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Orthopaedics Questions and Answers

HexaHealth TeamExpert

Hello Mr Venkata,

Thank you for reaching out to HexaHealth. The knee replacement surgery is covered under the Ayushman Bharat scheme. You can view empanelled hospitals near your area by visiting their official website.

If you need any additional support or wish to explore private hospitals with recommended financial options for your treatment, please feel free to contact us. We're here to help

6 days ago
Posted Under Orthopaedics
on 7 March 2025
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HexaHealth TeamExpert

Dear Venkata,

Many specialized orthopaedic hospitals near Gachibowli, Hyderabad, offer advanced knee replacement surgery. Some well-known hospital brands in the area include Medicover, Care, Global Hospitals, etc.

Next Steps:

✔ Consult an Orthopedic Specialist – Book an appointment to discuss your condition and the best treatment options.
✔ Verify Insurance Coverage – If using any insurance, confirm hospital empanelment.
✔ Pre-Surgical Evaluation – Undergo necessary tests to assess your fitness for surgery.

If you need assistance in choosing the right hospital or scheduling a consultation, let us know.

Wishing you a smooth recovery! 

6 days ago
H C Madan
Posted Under Orthopaedics
on 25 February 2025
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Dr. Rudrani DholeExpert

Dear H.C. Madan,

Experiencing heaviness and pain in your legs while at rest can result from various underlying conditions, including:

  • Musculoskeletal Issues: Conditions such as muscle strains, tendonitis, or arthritis can cause discomfort in the legs.

  • Neurological Disorders: Nerve-related issues like sciatica or peripheral neuropathy may lead to sensations of heaviness or pain.

  • Vascular Problems: Circulatory issues, such as peripheral artery disease (PAD) or deep vein thrombosis (DVT), can manifest as leg pain or heaviness.

Recommended Actions:

  • Consultation: It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional who can assess your symptoms and medical history to determine the underlying cause.

    • Orthopaedic Specialist: For potential musculoskeletal causes.

    • Neurologist: If a neurological condition is suspected.

    • Vascular Specialist: For issues related to blood circulation.

Precautions to Prevent Pain Aggravation:

  • Regular Exercise: Engage in low-impact activities like walking or swimming to improve circulation and strengthen muscles.

  • Maintain a Healthy Weight: Reducing excess weight can alleviate pressure on your legs.

  • Avoid Prolonged Sitting or Standing: Take regular breaks to move around if sitting or standing for extended periods.

  • Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration can help prevent muscle cramps and improve overall circulation.

  • Wear Appropriate Footwear: Supportive shoes can reduce strain on your legs.

Implementing these measures and professional medical advice can help manage your symptoms effectively.

16 days ago
Dr. Rudrani DholeExpert

प्रिय सतीश जी,

आपकी माता जी की गंभीर चोटों को ध्यान में रखते हुए, तत्काल और समग्र चिकित्सा देखभाल आवश्यक है। निम्नलिखित कदम उठाने की सलाह दी जाती है:

  1. विशेषज्ञ परामर्श: एक अनुभवी आर्थोपेडिक सर्जन और न्यूरोसर्जन से तुरंत संपर्क करें। वे विस्तृत मूल्यांकन कर उचित उपचार योजना निर्धारित करेंगे।

  2. निदान परीक्षण: चोटों की गंभीरता का आकलन करने के लिए एक्स-रे, सीटी स्कैन, या एमआरआई जैसे परीक्षण आवश्यक हो सकते हैं।

  3. उचित उपचार: फ्रैक्चर की प्रकृति के आधार पर, उपचार में स्थिरीकरण, सर्जरी, या अन्य चिकित्सकीय हस्तक्षेप शामिल हो सकते हैं।

  4. पुनर्वास: चोटों से उबरने के लिए फिजियोथेरेपी और पुनर्वास कार्यक्रम महत्वपूर्ण हैं, जो गतिशीलता और कार्यक्षमता बहाल करने में मदद करेंगे।

यदि आप पटना के आसपास किसी योग्य आर्थोपेडिक विशेषज्ञ और अस्पताल की खोज में सहायता चाहते हैं, तो हमारे केयर स्पेशलिस्ट से संपर्क करें। हमारी टीम आपको सर्वोत्तम संभव सहायता प्रदान करेगी।

17 days ago
HexaHealth TeamExpert

Dear Brigadier TC Abraham,

Morton's Neuroma is a painful condition affecting the nerves in the foot, and if conservative treatments such as orthotics, corticosteroid injections, or physical therapy have not provided relief, surgery is often considered.

