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Sebaceous Cyst Removal: Treatment, Excision, Video, Recovery

Sebaceous Cyst Removal

Treatment Duration


15 Minutes

------ To ------

20 Minutes

Treatment Cost


₹ 20,000

------ To ------

₹ 40,000

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Sebaceous Cyst Removal

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You might have a sebaceous cyst if you find a white or yellow lump on your skin. Sebaceous cysts are usually harmless and don't cause pain, but keep an eye out for signs of infection. 

You can get treatment for your sebaceous cyst from a medical professional or try home remedies to cure it. But, if left untreated, the cyst could cause further infection. 

Surgery Name Sebaceous Cyst Removal
Alternative Name Epidermoid Cyst Removal
Diseases Treated Sebaceous Cyst
Benefits of the Surgery Relief of symptoms, Improved appearance, Relief from pain
Treated by General surgeon, Dermatologist

You can check Sebaceous Cyst Removal Cost here.

What is Sebaceous Cyst Removal?

Sebaceous cyst excision is a surgical procedure that involves removing a sebaceous cyst from the skin. The procedure is typically performed by a dermatologist or plastic surgeon and can be done under local anaesthesia.

During the surgery, the doctor will make a small incision in the skin over the cyst and remove the cyst and its contents. The incision is then closed with stitches.

Sebaceous cyst removal is typically a simple procedure that can be done on an outpatient basis. After the surgery, the patient may take antibiotics to prevent infection and keep the incision covered with a bandage for a few days. The patient will also need to follow the doctor's instructions for caring for the incision site, such as keeping it clean and dry.

Anatomy and Physiology of Skin

The skin comprises several layers, each with its unique structure and function.

  1. Epidermis: This is the outermost layer of the skin. It comprises several layers of cells that are constantly being produced and replaced. The cells in the epidermis are known as keratinocytes, and they have a protein called keratin, which helps protect the skin from environmental damage and infection.
  2. Dermis: The second layer of the skin is called the dermis. It is made up of connective tissue that contains sweat glands, blood vessels, and oil glands. The dermis also contains nerve endings that help the body sense touch, temperature, and pain.
  3. Hypodermis: The third and innermost layer of the skin is called the subcutis or hypodermis. It comprises fat and connective tissue that helps protect and cushion the body's internal organs.

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Conditions Treated by Sebaceous Cyst Removal

Sebaceous cyst removal is a surgical procedure used to treat sebaceous cysts, which are small, benign (noncancerous) growths that develop under the skin. Sebaceous cysts are typically filled with a thick, oily substance called sebum, produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin.

Sebaceous cyst removal is typically recommended for individuals with a sebaceous cyst that is causing discomfort or concern or for those with a cyst that is infected or inflamed. The procedure involves removing the cyst and its contents and closing the incision with stitches.

Who Needs Sebaceous Cyst Removal?

Sebaceous cysts are typically benign (noncancerous) and do not usually cause any harm or pose a health risk. However, some people may choose to have them removed for cosmetic reasons or if the cyst becomes infected or inflamed.

  1. In some cases, a sebaceous cyst can become large and cause discomfort or interfere with daily activities, such as wearing certain types of clothing or sitting down. In these situations, sebaceous cyst removal may be recommended.
  2. It is important to note that only a healthcare provider can determine whether sebaceous cyst removal is necessary. It is always best to consult with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment of any medical condition.

How is Sebaceous Cyst Surgery performed?

A dermatologist or plastic surgeon typically performs sebaceous cyst treatment surgery. The procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis and can be done under local anaesthesia, which numbs the area around the cyst.

  1. During the sebaceous cyst excision, the doctor will make a small incision in the skin over the cyst. They will then carefully remove the cyst and its contents and close the incision with stitches. The procedure typically takes about 30 minutes to an hour to complete.
  2. After the surgery, the patient may take antibiotics to prevent infection and keep the incision covered with a bandage for a few days. The patient will also need to follow the doctor's instructions for caring for the incision site, such as keeping it clean and dry.
  3. If you are facing any queries regarding the procedure, you can watch a sebaceous cyst removal video. Do not try to remove the sebaceous cyst yourself, as it can lead to potential risks and complications. 

What to expect before and on the day of Sebaceous Cyst Surgery?

