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Yes, frenectomy can be performed after circumcision and/or frenuloplasty of the penis. Frenulectomy (removal of the frenulum) is generally a safe procedure when done by an experienced surgeon. The safety and appropriateness of a frenectomy depend on factors such as healing from prior surgeries, the specific condition being treated, and any complications. It’s always recommended to consult with your urologist or surgeon to discuss your specific situation and receive personalized advice.
Sir mere panis ki forskin tight hai. Sex karte time bahut pain hota hai or bleeding bhi hoti hai
Dear Umesh,
Your symptoms suggest a condition called phimosis (tight foreskin), which can cause pain, discomfort, and bleeding during intercourse. To understand your condition better, please share:
Possible Treatment Options:
✔ Gentle Foreskin Stretching Exercises – Should be done carefully to avoid further injury.
✔ Oral Medications – If there is associated inflammation or infection.
✔ Circumcision – If phimosis is severe and causing pain and recurrent bleeding, minimally invasive surgical options like stapler or laser circumcision may be needed for permanent relief.
Since you are experiencing pain and bleeding, we strongly recommend consulting a urologist at the earliest for proper evaluation and treatment.
Avoid forcing the foreskin back, as it may worsen the issue. Let us know if you need assistance in finding the right doctor.
Take care!
Panic Errection Ka Koi Solution hai kya sir.
प्रिय डेविड जी,
आपकी चिंता को समझते हुए, पैनिक इरेक्शन (अचानक और अनियंत्रित उत्तेजना) का समाधान संभव है। यह समस्या शारीरिक, मानसिक या दोनों कारणों से हो सकती है।
संभावित उपचार:
मनोवैज्ञानिक परामर्श:
चिकित्सकीय उपचार:
जीवनशैली में परिवर्तन:
अगले कदम:
Majhi zsr jhali ahe 16th Feb 2025 la, majhya glanchya khali sujh ali ahe. He normal ahe ka
Hello Sagar ji,
कधी कधी, झसर (circumcision) झाल्यानंतर तात्पुरती सूज येऊ शकते, विशेषतः जर लसीकेच्या ग्रंथी (lymph nodes) प्रतिक्रिया देत असतील.
परंतु, जर सूज वेदनादायक, लालसर, उष्ण वाटत असेल, पू भरलेली असेल, किंवा वाढत असेल किंवा बराच काळ टिकत असेल, तर तो संक्रमण किंवा इतर गुंतागुंतीचा संकेत असू शकतो.
✅ गरम पाण्याचा शेक द्या – यामुळे सूज कमी होण्यास मदत होऊ शकते.
✅ स्वच्छता राखा जेणेकरून संसर्ग होणार नाही.
✅ डॉक्टरांचा सल्ला घेतल्याशिवाय कोणतेही मलम किंवा औषध वापरू नका.
✅ जर तुम्हाला तीव्र वेदना, ताप, किंवा सूज वाढताना जाणवली, तर त्वरित डॉक्टरांचा सल्ला घ्या.
लवकर बरे व्हा! 🙏