Cryosurgery (Cryoablation) is indeed an emerging, minimally invasive treatment for Morton's Neuroma. It works by freezing the affected nerve to reduce pain and inflammation while preserving function. Compared to traditional nerve surgery, it has a lower risk of complications and ensures faster recovery.

This procedure is performed in both private and government hospitals. Some renowned hospital chains that offer this treatment include Manipal, Apollo, Narayana Health, Max, and Fortis.

We recommend consulting with a foot and ankle specialist or an orthopaedic surgeon specializing in nerve-related foot conditions. They can guide you on the best available treatment options and whether Cryosurgery is suitable for your wife’s case.

Would you like assistance in exploring specialists or hospitals in your preferred location? Please let us know how we can further assist you.

Wishing your wife a smooth recovery and good health.

17 days ago
Dr. Bhavya GuptaExpert

प्रिय वरिंदर जी,

तत्काल सुझाव:

  1. आराम (Rest): घुटने को आराम दें और भार न डालें।

  2. बर्फ (Ice): सूजन और दर्द कम करने के लिए दिन में 2-3 बार 15-20 मिनट तक बर्फ लगाएँ।

  3. संपीड़न (Compression): इलास्टिक बैंडेज का उपयोग करें, लेकिन ध्यान रखें कि यह बहुत तंग न हो।

  4. ऊँचाई (Elevation): सूजन कम करने के लिए पैर को ऊँचाई पर रखें।

चिकित्सकीय परामर्श:

यदि दर्द बना रहता है, सूजन बढ़ती है, या घुटने में जकड़न या अस्थिरता महसूस होती है, तो यह महत्वपूर्ण है कि आप एक आर्थोपेडिक विशेषज्ञ से परामर्श लें। वे आपकी चोट का विस्तृत मूल्यांकन करेंगे और आवश्यक परीक्षण, जैसे एक्स-रे या एमआरआई, की सलाह दे सकते हैं ताकि किसी भी आंतरिक क्षति का पता लगाया जा सके।

24 days ago
Kamal Advani
Posted Under Orthopaedics
on 6 February 2025
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Dr. Rudrani DholeExpert

Hello Uma Ji,

We're sorry to hear about your husband's long-standing shoulder pain, which has now become unbearable. Given that he has been experiencing this pain for the past 10 years and that it has recently worsened, a thorough evaluation is essential. To better understand his condition, could you please share a few additional details?

  • Is the pain constant or intermittent?
  • Does it radiate to his arm, neck, or other areas?
  • Has there been any recent injury or change in his daily activities?
  • What treatments has he tried so far, if any (medications, physiotherapy, injections, etc.)?

Based on your description, his pain might be due to issues such as rotator cuff problems, arthritis, or other shoulder pathologies. In the meantime, here are some general tips and precautions that may help manage his symptoms:

  • Activity Modification: Avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting. Rest the shoulder and refrain from movements that worsen the pain.
  • Posture and Ergonomics: Maintain good posture during daily activities. Using ergonomic supports at home or work can reduce shoulder strain.
  • Cold/Heat Therapy: Depending on his symptoms, applying an ice pack for 15–20 minutes several times a day may help reduce inflammation, or a warm compress might help relax tense muscles.
  • Pain Management: Over-the-counter pain relievers can help control discomfort. Please follow the dosage guidelines and your doctor’s advice.
  • Gentle Exercises: Once his acute pain subsides, gentle range-of-motion exercises or physical therapy may help improve flexibility and strengthen the shoulder. These should be started only after consulting with a specialist.

We strongly recommend that he consults in person with an orthopedic or musculoskeletal specialist for a detailed evaluation and personalized treatment plan. There is nothing to worry about if you consult with your doctor—proper evaluation and management can make a significant difference in his quality of life.