The patient must be sure to consult the doctor before the procedure so that they have the most accurate expectations. The patient can expect the following before and on the day of sebaceous cyst treatment surgery:

Before the Sebaceous Cyst Removal Surgery

  1. Consultation: The patient will have a consultation with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon to discuss the procedure and the patient's medical history.
  2. Pre-surgery instructions: The patient will be given instructions for preparing for the surgery, such as fasting for a few hours before the procedure and avoiding certain medications.
  3. Anaesthesia: The patient will be given the option of local anaesthesia, which numbs the area around the cyst, or general anaesthesia, which puts the patient to sleep.

On the day of the Sebaceous Cyst Removal Surgery

  1. Arrival: The patient will arrive at the hospital or clinic where the surgery is performed.
  2. Preparation: The patient will be asked to remove any jewellery or other metal objects that may interfere with the procedure. The patient will also be asked to change into a hospital gown.
  3. Anaesthesia: The patient will be given local anaesthesia to numb the area around the cyst.
  4. Procedure: The surgery will be performed by a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. The procedure typically takes about 30 minutes to an hour to complete.

What to expect after the Sebaceous Cyst Treatment surgery?

Here is what to expect after sebaceous cyst treatment surgery:

Recovery at the Hospital

  1. Recovery: The patient can go home after the surgery, but may need someone to drive them home if they have had general anaesthesia.
  2. Pain management: The patient may experience discomfort or pain at the incision site after the surgery. The healthcare provider will provide pain management instructions, including over-the-counter or prescription pain medication.
  3. Incision care: The patient will need to keep the incision site clean and dry and may need to wear a bandage for a few days. The healthcare provider will provide instructions for incision care.
  4. Follow-up care: The patient will need to follow up with the healthcare provider for a check-up a few days after the surgery to ensure that the incision is healing correctly.
  5. Activity restrictions: The patient may need to limit physical activity for a few days after the surgery to allow the incision time to heal.

First follow up appointment:

The first follow-up appointment after sebaceous cyst treatment surgery is typically scheduled a few days later. The healthcare provider will assess the incision site at this appointment to ensure it is healing properly.

During the follow-up appointment, the healthcare provider may:

  1. Remove the stitches: The healthcare provider may remove them at this appointment if the patient has stitches.
  2. Assess the incision site: The healthcare provider will check the site for any signs of infection or other complications.
  3. Discuss aftercare instructions: The healthcare provider will provide instructions for caring for the incision site and may prescribe antibiotics if needed.
  4. Discuss any additional follow-up appointments: The healthcare provider may schedule other follow-up appointments to monitor the incision site and ensure proper healing.

Benefits of Sebaceous Cyst Removal Surgery

There are several benefits to sebaceous cyst treatment surgery, including:

  1. Relief of symptoms: Sebaceous cysts can cause discomfort or concern for some individuals. Removing the cyst can provide relief from these symptoms.
  2. Improved appearance: Sebaceous cysts can be visible on the skin and may be a cosmetic concern for some individuals. Removing the cyst can enhance the appearance of the affected area.
  3. Prevention of infection: Sebaceous cysts can become infected if damaged or ruptured. Removing the cyst can help prevent disease.
  4. Prevention of recurrence: Sebaceous cysts can sometimes return after removal. Removing the cyst surgically can help reduce the risk of recurrence.

Risks and Complications of Sebaceous Cyst Removal Surgery

Sebaceous cyst removal surgery is generally safe and effective, but like any surgical procedure, it carries certain risks and potential complications. These may include:

  1. Infection: There is a risk of disease at the site of the incision site after the surgery. This can usually be treated with antibiotics.
  2. Scarring: There is a risk of scarring at the incision site after the surgery. The scar may be noticeable or may fade over time.
  3. Bleeding: There is a risk of bleeding during or after the surgery.
  4. Recurrence: There is a risk that the cyst may return after it has been removed.
  5. Anaesthetic risks: There is a risk of complications associated with using anaesthesia, such as allergic reactions or problems with breathing.

When to consult a doctor?

If you have a sebaceous cyst and are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is essential to consult a doctor to discuss your treatment options and not try to remove it yourself. 

It is essential to understand the potential risks and complications of sebaceous cyst surgery before deciding whether the procedure is right for you. Some of the risks and complications of the procedure include infection, scarring, bleeding, and recurrence of the cyst.

Risks of Delayed Sebaceous Cyst Surgery

Sebaceous cysts are generally slow-growing and painless, but they can become infected or inflamed if they are damaged or ruptured. If left untreated, an infected or inflamed sebaceous cyst can cause discomfort and may lead to further complications.

