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Sexual Wellness Questions and Answers

Sexual Wellness
HexaHealth TeamExpert


Yes, frenectomy can be performed after circumcision and/or frenuloplasty of the penis. Frenulectomy (removal of the frenulum) is generally a safe procedure when done by an experienced surgeon. The safety and appropriateness of a frenectomy depend on factors such as healing from prior surgeries, the specific condition being treated, and any complications. It’s always recommended to consult with your urologist or surgeon to discuss your specific situation and receive personalized advice.

Dr. Bhavya GuptaExpert

Dear Umesh,

Your symptoms suggest a condition called phimosis (tight foreskin), which can cause pain, discomfort, and bleeding during intercourse. To understand your condition better, please share:

  • Since when are you experiencing this problem?
  • Can you retract your foreskin fully while flaccid or erect?
  • Any history of infections, swelling, or white patches on the foreskin?
  • Have you tried any treatment or ointments before?

Possible Treatment Options:

✔ Gentle Foreskin Stretching Exercises – Should be done carefully to avoid further injury.
✔ Oral Medications – If there is associated inflammation or infection.
✔ Circumcision – If phimosis is severe and causing pain and recurrent bleeding, minimally invasive surgical options like stapler or laser circumcision may be needed for permanent relief.

Since you are experiencing pain and bleeding, we strongly recommend consulting a urologist at the earliest for proper evaluation and treatment.

Avoid forcing the foreskin back, as it may worsen the issue. Let us know if you need assistance in finding the right doctor.

Take care! 

7 days ago
Mr David
Posted Under Sexual Wellness
on 24 February 2025
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Dr. Bhavya GuptaExpert

प्रिय डेविड जी,

आपकी चिंता को समझते हुए, पैनिक इरेक्शन (अचानक और अनियंत्रित उत्तेजना) का समाधान संभव है। यह समस्या शारीरिक, मानसिक या दोनों कारणों से हो सकती है।

संभावित उपचार:

  1. मनोवैज्ञानिक परामर्श:

    • कॉग्निटिव बिहेवियरल थेरेपी (CBT): यह थेरेपी नकारात्मक विचारों और व्यवहारों को पहचानकर उन्हें सकारात्मक रूप में बदलने में मदद करती है।
    • तनाव प्रबंधन: ध्यान, योग और श्वास व्यायाम से तनाव कम करके इरेक्शन समस्याओं में सुधार हो सकता है।
  2. चिकित्सकीय उपचार:

    • दवाएँ रक्त प्रवाह बढ़ाकर इरेक्शन में सहायता करती हैं। इनका उपयोग डॉक्टर की सलाह से ही करें।
    • हार्मोन थेरेपी: यदि टेस्टोस्टेरोन का स्तर कम है, तो हार्मोन रिप्लेसमेंट थेरेपी पर विचार किया जा सकता है।
    • वैक्यूम इरेक्शन डिवाइस (VED): यह एक उपकरण है जो नकारात्मक दबाव का उपयोग करके लिंग में रक्त प्रवाह बढ़ाता है, जिससे इरेक्शन प्राप्त होता है।

  3. जीवनशैली में परिवर्तन:

    • नियमित व्यायाम: शारीरिक गतिविधि रक्त संचार में सुधार करती है।
    • संतुलित आहार: पोषक तत्वों से भरपूर आहार समग्र स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा देता है।
    • धूम्रपान और शराब से परहेज: ये इरेक्शन समस्याओं को बढ़ा सकते हैं।

अगले कदम:

  • चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें: सटीक कारण जानने और उचित उपचार योजना बनाने के लिए अपने डॉक्टर से मिलें।
  • खुली बातचीत करें: यदि आप रिश्ते में हैं, तो अपने साथी से अपनी चिंताओं के बारे में बात करें; यह मानसिक दबाव को कम कर सकता है।
17 days ago
Sagar Anant Kosumbkar
Posted Under Sexual Wellness
on 18 February 2025
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HexaHealth TeamExpert

Hello Sagar ji,

कधी कधी, झसर (circumcision) झाल्यानंतर तात्पुरती सूज येऊ शकते, विशेषतः जर लसीकेच्या ग्रंथी (lymph nodes) प्रतिक्रिया देत असतील.

परंतु, जर सूज वेदनादायक, लालसर, उष्ण वाटत असेल, पू भरलेली असेल, किंवा वाढत असेल किंवा बराच काळ टिकत असेल, तर तो संक्रमण किंवा इतर गुंतागुंतीचा संकेत असू शकतो.