Take care,

1 month ago
Posted Under Orthopaedics
on 5 February 2025
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HexaHealth TeamExpert

गठिया (Arthritis) के कारण जोड़ों में दर्द, जकड़न और सूजन होती है। यदि आपकी स्थिति पहले से डायग्नोज़ हो चुकी है, तो यह जानना महत्वपूर्ण होगा कि क्या आपने अब तक कोई उपचार लिया है या नहीं। गठिया का सही प्रबंधन आवश्यक है क्योंकि इलाज में देरी से समस्या बढ़ सकती है और जोड़ों को स्थायी नुकसान हो सकता है।

अगले कदम:

🔹 आपकी मेडिकल हिस्ट्री और रिपोर्ट्स की समीक्षा करें – हमें यह जानना होगा कि आपका गठिया किस प्रकार का है (रूमेटॉइड, ऑस्टियोआर्थराइटिस, गाउट आदि)।
🔹 क्या आप पहले से कोई इलाज ले रहे हैं? – यदि हां, तो कौन-सा उपचार लिया गया है, और उसका असर कैसा रहा?
🔹 सुझाए गए परीक्षण: ब्लड टेस्ट (RA फैक्टर, CRP, यूरिक एसिड), एक्स-रे, या अन्य जांचें ताकि आपकी स्थिति की गंभीरता समझी जा सके।
🔹 संभावित उपचार योजना:

  • दर्द और सूजन कम करने के लिए दवाएँ
  • फिजियोथेरेपी और व्यायाम जो जोड़ों को लचीला बनाए रखने में मदद करें
  • डाइट और लाइफस्टाइल चेंजेज (एंटी-इंफ्लेमेटरी फूड्स, विटामिन-D, ओमेगा-3 सप्लीमेंट)

⚠ महत्वपूर्ण: गठिया का इलाज जितनी जल्दी शुरू करेंगे, उतना ही बेहतर रहेगा। इलाज में देरी से जोड़ों को स्थायी नुकसान हो सकता है।

1 month ago
Dr. Rudrani DholeExpert

Hello Rajinder Ji,

Thank you for reaching out. We understand how challenging it must be for your wife to deal with persistent shoulder and neck pain for two years, along with diabetes. Let us guide you through the next steps:

  1. Comprehensive Evaluation: Chronic pain like this requires a detailed assessment. It’s essential to identify the root cause—whether it's due to muscle strain, nerve compression, cervical spondylosis, or diabetic neuropathy.

  2. Diagnostic Tests: I recommend an MRI of the cervical spine and shoulder joint, along with blood tests to assess inflammation, vitamin deficiencies (e.g., Vitamin D, B12), and diabetic control (HbA1c).

  3. Specialist Consultation: If not already done, consult an orthopedic specialist or neurologist for a deeper evaluation. If phototherapy hasn’t worked, alternative options like physiotherapy (specific exercises or TENS therapy), trigger-point injections, or advanced pain management approaches could help.

  4. Surgical Treatment: Surgery is typically considered only if conservative treatments fail or if diagnostic imaging reveals a condition requiring intervention, such as severe nerve compression (e.g., a herniated disc or cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy). An expert evaluation will help determine if surgery, such as decompression or joint repair, is necessary.

  5. Diabetes Management: Poorly controlled diabetes can worsen pain and delay healing. Ensure her blood sugar levels are well-managed. Consulting a diabetologist for medication optimization might be beneficial.

  6. Lifestyle Modifications: Encourage light stretching exercises and ergonomic adjustments during daily activities. Avoid prolonged sitting or neck strain.

At HexaHealth, we can help connect you with top specialists to determine the need for surgery or alternative treatments. Let us assist you in scheduling an expert consultation or arranging a second opinion for a clearer direction.

Feel free to share her previous reports or any other medical details for personalized guidance. We're here to support you every step of the way!

1 month ago
Santosh Chandravanshi
Posted Under Orthopaedics
on 23 January 2025
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Dr. Rudrani DholeExpert

Namaste Santosh Ji,

Aapke L4-L5 disk bulge ke liye yeh samajhna zaroori hai ki symptoms kitne severe hain. Agar aapko pain, numbness, ya weakness feel ho rahi hai, toh yeh treatment steps follow karein:

Treatment Options

  1. Rest aur Posture Correction: Zyada der tak sitting avoid karein aur ergonomic posture maintain karein.
  2. Physiotherapy: Back strengthening aur stretching exercises disk bulge ke pressure ko reduce karte hain.
  3. Medications: Pain relief ke liye anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed ho sakte hain. Severe pain ke liye epidural injection recommended hai
  4. Surgery (Agar Zarurat Ho): Agar pain bohot severe ho aur conservative treatment se relief na mile, toh minimally invasive surgery jese microdiscectomy consider ki ja sakti hai. Is surgery me bulged part of the disk ko remove kiya jata hai, jo nerves pe pressure daal raha hota hai. Recovery fast hoti hai aur incision bhi chhota hota hai.

