eliminate lipomas. Foods with antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, proteins and Vitamin C are recommended.
    1. Fresh citrus fruits like strawberries, kiwis, guavas, etc.
    2. Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli, kale fenugreek, etc.
    3. Foods rich in Vitamin A, like carrots and papayas.
    4. Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids (fish).
    5. Foods rich in protein, like beans, chicken and tofu.
  3. Eat less red meat: Meat that is free from chemicals and steroids as it causes a gain in weight. You can eat lean chicken, beans, tofu, etc., instead of red meat. These are high in protein and do not lead to an increase in weight.
  4. Exercise regularly: regular exercise will keep you active and help to improve your metabolism, which will help reduce the fat accumulation in the body.
  5. Get at least 8 hours of sleep: getting a proper 8 hours of sleep will help improve your metabolic activities and help lead you to a healthy lifestyle.
  6. Quit smoking: Nicotine present in tobacco causes changes in your fat cells and hence in the size of the lipoma.
  7. Limit your alcohol intake: In people with lipomas, alcohol, if taken occasionally, does not cause problems, but regular and heavy consumption can lead to Madelung’s disease. This rare disorder of fat storage accumulation causes fat below the skin (subcutaneous fat) in different parts of the body, e.g. in arms, thighs, shoulders, trunks, etc., over months.

When to See a Doctor?

Home remedies can guide you on how to remove a lipoma yourself, but they should be used with caution. During the treatment with home remedies, you should consult your doctor immediately if you notice that the lipoma is:

  1. Changing its size: If the lipoma is becoming bigger.
  2. Becoming hot to touch: The skin has increased temperature over the lipoma and its surrounding area.
  3. Increasing redness: There is an increase in the colour (redness) of the skin over the lipoma.
  4. Not moving on touch: Lipoma has turned into a hard lump and is not moving by touching.
  5. Showing skin changes: The skin around the lipoma is of different colour and texture than the normal skin.


Lipomas are small lumps filled with fat cells. They are usually harmless and do not cause any symptoms. Home remedies on how to remove a lipoma yourself can help to a certain extent. Try the remedies listed above to find out what works best for you.

Our team of doctors at HexaHealth are always there to help you with any queries and doubts regarding removing lipomas at home. You can call on our toll-free number for a free online consultation. Consult with the surgeons at HexaHealth to find the best way to treat your lipoma.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You can try to remove a lipoma with home remedies for lipomas like turmeric, neem oil, flaxseed oil, sage, apple cider vinegar and some ayurvedic treatments. Dietary changes, including eating fresh vegetables and fruits and avoiding processed and canned foods, can also help shrink your lipoma considerably.

Home remedies for lipoma include turmeric, neem oil, flaxseed oil, apple cider vinegar and herbs like sage and Triphala. These home remedies are effective in reducing the size of the lipoma to a considerable extent.

Some ways to shrink lipomas naturally include using turmeric, apple cider vinegar, neem oil, flaxseed oil, etc.

If the lipoma is not causing any symptoms, you can try some home remedies to reduce the size of the lipoma. You can use neem oil, flaxseed oil, apple cider vinegar, etc., to dissolve a lipoma without surgery.

A lipoma will not shrink or dissolve upon massage. However, a gentle massage may help in reducing the discomfort associated with lipoma. You may gently massage the lipoma using neem oil, flaxseed oil or Thuja Ointment.

Lipomas are a group of fat cells. Applying a warm compress will not help to dissolve the lipoma. If you suffer from any symptoms like tenderness and pain in the lipoma, a warm compress will help reduce these symptoms.

A lipoma is a small lump of fat cells that grows slowly till it reaches a size of about 2 inches. It usually stops growing after that. If the lipoma keeps increasing in size, you should consult your doctor and plan the right approach to treat the lipoma, as there may be chances that it has become cancerous.

Walking, running, or any exercise will not help reduce the lipoma nor prevent new ones from forming. A good nutritious diet that consists of fresh foods may be more beneficial for you.

Lipomas are fat cells. Applying ice to it will not help, as ice does not affect the lipoma. If you have symptoms like burning, itching or pain, an ice pack may help control them.

The “Quick Squeeze method” is an effective way to treat a lipoma. It involves making a small incision on the lipoma and squeezing the fat out. However, a surgeon should perform this procedure in a hospital setting as it may cause infection and other complications.

Yes, lipomas are small, fatty bulges on the skin that are quite harmless. However, do keep an eye on your lipoma. Any increase in the size, pain and discomfort are some of the signs that would indicate that the lipoma needs medical attention.

Lipomas are soft lumps present under your skin that are filled with fatty tissue. Sometimes, a lipoma may contain blood vessels and other tissues.

Lipomas are usually present just under the skin. Some lipomas are situated deep in the muscles, known as intramuscular lipomas.

Lipomas are fat-filled lumps that do not usually burst open. Do not try pricking or bursting the lipoma on your own, however soft they may feel to touch, as this will cause pain.

No, lipomas are just lumps formed due to the overgrowth of fat cells. They are slow-growing fatty tumours. Cancerous lipomas are called liposarcomas. It is very rare for a lipoma to turn into a liposarcoma (rare cancer that develops in the fat cells, especially in the muscles of the limbs and abdomen).

Last Updated on: 24 August 2023

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Priyanka Sharma

Dr. Priyanka Sharma

MBBS, DNB Plastic Surgery

15 Years Experience

Dr Priyanka Sharma is a well-known Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon associated with HealthPort Clinic in Delhi. She has 15 years of experience in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic surgery and worked as an expert Plastic,...View More


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