तुम्ही काय करू शकता?

✅ गरम पाण्याचा शेक द्या – यामुळे सूज कमी होण्यास मदत होऊ शकते.
✅ स्वच्छता राखा जेणेकरून संसर्ग होणार नाही.
✅ डॉक्टरांचा सल्ला घेतल्याशिवाय कोणतेही मलम किंवा औषध वापरू नका.
✅ जर तुम्हाला तीव्र वेदना, ताप, किंवा सूज वाढताना जाणवली, तर त्वरित डॉक्टरांचा सल्ला घ्या.

लवकर बरे व्हा! 🙏

17 days ago
Sagar Anant Kosumbkar
Posted Under Sexual Wellness
on 17 February 2025
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HexaHealth TeamExpert

ZSR सर्जरी के बाद, अधिकांश मरीज 10 से 14 दिनों के भीतर पूरी तरह से स्वस्थ हो जाते हैं। इस अवधि में, लिंग पर लगी सिलिकॉन रिंग या नॉन-बायोएब्ज़ॉर्बेबल स्टेपल अपने आप गिर जाते हैं। आमतौर पर, आप सर्जरी के एक सप्ताह के भीतर अपने दैनिक कार्यों पर लौट सकते हैं, लेकिन कम से कम एक महीने तक सभी यौन गतिविधियों से परहेज करना चाहिए।

अपने उपचाररत डॉक्टर की सलाह के अनुसार सावधानियाँ अपनाएँ ताकि आपकी स्वस्थ्यावस्था पूर्ण और शीघ्र हो सके।

24 days ago
Nelson G
Posted Under Sexual Wellness
on 15 February 2025
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Dr. Bhavya GuptaExpert

Dear Nelson,

Itching and pain in the penis can result from various conditions, and feeling sleepy afterwards may or may not be directly related. To provide accurate guidance, it's essential to consider several potential causes:

Possible causes include inflammatory conditions such as Balanitis, fungal infection, etc.

Next Steps:

  1. Consult a Healthcare Provider:

    • An in-person evaluation by a healthcare professional is crucial to diagnose the underlying cause accurately.
    • They may perform a physical examination and recommend tests, such as swabs or urine analyses, to identify infections or other issues.

  2. Maintain Proper Hygiene:

    • Gently clean the genital area with warm water and avoid harsh soaps or chemicals.
    • Ensure the area is dry before dressing to prevent fungal growth.

  3. Avoid Potential Irritants:

    • Use hypoallergenic products for personal care.
    • If you suspect a latex allergy, consider using latex-free condoms.

  4. Monitor for Additional Symptoms:

    • Take note of any other signs, such as discharge, sores, or systemic symptoms like fever, and inform your healthcare provider.

Addressing these symptoms promptly with professional medical advice is essential to prevent potential complications and ensure appropriate treatment.

24 days ago
Dr. Bhavya GuptaExpert

Hello Raj,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding total penectomy and potential complications such as urethral stricture. Total penectomy is a significant surgical procedure typically performed for specific medical indications, such as penile cancer.

Potential Complications:

  • Urethral Stricture: After total penectomy, there is a risk of developing a urethral stricture, which is a narrowing of the urethra that can impede urine flow. This may require further medical intervention to manage.

  • Other Considerations: The procedure can also lead to changes in urinary function, sexual function, and psychological impacts. It's crucial to discuss these aspects thoroughly with your healthcare provider.

Additional Information Needed:

To provide more personalized advice, it would be helpful to understand:

  • Medical Indication: What is the underlying reason for considering total penectomy? Is there a diagnosis of penile cancer or another medical condition necessitating this procedure?

  • Specialist Consultation: Have you consulted with a urologist or oncologist regarding this condition? If so, what recommendations have been made?

Next Steps:

We strongly recommend scheduling an in-person consultation with a urologist to discuss your specific situation, understand the indications for the procedure, and explore all available options. A comprehensive evaluation, including medical history, physical examination, and necessary investigations, will help determine the most appropriate action. Additionally, consider seeking support from counselling services to address any psychological concerns related to the procedure.

Take care,

28 days ago
Dr. Bhavya GuptaExpert

Hello Mohit Ji,

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common issue that can often be managed effectively. Since you are 19, it is important to evaluate if this is a persistent problem or just occasional. Here’s what you can do:

Step-by-Step Approach

  1. Self-Assessment:

    • Has this been a consistent issue since you became sexually active?
    • Do you experience PE during solo activity as well?

