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Caesarean Section

Caesarean Section

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45 Minutes

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60 Minutes

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Caesarean Section

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What is Caesarean Section?

C-section, also called Caesarean section or Caesarean birth, is a surgery done to deliver the baby through a cut or incision made in the abdomen and womb of the mother. This surgery is performed when the doctors believe that C-section would be safer than vaginal delivery for the mother and/or the baby

Expert Doctors (10)

Dr. Philomena Vaz
Hexa Partner
Hexa Partner

Obstetrics and Gynaecology

48+ Years




Dr. Praveen Kumar
Hexa Assured
Hexa Assured

Obsteterics and Gynaecology

47+ Years




NABH Accredited Hospitals (10)

Daffodils By Artemis Hospitals, East of Kailash

Daffodils By Artemis Hospitals, East of Kailash

4/5(78 Ratings)
East of Kailash, Delhi
Nix Health Care

Nix Health Care

4.0/5(77 Ratings)
Sector 1, Greater Noida
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What are the benefits of C-section?

If you have never had a C-section before, a C-section lowers the risk of:

  1. Vaginal injury
  2. Pain during delivery
  3. Pelvic organ prolapse (The uterus, bladder or bowel pushing out from their original location and pressing against the wall of the vagina).
  4. Lower hazard of urinary incontinence
  5. Overactive bladder

Who needs C-section?

C-section helps women deliver a baby surgically if they cannot deliver through the vagina for any reason.

The various conditions due to which a woman might be suggested to go for a C-section are:

  1. Abnormal position of the baby in the womb or during vaginal delivery i.ebreachech the condition of the baby.
  2. Irregular heart rate of the baby 
  3. Size of the baby (in case the baby is too big)
  4. Specific health conditions of the mother (high blood pressure, diabetes, or HIV infection)
  5. Issues with labour 
  6. Placental concerns (placenta blocking the cervix, known as placenta previa)
  7. Previous C-section
  8. Active herpes sores in the cervix or vagina of the mother
  9. Twins or multiple babies
  10. Baby is in distress
  11. Carrying multiple foetus
  12. prolapsed umbilical cord- when the umbilical cord has entangled on the cervix head of the baby.
  13. Presence of large fibroid tissue obstructing the birth canal
  14. severely displaced pelvic fracture.
  15. The baby has a condition that can cause the head to be unusually large (severe hydrocephalus).

C-section procedure

Procedure Description

Your doctor will:

  1. Make a cut above the pubic bone, either vertically or transverse.
  2. Make deeper cuts till the uterine wall is reached.
  3. Make a final cut in the uterus, either vertical or horizontal.
  4. Open the amniotic sac and pull out the baby from the opening.
  5. Cut the umbilical cord.
  6. Remove the placenta and check for any placenta pieces in the uterus.
  7. Seal the cut with stitches.
  8. Apply a sterile bandage over the stitches.

What to expect before Surgery?

  1. You can expect the following before the c-section surgery:
  2. Your doctor will:
  3. Discuss the type of anaesthesia that will be used (typically, epidural anaesthesia is injected). Epidural anaesthesia numbs the spinal nerves that supply the pelvic organs and legs temporarily, reducing the pain. 
  4. Ask you to sign an informed consent form
  5. Ask you to not eat or drink for 8 hours as general, spinal or epidural anaesthesia requires fasting (in case a c-section is planned)
  6. Ask you the medicine (prescription or over the counter), herbs, vitamins, or supplements you are taking.
  7. Ask you if you are allergic or sensitive to any medication, iodine, tape, latex, or anaesthesia.
  8. Ask you if you have a history of bleeding condition
  9. Tell you to stop taking blood-thinning medicine (aspirin)
  10. Give you a medicine to lower stomach acidity
  11. Tell you to bring along someone to stay with you after the surgery

What to expect on the day of Surgery?

  1. You can expect the following on the day of surgery:
  2. Your doctor will:
  3. Put a urinary catheter (collects the urine from the bladder)
  4. Place straps over your leg to hold it in place during the surgery (for safety purpose)

What to expect during Surgery?

Position during surgery:

During the c-section, the mother may be in different positions. There is no consensus on the best position for the surgery.

Cleaning and draping:

The surgical area will be cleaned with an antiseptic solution, and your belly will be draped with a sterile cloth. Also, draping will be done over the chest so that only the surgical area is exposed.


Depending on your condition, you will be either given general anaesthesia (rare) to put you to sleep or regional (spinal or epidural) anaesthesia to be awake to see and hear the baby, but not feel any pain below your waist region.

Recovery and post op care after C-section

What to expect after Surgery?

The recovery process in the hospital:

You can be with your baby in the recovery area. 

  1. In some cases, babies may be monitored for a short time in the hospital nursery.
  2. You can start with breastfeeding in the recovery area
  3. After one or two hours, you will be shifted to your room so that you can rest the entire day in the hospital
  4. You will be given pain-relieving medicines by the nurse or through a device called PCA (patientanalgesiaed analgesic) pump connected to your IV.
  5. You will be told to move and walk around to lower the gas pains and give you medicines for it.
  6. After a few hours of surgery, you will be given liquids to drink.
  7. You will be given antibiotics in your IV.
  8. You may mostly stay in the hospital for two to three days (depending on your condition).
  9. The recovery process after hospital discharge:
  10. You will be told to wear a sanitary pad as you will have vaginal bing for several days after the childbirth.
  11. Do not shower, have sex, or use a tampon until your doctor instructs you.
  12. Avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, or driving.
  13. Only take the medicines recommended by the doctor. Do not take aspirin or other pain-relieving medicine that may increase the bleeding.

First follow-up appointment

Your first follow up will mostly be two to three weeks after the surgery to check the healing of the surgical site and overall recover


Last Updated on: 10 June 2022

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


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HexaHealth Care Team

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