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Dengue NS1 Antigen - Positive Means, Price, Normal Range

Dengue Ns1 Antigen

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Dengue Ns1 Antigen
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Dengue fever is a major global health concern, affecting millions yearly through a mosquito-borne viral infection. Dengue diagnosis and monitoring are critical for effective disease management. The Dengue NS1 Antigen test is an important tool in diagnosing dengue.

Dengue NS1 full form stands for "Dengue Nonstructural Protein 1 Antigen." The NS1 protein is produced by the dengue virus during the early stages of infection. Continue reading to learn more about what Dengue NS1 means, results, full form, price, and normal range.

Alternative Name

Dengue NS1 Antigen Test, Dengue NS1 Test


Fasting not required

Test Done By

Medical laboratory professionals or doctors


Dengue NS1 Antigen

Report Time

Within 24 hours

What is a Dengue NS1 Antigen Test?

Dengue is a major concern, particularly in regions where it is endemic.  The Dengue NS1 Antigen Test detects dengue, a mosquito-borne viral infection. Accurate and timely diagnosis is crucial for effective patient management and public health control.

This NS1 ag test is designed to identify the presence of the Dengue Nonstructural Protein 1 (NS1) antigen in a patient's blood. The NS1 protein is an early marker of the disease. Traditional diagnostic methods for dengue, such as viral isolation and IgM antibody testing, may not provide early results.  IgM antibodies typically appear in blood around days 4-5 of illness.

Need for Dengue NS1 Antigen

The need for Dengue NS1 Antigen testing is paramount in the early diagnosis of acute dengue virus infection. Four antigenically distinct dengue viruses cause dengue. The indications for Dengue NS1 Antigen testing:

  1. Patients with Fever Lasting Five Days or Less: The test is the test of choice for early diagnosis in these cases due to its high sensitivity and specificity.
  2. Patients with a History of Fever for More than Six Days: In such cases, the test can be considered concurrently with an assay of dengue-specific IgM to aid in diagnosis.
  3. Those in Resource-Constrained and Dengue-Endemic Regions: Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) detecting NS1 antigen (IgM and IgG antibodies) provide a convenient and quick option. It is useful, particularly in areas with limited access to sophisticated laboratory testing.
  4. Patients with Suspected Acute Dengue Illness: Early diagnosis with the NS1 Antigen test allows timely patient management to prevent dengue outbreaks.

Benefits of Dengue NS1 Antigen

The Dengue NS1 Antigen test offers several benefits, including its relevance for travellers to dengue-prone regions. This test plays a crucial role in effectively managing dengue virus infections.

  1. Early Detection for Prompt Treatment: The Dengue NS1 Antigen test allows for the early detection of dengue virus infection. It enables doctors to initiate prompt treatment for patients. This is crucial in managing the disease effectively and improving patient outcomes.
  2. Reduction in Dengue Mortality: Timely diagnosis and treatment made possible by the NS1 Antigen test contribute to reducing dengue mortality rates. Early intervention can significantly improve the chances of a patient's recovery.
  3. High Sensitivity and Specificity: The test demonstrates a sensitivity rate of 92.3% and a specificity of 100%, making it a reliable diagnostic tool.
  4. Rapid Results: The test provides results within 15-30 minutes, enabling prompt medical intervention.
  5. Differentiation: It is especially valuable in distinguishing between primary and secondary dengue infections.

Types of Dengue NS1 Antigens

There are two types of NS1 antigen tests available - ELISA and rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs). These tests have different purposes and advantages. Types of NS1 ag tests include:

  1. ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay): It is a laboratory-based test for Dengue NS1 antigen detection. It is considered one of the standard methods for diagnosing dengue fever. ELISA utilises antibodies and enzymes to detect NS1 antigen in a patient's blood serum. This test provides accurate and reliable results but requires specialised equipment and trained laboratory personnel. 
  2. Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs): They are point-of-care tests designed for ease of use. These tests can be administered at the patient's bedside. The results are typically available within 15-30 minutes. They are convenient for healthcare workers with minimal training.