  2. Possible Causes:

    • Anxiety, stress, or overthinking during intimacy
    • Over-sensitivity of penile nerves
    • Hormonal imbalance or low serotonin levels
    • Lack of experience and excitement-related response

  3. Treatment & Management:

    • Behavioral Techniques: Try the start-stop method or squeeze technique to improve control.
    • Distracted Thinking: Instead of focusing entirely on performance, shifting your thoughts to non-sexual topics can help delay ejaculation.
    • Pelvic Floor Exercises: Kegel exercises can strengthen muscles that help delay ejaculation.
    • Lifestyle Changes: Reduce stress, avoid smoking, alcohol, or excessive masturbation.
    • Medications & Topical Solutions: If needed, certain prescription medications or topical numbing creams can help reduce sensitivity and delay ejaculation.
    • Counseling & Therapy: If anxiety or psychological factors are involved, speaking to a sex therapist or counselor can provide long-term benefits.

  4. Specialist Consultation: If the problem persists, consulting a urologist or sexologist is advisable to rule out medical causes and receive personalized treatment.

At HexaHealth, we can connect you with experienced specialists for expert guidance and treatment. Feel free to reach out for further assistance.

1 month ago
Posted Under Sexual Wellness
on 23 January 2025
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Dr. Bhavya GuptaExpert


Genital warts are caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV).

Suggested Treatment for Genital Warts

  1. Topical Treatments
    • Medications may be prescribed to help remove warts.

  2. Procedural Options
    • Cryotherapy: Freezing the warts with liquid nitrogen.
    • Electrocautery: Burning the warts using an electric current.
    • Laser Therapy: Using a laser to remove warts.
    • Surgical Removal: For larger or persistent warts.

  3. Other Considerations
    • HPV vaccination is recommended to prevent further infections.
    • Use protection during sexual activity to prevent transmission.

Additional Information Needed

  1. How long have you had these warts?
  2. Any symptoms such as pain, itching, or bleeding?
  3. Any history of sexual activity or other medical conditions?

How HexaHealth Can Help?

We can connect you with experienced dermatologists and urologists who specialize in treating genital warts. HexaHealth provides:

  • Expert consultation for proper diagnosis and treatment.
  • Access to advanced procedures at leading hospitals or clinics.
  • Assistance with insurance and cost transparency.

Feel free to reach out for a consultation or more information. We are here to help you regain your health and comfort.

1 month ago
Ajay Kumar
Posted Under Sexual Wellness
on 22 January 2025
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Dr. Bhavya GuptaExpert

Hello Ajay Ji,

Dorsal neurectomy is a surgical option that aims to reduce penile sensitivity by severing specific nerve branches. However, it is important to note that most medical guidelines do not recommend surgery as the primary treatment for PME. This is because:

  • Surgery is generally considered only in specific and severe cases where other treatments have failed.
  • There is a lack of robust clinical evidence supporting its long-term effectiveness.
  • The procedure carries risks, including sensory loss, altered sexual experience, and complications.

Instead, first-line treatments for PME often include

  • Medications (e.g., SSRIs or topical anaesthetics),
  • Behavioural therapy and counselling,
  • Lifestyle changes to manage contributing factors like stress or anxiety.

To provide more specific advice, could you share

  1. How long have you been experiencing PME?
  2. Have you tried non-surgical treatments such as medications or therapy?
  3. Are there any ongoing medical conditions or previous treatments?

How HexaHealth Can Help

At HexaHealth, we ensure a thorough evaluation of your condition by connecting you with leading urologists and sexual health experts. We can assist you with:

  • Comprehensive consultation to explore all treatment options.
  • Expert second opinions to determine if surgery is appropriate in your case.
  • Guidance on procedures, costs, and insurance.

Feel free to reach out for further assistance. Our goal is to help you make the best-informed decision for your health.

1 month ago
Dr. Bhavya GuptaExpert

Hello Ajay ji,

Penile Implant Surgery for Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Penile implants, such as the RIGICON RIGI10, are devices surgically placed inside the penis to allow men with ED to achieve an erection. This option is typically considered when other treatments for ED have failed. The procedure involves risks and benefits that should be discussed in detail with a urologist.

Epididymal Cyst Management

Epididymal cysts are usually benign and asymptomatic. However, if the cyst is causing discomfort or other symptoms, surgical removal may be considered.

Additional Considerations

  • Semen Infection: Active infections should be treated appropriately before considering surgical interventions to prevent complications.