Delaying sebaceous cyst surgery can also increase the risk of scarring and recurrence of the cyst. It is generally recommended to remove sebaceous cysts as soon as they are causing discomfort or concern, or if they are infected or inflamed, to minimize the risk of complications.

Cost of Sebaceous Cyst Removal Surgery

The cost of sebaceous cyst removal surgery will vary depending on several factors, including:

  1. Location: The cost of the surgery may vary depending on where you live.
  2. Insurance coverage: The cost of the surgery may be covered by insurance, depending on the specific policy and the reason for the procedure.
  3. Type of surgery: The cost of the surgery may vary depending on whether the procedure is done in a hospital or an outpatient clinic, and whether local or general anesthesia is used.
  4. Doctor's fees: The cost of the surgery will also depend on the fees of the doctor performing the procedure.
Procedure Name Cost Value
Sebaceous Cyst Removal ₹2,000 to ₹10,000

On average, the cost of sebaceous cyst removal surgery in India ranges from ₹2,000 to ₹10,000. However, the cost can be higher or lower depending on the specific circumstances of the patient and the procedure.

It is important to discuss the cost of sebaceous cyst removal surgery with a healthcare provider before the procedure. They will be able to provide an estimate of the costs and help you understand what is covered by insurance. It is also a good idea to check with your insurance provider to understand what is covered under your policy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Sebaceous cyst removal is a surgical procedure to remove a sebaceous cyst, which is a small, benign lump that forms under the skin.


Sebaceous cyst removal is typically done to reduce pain, and infection, to stop the sebaceous cyst from growing, for aesthetic reasons etc. 


The best treatment for a sebaceous cyst will depend on the individual case and should be determined by a healthcare professional. Options include surgical removal, drainage, or watchful waiting.


An ideal candidate for sebaceous cyst removal would be someone with a sebaceous cyst that causes pain, discomfort, or aesthetic concerns.


Before sebaceous cyst removal, it is essential to inform the healthcare professional about medical conditions, medications, and allergies. It is also essential to follow any preoperative instructions given by the healthcare professional.

The length of sebaceous cyst removal can vary depending on the size and location of the cyst. Removing a sebaceous cyst may take between 20-30 minutes.

Sebaceous cyst removal is typically not considered major surgery and is usually done on an outpatient basis.

The level of pain associated with sebaceous cyst removal can vary depending on the size and location of the cyst, as well as the individual's pain tolerance. The procedure may be done under local anaesthesia, which numbs the area around the cyst so that you may feel minimal pain during the procedure. Some patients may experience discomfort or mild pain after the procedure, but this can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain medication.

Before sebaceous cyst removal, it is essential to inform the healthcare professional about any medical conditions, medications, and allergies. It is also essential to follow any preoperative instructions given by the healthcare professional.

After the procedure, it is essential to keep the area clean and dry and to avoid picking or squeezing the cyst. Following any postoperative instructions provided by the healthcare professional is also necessary.


A sebaceous cyst can recur after excision, especially if the cause of the cyst is not addressed.


Removing a sebaceous cyst yourself is not recommended as it can lead to infection or complications. It should be done by a healthcare professional


Risks associated with sebaceous cyst excision include infection, bleeding, and scarring.


Delaying sebaceous cyst removal can increase the risk of infection or complications and may lead to the cyst growing larger.


The cost of sebaceous cyst removal in India can vary depending on the location, type of procedure, and healthcare provider. Generally, the price ranges from ₹20,000-₹40,000. The cost will also depend on whether the procedure is done on an outpatient or inpatient basis and whether it is done under local or general anaesthesia.


A dermatologist or general surgeon typically removes a sebaceous cyst.


Sebaceous cyst removal has several benefits. The primary benefit is reducing pain, discomfort, or aesthetic concerns caused by the cyst. Removing the cyst can also improve the appearance of the skin, as cysts can be unsightly or embarrassing. Removing a cyst can also prevent or reduce the risk of infection. Sebaceous cyst removal can also help to prevent the cyst from growing larger or becoming more uncomfortable over time.


While some home remedies may help reduce the size of a sebaceous cyst, it is not recommended to remove a sebaceous cyst yourself.


The healing time can vary depending on the size and location of the cyst, as well as the individual's healing process. The wound may take a few days to a few weeks to heal fully.


Last Updated on: 27 December 2023

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


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