Preparation for Dengue NS1 Antigen Procedure

Patients must follow individualised instructions provided by their doctor or the testing facility. Here are a few steps that should be followed:

  1. Fasting: It is generally not required before the Dengue NS1 Antigen test. Patients can typically undergo this test without any specific fasting duration. However, it's essential to follow any specific instructions provided by the doctor or laboratory.
  2. Medications: There are usually no specific restrictions on medication consumption before the Dengue NS1 Antigen test. Patients can continue their regular medication as prescribed by their doctor. However, it's advisable to inform the physician about any medications or supplements being taken, as certain drugs can potentially affect test results.
  3. Diet: Patients need not follow specific dietary restrictions before the Dengue NS1 Antigen test. They can maintain their regular dietary habits and drink water as needed.

Dengue NS1 Antigen Procedure

The Dengue NS1 Antigen test takes 2-3 minutes. The preparation for the test includes the following:

  1. Patient Position: On the test day, the patient will be asked to relax in a comfortable position. It can be usually seated or lying down on an examination table or a bed in a medical setting.
  2. Cleaning and Draping: The phlebotomist will clean the skin around the area where the needle will be inserted. It is usually in the inner arm. 
  3. Blood Sample Collection: The needle will be inserted into a vein to draw a blood sample. This procedure is relatively quick and minimally painful. The collected blood is then transferred into a vacutainer tube.
  4. Needle Withdrawal and Bandaging: Once the blood sample has been collected, the needle is carefully withdrawn. A sterile bandage will be put on the puncture site to prevent bleeding and reduce the risk of infection.
  5. Laboratory Testing: The blood sample is then labelled and sent to a laboratory for testing. The laboratory will analyse the sample to detect the presence of Dengue NS1 antigen, secreted into the bloodstream during dengue infection.

After the procedure, patients can typically resume their regular activities without needing hospitalisation or an extended stay. The specific approach and selection of procedures can vary depending on the patient's health condition and the recommendations of their doctor.

Aftercare of Dengue NS1 Antigen

Appropriate aftercare is essential for a smooth recovery after the blood test. Consulting doctors and following their recommendations is key to managing dengue effectively.

  1. Staying Hydrated: Following a positive Dengue NS1 Antigen test, the patient needs to stay adequately hydrated. Consuming fluids like water, clear soups, and oral rehydration solutions can help prevent dehydration, common during dengue fever. Proper hydration supports the recovery process.
  2. Rest and Recovery: Dengue fever can be physically exhausting, so patients are advised to get ample rest. Avoiding strenuous physical activities and prioritising relaxation is crucial to allow the body to recuperate.
  3. Fever Management: If the patient experiences a fever, doctors may recommend acetaminophen (paracetamol). This medication can help reduce fever and alleviate discomfort. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen should be avoided, as they can increase the risk of bleeding.
  4. Adherence to Medical Advice: Patients must follow the guidance and instructions provided by their doctor. Specific recommendations will be given based on the patient's condition and the severity of the dengue infection.

Results of the Dengue NS1 Antigen

A Dengue NS1 Antigen test can yield two possible results, which are crucial in understanding the status of dengue infection:

Dengue NS1 Antigen Positive: A dengue NS1 antigen positive means the presence of the dengue virus in the patient's bloodstream, indicating a dengue infection. This result signifies that the patient is in the acute phase of the infection. 

The virus actively replicates within the body. While a positive NS1 result confirms dengue, it does not provide information about the specific serotype of the virus.

Interpreting a Positive NS1 Result

  1. Active Infection: A positive NS1 result confirms that the patient is actively infected with the dengue virus, typically during the initial phase of the illness.
  2. Acute Phase: It is detectable during the acute phase of dengue virus infections, usually within the first 0-7 days of experiencing symptoms. After this period, NS1 tests are not recommended for diagnosis.
  3. Serotype Information: It does not provide information about the specific serotype (strain) of the virus responsible for the infection.
  4. Further Monitoring: Patients with a positive NS1 result should undergo regular medical monitoring to assess their condition's progress. This is essential as dengue can vary in severity.

Dengue NS1 Antigen Negative:

A negative result on the Dengue NS1 Antigen test means the NS1 antigen was not detected in the patient's blood. While this result suggests that the NS1 antigen is not currently present, it does not definitively rule out a dengue infection. A negative NS1 result can occur for several reasons, including the timing of the test and the stage of the infection.

