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United CIIGMA Hospitals, Aurangabad
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United CIIGMA Hospitals, Aurangabad - Reviews

Hexa Partner
JCI certified
16 Doctors16 Specialities

Multi-Speciality Hospital

Timing: 24 x 7 Open


87 Ratings

34 patients enquired about the doctor in last 1 hour.


Aurangabad, Aurangabad, Maharashtra

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Book Appointment with United CIIGMA Hospitals, Aurangabad

Ratings & Reviews


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Ravindra Deshpande
14 days ago

I was constantly feeling abnormal heart rhythms. Upon the suggestion of my cousin, I visited this hospital. The cardiologist at this hospital suggested treatments such as medication and lifestyle changes other than pacemaker implantation to manage my condition. The treatment is making a significant difference.

Swetha Ramesh Kulkarni
14 days ago

I had a great experience at the hospital when I had an ear infection. The ENT team of the CIIGMA hospital was supportive, and the care was excellent, addressing my itching, redness, and swelling. Also, I must say that Hexabuddy from HexaHealth was supportive throughout the treatment process. The experts at HexaHealth suggested the best doctor, and I'm really satisfied.

Sumegha Apte
14 days ago

Irregular periods affected my daily life, but Dr. Sonal provided a clear plan and effective treatment. I’m now experiencing more regular cycles and have a renewed sense of normalcy. The care and attention have been exceptional. This all happened so positively becoz of HexaHealth. They helped me schedule an online appointment with the gyne. Informed me about the doctor timings so I can meet in-person.

Satish Joshi
14 days ago

माझ्या मोतीबिंदूच्या समस्येमुळे जीवन अवघड झालं होतं. डॉ. यांच्या उपचारांनी माझं दृष्टी सुधारली आणि आता मला स्पष्टपणे दिसतंय. त्यांच्या उत्कृष्ट देखभाल आणि सहानुभूतीसाठी मी अत्यंत आभारी आहे. अत्यंत समाधानकारक अनुभव!

Dev Awasthi
14 days ago

मेरे जोड़ के ऑपरेशन के दौरान इस अस्पताल ने शानदार सुविधाएं प्रदान कीं। आधुनिक ऑपरेशन थियेटर, अनुभवी सर्जन, और 24/7 नर्सिंग देखभाल ने मेरी सर्जरी को सहज और सुरक्षित बनाया। कक्ष और पुनर्वास की सुविधाएं भी उत्कृष्ट थीं। इलाज के बाद, मैं अब पूरी तरह से ठीक हूँ और चलने में कोई परेशानी नहीं है।

Surya Apte
14 days ago

माझ्या सायटिका समस्येने मला खूप त्रास दिला होता. डॉ. उपचारांनी माझ्या वेदना कमी झाल्या आणि चालणे सोपे झाले. त्यांच्या संजीवनी काळजी आणि उपचार पद्धतीमुळे मी आता खूप आरामात आहे


The United CIIGMA Hospitals, Aurangabad has 4.7 ratings out of 5 and 87 reviews at HexaHealth.
The United CIIGMA Hospitals, Aurangabad reviews offer insights into patient experiences, treatments, facilities, doctors behaviour, and overall satisfaction levels at the hospital.
The reviews are sourced from real patients at HexaHealth who have received treatment at United CIIGMA Hospitals, Aurangabad, providing authentic and valuable feedback for those seeking healthcare services.
Yes, the reviews cover various aspects, including specialties like ENT, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Orthopedic, and treatments such as Laparoscopic Hysterectomy, Arthroscopy, Total Hip Replacement, consultations, and overall patient care experiences at United CIIGMA Hospitals, Aurangabad.

Book Appointment with United CIIGMA Hospitals, Aurangabad

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