Additional Information

Kya aapko back ke alawa leg me pain, tingling ya numbness feel hoti hai? Pain kitne time se hai? Kya MRI recent hui hai? Yeh details share karein toh hum aapki aur madad kar sakte hain.

How HexaHealth Can Help

HexaHealth aapko expert neurologists aur spine surgeons se consult karne, advanced physiotherapy sessions book karne, aur surgery options ke liye top hospitals select karne me madad karega. Hume contact karein aur personalized guidance lein.

1 month ago
Posted Under Orthopaedics
on 21 January 2025
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Dr. Rudrani DholeExpert

Hello Cafinia Ji,

Thank you for sharing your concern. Based on your report indicating an ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) tear and your three years of knee pain, it's essential to address both the chronic discomfort and the structural damage for the best outcomes.

Treatment Options

  1. Non-Surgical Treatment (if not yet attempted or for partial tears):

    • Physiotherapy: To strengthen the muscles around the knee and improve joint stability.
    • Lifestyle Modifications: Reducing activities that stress the knee.
    • Pain Management: Anti-inflammatory medications or corticosteroid injections for temporary relief.
    • Knee Brace: A supportive knee brace can provide stability and reduce strain on the ligament during daily activities.
  2. Surgical Treatment (recommended for complete tears or when non-surgical methods fail):

    • ACL Reconstruction Surgery involves replacing the torn ligament with a graft, either from your own tissue (autograft) or a donor (allograft).
    • Arthroscopic Surgery: A minimally invasive procedure to repair or reconstruct the ACL with quicker recovery times compared to open surgery.

Request for Additional Information

It would be helpful to know:

  • When the imaging report was done—was it recent, or does it reflect the status from three years ago?
  • The severity of the ACL tear (as mentioned in your imaging report or doctor's note),
  • Whether you've already tried any non-surgical treatments,
  • If you experience knee instability, locking, or difficulty with day-to-day activities.

How HexaHealth Can Help

At HexaHealth, we specialize in connecting you with top orthopaedic surgeons and hospitals. We offer:

  • Expert Consultation: We help you schedule a consultation with leading orthopaedic specialists for a detailed evaluation.
  • Personalized Treatment Plans: Whether you need physiotherapy or surgery, our team will guide you through every step.
  • Minimally Invasive Surgery Options: Access to advanced arthroscopic ACL repair techniques for a quicker recovery.
  • Cashless Treatment Assistance: We assist with insurance approvals and provide transparent cost estimates.
  • Post-Operative Care: Including physiotherapy and follow-ups to ensure complete recovery.

Let us know if you'd like to schedule a consultation or need further guidance!

1 month ago
Rinku Rani
Posted Under Orthopaedics
on 20 January 2025
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HexaHealth TeamExpert

नमस्ते रिंकू जी

गठिया के इलाज के लिए आपको एक रुमेटोलॉजिस्ट (Rheumatologist) से संपर्क करना चाहिए। ये डॉक्टर गठिया और जोड़ों से जुड़ी समस्याओं के विशेषज्ञ होते हैं।

1 month ago
Kunal Sharma
Posted Under Orthopaedics
on 18 January 2025
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Dr. Rudrani DholeExpert

Hello Kunal Ji,

Aapke L4-L5 ke AP (anterior-posterior) 6 aur transverse 8 hain, aur agar aapko kamar se lekar pair tak dard ho raha hai, toh yeh disc-related problem, jaise ki herniated disc ya sciatica, ka sanket ho sakta hai. Kuch treatment options hain:

  1. Physical Therapy: Isse aapko back aur lower limbs ke muscles ko majboot karne mein madad milegi, jo dard ko kam kar sakti hai.
  2. Pain Medication: Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) ya pain relievers, aapke dard ko temporary relief de sakte hain.
  3. Heat or Cold Therapy: Garam ya thanda compress dard ko kam karne mein madad kar sakta hai.
  4. Epidural Steroid Injections: Yeh injection severe pain ko temporarily relief de sakta hai.
  5. Surgery: Agar conservative treatments se relief na mile, toh surgery bhi consider ki ja sakti hai, jaise discectomy.

Lekin sabse behtar treatment options ke liye aapko apne doctor se consult karna zaroori hai. Humare experts se contact karein jo aapko aapke specific case ke liye best treatment plan and top spine specialists suggest karenge.