Next Steps

  1. Comprehensive Evaluation: A thorough assessment by a urologist is crucial to determine the underlying causes of your symptoms and to discuss the most appropriate treatment options.

  2. Diagnostic Tests: Additional investigations, such as hormonal profiles, imaging studies, and semen analysis, may be necessary to guide treatment decisions.

How HexaHealth Can Assist?

HexaHealth can connect you with experienced urologists and healthcare facilities to provide personalized care. We can assist in scheduling consultations, coordinating diagnostic tests, and facilitating surgical procedures if appropriate. Please let us know if you would like to proceed with scheduling a consultation or have any further questions.

1 month ago
Dr. Bhavya GuptaExpert

Dear Ajay Ji,

Thank you for providing detailed information about your concerns. We kindly request additional information to assist you further:

  1. Medical History
    • Do you have any ongoing medications or treatments for ED, PME, or other related conditions?
    • Any history of other surgeries or chronic illnesses?

  2. Symptoms and Severity:
    • How long have you been experiencing these symptoms?
    • Are there any associated pain or other issues with the epididymal cyst?

  3. Diagnostic Reports:
    • When was the epididymal cyst diagnosed?
    • Have you had any hormonal tests or imaging for ED and PME recently?

  4. Location and Insurance
    • Could you share your preferred location for treatment?
    • Do you have insurance coverage or financing options for the procedures?

Next Steps with HexaHealth

HexaHealth can connect you with leading urology specialists and centres of excellence where advanced procedures such as dorsal neurectomy, penile implant surgery, and cyst management are performed. We provide:

  • Guidance on diagnostic and preoperative assessments.
  • Expert opinions to help you decide the best treatment plan.
  • Support in arranging consultations, second opinions, and insurance processing.

Feel free to share any additional details to help us better serve your needs.

Your well-being is our priority, and we are here to guide you at every step.

1 month ago
Posted Under Sexual Wellness
on 16 January 2025
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Dr. Bhavya GuptaExpert


Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common issue and can be treated effectively with the right approach. Here are quick tips and treatment options, including surgical interventions, if necessary:

Quick Tips for Managing ED

  1. Lifestyle Changes:

    • Healthy Diet: Incorporate fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
    • Exercise Regularly: Aerobic exercises like walking, cycling, or swimming improve blood flow.
    • Quit Smoking & Alcohol: These can impair blood circulation and testosterone levels.
    • Manage Stress: Practice meditation, yoga, or relaxation techniques to reduce anxiety.
  2. Medications:

    • Oral medications can be prescribed.
    • Always consult a doctor for appropriate dosage and suitability.
  3. Address Underlying Conditions:

    • Manage diabetes, hypertension, or obesity with medical help.
    • Get screened for hormonal imbalances and treat accordingly.
  4. Psychological Support:

    • Seek counselling or therapy for performance anxiety or relationship issues.
    • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is often effective.

Advanced Treatments for Severe ED

  1. Vacuum Erection Devices (VEDs):

    • A non-invasive option to improve blood flow and maintain an erection.
  2. Hormone Therapy:

    • If ED is due to low testosterone, hormone replacement therapy may be beneficial.
  3. Surgical Options:

    • Penile Implants: Semi-rigid or inflatable devices surgically placed in the penis.
    • Vascular Surgery: To improve blood flow in specific cases of arterial blockage.

When to See a Doctor

  • Persistent symptoms lasting over three months.
  • Difficulty maintaining an erection even after lifestyle modifications.
  • Psychological distress or significant impact on your relationship.

Feel free to connect with a HexaHealth specialist for a personalized consultation or explore advanced treatment options, including surgery, at leading hospitals near you.

1 month ago
Kishan Valmik
Posted Under Sexual Wellness
on 12 January 2025
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HexaHealth TeamExpert

Namaste Kishan Ji,

Virya meaning sperm count badhane ke liye healthy lifestyle aur sahi diet zaruri hai. Yeh tips madad karenge:

  1. Protein, zinc, aur antioxidants se bharpoor khana, jaise ki akhrot, badam, anda, machli, aur hari sabziyan.
  2. Rozana achhe se paani peena.
  3. Regular physical activity, lekin heavy ya over-exercise, avoid karein.
  4. Yoga aur meditation, try karein.
  5. Smoking aur alcohol se door rahein.
  6. Doctor ki salah se multivitamins ya supplements jaise zinc aur folic acid le sakte hain.