Interpreting a Negative NS1 Result

  1. Possible Early Timing: A negative result may occur if the test was conducted early in the infection, as NS1 antigen levels may not have risen to detectable levels. Testing may need to be repeated after a few days for confirmation.
  2. Later Stage of Infection: In cases where the test is performed after the initial 0-7 days of symptoms, NS1 levels may have already decreased, leading to a negative result. This underscores the importance of conducting the NS1 test during the early phase of the infection.

Treatment Plan After a Positive Dengue NS1 Antigen Test

Upon receiving a positive NS1 result, a treatment plan should be initiated based on the patient's clinical condition and the severity of the infection. The primary aspects of the treatment plan may include:

  1. Symptomatic Relief: Managing dengue symptoms, such as fever and pain, using medications like acetaminophen (paracetamol).
  2. Hydration: Ensuring adequate fluid intake to prevent dehydration, a common complication of dengue.
  3. Regular Monitoring: Close monitoring of the patient's condition to detect signs of worsening or progression to severe dengue.
  4. Consultation: Regular consultation with a healthcare provider to assess the patient's progress and determine the need for additional care or hospitalisation if symptoms worsen.
  5. Rest: Encouraging the patient to get sufficient rest to aid in recovery.

Individuals with a positive NS1 result must follow the guidance of doctors for the best possible outcomes. Dengue can vary in severity, and timely management is essential in ensuring a safe and smooth recovery.

Risks of Dengue NS1 Antigen Test

The Dengue NS1 Antigen Test is generally considered safe and minimally invasive. However, there are certain risks and potential complications associated with the test:

  1. False Negative Results: The most common risk is the possibility of receiving a false negative result, especially if the test is performed too early during the infection. In the initial days of illness, NS1 antigen levels may not have reached detectable levels, leading to a negative result. This can delay the diagnosis and appropriate treatment of dengue.
  2. Inadequate Diagnosis: A negative NS1 result does not exclude dengue infection entirely. Patients with a false negative result may mistakenly believe they are not infected and fail to seek appropriate care.

Patients who receive a positive NS1 result should be aware of the potential risks associated with severe dengue and the importance of regular medical follow-up. Timely intervention and appropriate care can significantly impact the outcome of dengue infection. It reduces the risk of complications and ensures a smoother recovery.

The Cost of Dengue NS1 Antigen

The cost of a Dengue NS1 Antigen test can fluctuate based on several influential factors, and the average cost can vary significantly. The following factors impact the final cost of the procedure:

  1. Healthcare Facility: The type of healthcare facility chosen for the test is a primary cost determinant. Tests conducted in private clinics or hospitals may be relatively more expensive than in government-run centres or public hospitals.
  2. Location: The cost can be geographically dependent. Testing in urban areas or metropolitan cities is likely more expensive than in rural or less densely populated regions due to differences in the cost of living and healthcare infrastructure.
  3. Urgency of Results: Expedited test results, such as same-day reporting, may come at a higher cost than standard processing times.
  4. Availability of Government Programs: In certain regions, government programs or initiatives may offer subsidised or free Dengue NS1 Antigen tests as part of public health efforts.

Test Name

Cost Value

Dengue NS1 Antigen

₹ 500 - ₹ 1,200


The Dengue NS1 Antigen test is a valuable tool for the early diagnosis of dengue virus. A positive result confirms active dengue infection, while a negative result may require further testing, particularly if symptoms persist. Close monitoring is crucial for patients with positive NS1 results to assess the risk of severe dengue. 

If you have questions about the Dengue NS1 Antigen test or any other medical concerns, don't hesitate to contact HexaHealth. Our platform serves as your comprehensive resource for all healthcare needs. We connect you with experienced experts who can provide guidance and information, ensuring you're well-informed when making healthcare decisions. 

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FAQs for Dengue Ns1 Antigen

The full form of Dengue NS1 antigen is the Nonstructural Protein 1 antigen. Their alternative names are Dengue NS1 Antigen Test and Dengue NS1 Test.

The normal range of Dengue NS1 antigen is typically reported as negative. A positive result indicates that the dengue virus is in the bloodstream.