1 month ago
Dr. Rudrani DholeExpert

Hello Supriya ji,

Based on your symptoms and the diagnosis of a C5-C6 issue in the MRI, it seems your pain is likely related to a cervical spine problem. This could involve a herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, or cervical spondylosis affecting the nerves in the neck, which might radiate pain to the shoulder and upper back.

Recommended Specialist to Visit:

  1. A spine specialist (orthopaedic spine surgeon or neurosurgeon specializing in the spine) is the best choice for cervical spine issues. They can evaluate your MRI thoroughly and provide treatment options tailored to your condition.

  2. For chronic pain, a pain management doctor can offer treatments like nerve blocks, epidural steroid injections, or advanced interventions if surgery is not immediately required.

  3. Post-diagnosis, a physical therapist can guide you through specific exercises to strengthen the neck and upper back muscles, reduce pain, and improve mobility.

We can help you connect with a spine specialist or a comprehensive care center, ensuring proper evaluation and treatment planning. Let us know if you need further help!

1 month ago
Posted Under Orthopaedics
on 6 January 2025
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HexaHealth TeamExpert


Please share your contact number and city, and we will ask our care specialist to contact you and guide you to the best oncology centre for a bone marrow biopsy and further treatment.

1 month ago
Mrunal Vasant Joshi
Posted Under Orthopaedics
on 26 December 2024
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Dr. Rudrani DholeExpert

Hello Mrunal ji,

Apollo Hospital Indore has excellent and board-certified orthopaedic surgeons who specialise in performing procedures like knee and hip replacement surgery. We can connect you with the experts and assist you right from having consultation to financing and postoperative care, ensuring smooth recovery. 

Feel free to connect us for more details

1 month ago
HexaHealth TeamExpert

Hello, Ariyan.

Hip imbalance, where one side appears larger or smaller, can sometimes be due to posture issues, uneven muscle development, or growth-related changes during the teenage years. Other potential reasons include leg length discrepancy, where one leg is slightly shorter than the other, or mild scoliosis (a sideways curve of the spine). Both of these can cause uneven hips.

An orthopaedic specialist can assess your posture, leg length, and spine alignment to determine the cause and recommend specific exercises or therapy/treatment to help improve balance.

4 months ago
Rajeev Kumar
Posted Under Orthopaedics
on 20 October 2024
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HexaHealth TeamExpert

Hello Rajeev Ji,

Kamar aur Backbone mein dard hone ke kai karan ho sakte hain, jaise ki posture ki galtiyan, muscle strain, ya kisi specific health condition jaise slip disc, arthritis, ya sciatica. Pain ka samajhna aur uske according treatment lena zaroori hai.**

Common Causes:

  • Muscle Strain: Baar-baar jhukna ya heavy lifting karna se.
  • Poor Posture: Computer ke saamne galat position mein lambe time tak baithna.
  • Slip Disc: Jab spine ki discs out of place ho jaati hain.
  • Arthritis: Joint inflammation se bhi dard ho sakta hai.
  • Sciatica: Nerves pe pressure se pain kamar se pair tak fail sakta hai.

Home Care Tips:

  • Hot or Cold Compress: Pain relief ke liye cold or hot pack lagayein.
  • Correct Posture: Beithe waqt back straight aur support ke saath rakhein.
  • Light Exercise: Doctor ki salaah se stretches ya halki exercise karein.
  • Rest: Zyada physical activity ko thoda rest karein.

Agar dard lambe samay tak rahe ya zyada intense ho, toh humein HexaHealth par contact karein. Hum aapko specialist ke saath connect karne aur aapki condition ke hisaab se treatment plan dene mein madad karenge.

4 months ago
Posted Under Orthopaedics
on 10 October 2024
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HexaHealth TeamExpert

Namaste Sultana jI,

L4 और L5 में समस्या के लिए लेजर सर्जरी एक प्रभावी विकल्प हो सकता है। आमतौर पर, सर्जरी के बाद 1-2 दिन में आराम मिलना शुरू हो सकता है, और पूरी तरह से ठीक होने में 1-2 सप्ताह लग सकते हैं। हालांकि, रिकवरी का समय हर मरीज की स्थिति और सर्जरी के प्रकार पर निर्भर करता है।

आपकी स्थिति को ध्यान में रखते हुए सही सलाह और उपचार के लिए HexaHealth ऐप पर हमारे विशेषज्ञों से संपर्क करें।

4 months ago

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