Agar sperm count ya quality mein issue lag raha ho, toh specialist (urologist/andrologist) ko zarur consult karein. Woh aapki health check kar ke dawa ya treatment recommend karenge.


1 month ago
Mi K
Posted Under Sexual Wellness
on 10 January 2025
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HexaHealth TeamExpert


Sperm count low hone ke kai reasons ho sakte hain, lekin lifestyle changes aur proper treatment se isse improve kiya ja sakta hai. Yahaan kuch zaruri steps diye gaye hain:

Improve Karne ke Tips:

  1. Healthy Diet: Zinc aur antioxidants se bharpoor khana (anda, nuts, machhli, akhrot, pumpkin seeds).
  2. Hydration: Rozana 8-10 glasses paani piyein.
  3. Exercise: Regular physical activity karein, lekin over-exercise avoid karein.
  4. Stress Management: Meditation aur yoga try karein.
  5. Nasha Avoid Karein: Smoking aur alcohol completely bandh karein.
  6. Sleep: Daily 7-8 ghante ki achhi neend lein.

Treatment Options:

Agar sperm count bahut kam hai, toh ek andrologist (male fertility specialist) se consult karein. Doctor kuch tests (semen analysis) karenge aur zarurat ho toh medicines ya advanced treatments (like IUI, IVF) recommend karenge.

HexaHealth aapko best fertility experts aur trusted hospitals se connect karega. Consultation aur treatment planning ke liye humein contact karein.

1 month ago
HexaHealth TeamExpert

Hello Siddhartha

It’s essential to first consult a urologist to identify the underlying cause of erectile issues, as they could result from physical, psychological, or lifestyle factors. A professional evaluation will guide the right treatment plan.

  • Incorporate foods like spinach, watermelon, nuts, and fish into your diet to improve blood flow and stamina.
  • Regular exercise, stress management, and adequate sleep can also enhance erection quality and overall health.
2 months ago
Posted Under Sexual Wellness
on 28 December 2024
1 Person found this helpful
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Dr. Rudrani DholeExpert

Hello Sushma Ji,

Yes, abortion is possible under legal and medical conditions as per the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, 1971.

We strongly advise against using unsafe abortion methods, as they can harm your health. Instead, consult a qualified gynaecologist who can guide you through safe and legal options based on your situation.

If you need help finding a doctor or any other advice, we’re here to assist you.

2 months ago
Dr. Bhavya GuptaExpert


Varicocele and Viagra: Varicocele is a condition where the veins in the scrotum become enlarged, often causing discomfort or contributing to fertility issues. Viagra (sildenafil) is typically used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). If you have ED, Viagra can be helpful; however, it should be taken with caution when you're on other medications and only after consultation with a medical specialist.

Consult Your Urologist or medical specialist: It's important to get advice based on your complete medical history and the medications you're on. Your healthcare provider can review your specific situation and give you personalized guidance.

How HexaHealth Can Help?

We can connect you with experienced urologists and cardiologists to review your medications and health conditions, ensuring that you receive the safest and most effective treatment.

Please reach out to us for more details or for a consultation.

1 month ago
Dr. Bhavya GuptaExpert

Hello Rohit Ji,

It sounds like you're experiencing recurrent infections, which can sometimes be associated with diabetes. It’s important to get this evaluated by a urologist to determine the exact cause, whether it's related to diabetes or another condition such as phimosis (where the foreskin can't be retracted).

If surgery like circumcision is recommended, the cost can be around ₹28,000, but this may vary depending on the procedure technique, whether laser or stapler is used, the hospital & the doctor chosen.

Feel free to contact us for further details or to schedule a consultation. We can guide you through the next steps.

3 months ago
Posted Under Sexual Wellness
on 16 November 2024
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HexaHealth TeamExpert

Hello Sailesh Ji,

Erectile dysfunction (ED) and the absence of morning erections can have various causes, such as stress, hormonal imbalances, or underlying health issues like diabetes or cardiovascular conditions. A thorough evaluation is essential to identify the cause and determine the best treatment.

Treatment Options:

  1. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, quitting smoking, and stress management can significantly improve erectile function.
  2. Hormone Therapy: If low testosterone is the cause, hormone replacement therapy may be recommended.
  3. Psychological factors, such as stress or anxiety, can be addressed with therapy.
  4. Vacuum erection devices or penile pumps,
  5. In severe cases, surgical options like penile implants or vascular surgery may be considered for long-term solutions.

Consulting a specialist is the first step toward finding the most effective treatment for your condition. Feel free to reach out to schedule an appointment.

3 months ago

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