The cost of a Dengue NS1 antigen test ranges from ₹ 500 - ₹ 1,200. Pricing and availability should be confirmed with local healthcare facilities or diagnostic centres.

A positive Dengue NS1 antigen test result means the dengue virus is present in the bloodstream of the patient. This indicates an active dengue infection.

A positive Dengue NS1 antigen test indicates that you have an active dengue infection. Dengue fever can range from mild to severe. It can result in hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome, which can be fatal. If you have a positive result and are experiencing severe symptoms, you should seek medical attention.

Dengue NS1 antigen reactive means that the test found the Dengue NS1 antigen in the patient's blood, indicating an active infection. It is recommended to isolate and contact a doctor.

The common symptoms of Dengue fever are:

  1. High fever

  2. Severe headache

  3. Joint and muscle pain

  4. Rash

  5. Pain behind the eyes

  6. Mild bleeding, such as nosebleeds or gum bleeding

Patients should immediately go to the doctor in such cases. 

The Dengue NS1 antigen test is a blood test typically performed in a laboratory or a healthcare setting. A phlebotomist will draw a blood sample from a vein in your arm.

Certain medications and medical conditions may influence a Dengue NS1 antigen test. Inform the physician about any medications you are taking or medical conditions for accurate test results.

Dengue NS1 antigen test results are usually available within a few hours to a day. The duration can vary based on the laboratory or healthcare facility where the test is performed.

If your Dengue NS1 antigen test results are positive, seek medical attention immediately, especially if you are experiencing severe symptoms. Your healthcare provider will advise you on how to manage the infection and monitor your condition.

The Dengue NS1 antigen test is primarily used for early detection of dengue and may not be the best choice for monitoring treatment effectiveness. For monitoring, other tests, such as PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests or antibody tests, may be used.

The Dengue NS1 antigen test is reliable for early diagnosis of dengue, particularly in the first few days of infection when viral levels are high. However, it may not detect dengue in later stages, so additional tests may be required if symptoms persist.

It's advisable to consult the doctor before getting a Dengue NS1 antigen test, especially if an individual suspects they have dengue or have symptoms. Doctors can guide the appropriate diagnostic tests and treatment.

Typically, no special preparations are needed before getting a Dengue NS1 antigen test. However, follow specific instructions from your healthcare provider or the testing facility.

The Dengue NS1 antigen test is useful for early diagnosis, while other tests, such as PCR and antibody tests, are more suitable for later stages of infection. The choice of test depends on the timing and specific diagnostic needs.

Dengue fever can be avoided by taking precautions to limit mosquito exposure. These include:

  1. Using mosquito repellent

  2. Wearing protective clothing

  3. Eliminating mosquito breeding sites by removing standing water in containers 

  4. Using mosquito nets 

Mosquito control programs in affected areas may also be included in public health measures.


All the articles on HexaHealth are supported by verified medically-recognized sources such as; peer-reviewed academic research papers, research institutions, and medical journals. Our medical reviewers also check references of the articles to prioritize accuracy and relevance. Refer to our detailed editorial policy for more information.

  1. Dengue NS1 Test [Internet]. Yashoda Hospitals. link
  2. Dengue NS1 Antigen - A New Rapid Test - Dr Lal PathLabs Blog [Internet]. 2016 [cited 2023 Nov 3].link
  3. Dengue: What is the reference range for NS1 test? The Times of India [Internet]. 2018 Nov 21 [cited 2023 Nov 3];link
  4. Haider M, Yousaf S, Asifa Zaib, Sarfraz A, Sarfraz Z, Cherrez-Ojeda I. Diagnostic Accuracy of Various Immunochromatographic Tests for NS1 Antigen and IgM Antibodies Detection in Acute Dengue Virus Infection. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022 Jul 19;19(14):8756–6link
  5. Book Dengue Fever Antigen NS1, IgG & IgM Online - Price, Purpose & Preparation [Internet]. [cited 2023 Nov 3]. link
  6. Testing Guidance | Dengue | CDC [Internet]. 2020. link
  7. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dengue Virus Antigen Detection [Internet]. CDC. 2019. link


Sangeeta Sharma

Sangeeta Sharma

BSc. Biochemistry I MSc. Biochemistry (Oxford College Bangalore)

6 Years Experience

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