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General Surgery,Vascular and Endovascular Sur...
26+ Years
Below are the top 10 CTVS Surgery doctors in Hyderabad based on their overall experience and rating.
Best Vascular Surgeons in Hyderabad are:
Doctor Name | Reviews | Ratings | Experience |
Dr. Pinjala Rama Krishna | 97 | 99% | 42 Years |
Dr. P C Gupta | 98 | 99% | 36 Years |
Dr. N Madhavilatha | 98 | 99% | 31 Years |
Dr. N Madhavi Latha | 67 | 98% | 28 Years |
Dr. Chandra Sekhar Chevuturu | 96 | 99% | 27 Years |
Dr. Venugopal Kulkarni | 98 | 99% | 26 Years |
Dr. Gnaneshwar Atturu | 96 | 99% | 26 Years |
Dr. Venu Gopal Mustyala | 99 | 98% | 18 Years |
Dr. Sanjeeva Rao K | 86 | 98% | 15 Years |
Dr. Fayazuddin Md | 96 | 99% | 14 Years |
Go to the search section of HexaHealth. Select your city as Hyderabad and specialisation as Vascular Surgeon. Choose from the list of Vascular Surgeons in Hyderabad who have maximum recommendation and reviews.
A Vascular Surgeon is a specialist doctor in Hyderabad who performs the treatments and procedures to prevent the complications of various diseases under the CTVS Surgery department.
There are govt. and private hospitals for Vascular Surgeon in Hyderabad. However, you can get the CTVS Surgery hospitals in Hyderabad list and choose the best as per their recommendation and reviews.
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