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Multiple Myeloma - Symptoms, Stages, Causes, Treatment

Medically Reviewed by
Dr. Abhishek Gulia
Multiple Myeloma

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Multiple Myeloma
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Abhishek Gulia Written by Rajath R Prabhu

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Multiple myeloma, or Kahler’s disease, is a type of blood cancer affecting plasma cells. It is a rare cancer, with about 1 in 100,000 incidences in India.

Most often it grows in the marrow within the bones of the spine, skull, pelvis, rib cage, shoulders, and hips. If left unchecked, the overproduction of multiple myeloma plasma cells can eventually cause damage to certain organs. 

Read below to know the multiple myeloma symptoms, its causes, diagnosis, and treatment options.

Disease Name Multiple Myeloma
Alternative Name Kahler’s Disease
Symptoms Elevated calcium levels, Kidney failure, Anaemia, Numbness in arms and legs
Causes Age, Gender, Family history, Obesity, Environmental factors
Diagnosis Blood tests, Urine tests, Imaging tests, Bone marrow biopsy, Genetic testing
Treated by Haemotologist, Oncologist
Treatment Options Chemotherapy, Targeted therapy, Immunotherapy, Corticosteroids, Radiation therapy, Bone marrow transplant

Multiple Myeloma Definition

It is a condition where a type of blood cell, called a plasma cell, multiplies uncontrollably. The excessive proliferation of abnormal plasma cells leads to the production of abnormal proteins called monoclonal antibodies or M proteins. 

These proteins can accumulate in various body parts, affecting bones, kidneys, and the ability of the body to make healthy blood cells and platelets. If there's just one lump, it's called a plasmacytoma. If there are many lumps, it's known as multiple myeloma.

Multiple Myeloma Meaning

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Multiple Myeloma Types

When bones become weak or damaged, two types of bone cells stop working together as they should. Normally, osteoblasts build new bone, and osteoclasts break down old bone. However, in this condition, the cancer cells cause osteoclasts to break down bone much faster than usual, leading to bone damage.

Below are the types of multiple myeloma:

  1. Light Chain Myeloma: This subtype represents approximately 20% of cases. It develops when individuals make an incomplete immunoglobulin known as a light-chain antibody.
    These proteins can accumulate in the kidneys and damage them. 

  2. Nonsecretory Myeloma: It is a rare form (2% to 4% of all cases) of multiple myeloma. The abnormal plasma cells do not produce significant amounts of M proteins or light chains, making diagnosing through typical laboratory tests challenging.
    A bone marrow biopsy can help diagnose nonsecretory myeloma. 

  3. Solitary Plasmacytoma: It causes the formation of a tumour, usually in the bones. Having one of these tumours is called a solitary plasmacytoma. More than one tumour in different locations is a sign of this condition.
    While this type of myeloma generally responds well to treatment, it needs close monitoring.  

  4. Immunoglobulin D (IgD) Myeloma: It is a rare type that only affects 1% to 2% of people with myeloma. Men below 60 are at a higher risk of getting it. 

  5. Immunoglobulin E (IgE) Myeloma: This is the rarest form that tends to be aggressive. IgE quickly progresses to plasma cell leukaemia or spreads outside the bone marrow. 

  6. Extramedullary Plasmacytoma: These tumours start in the body’s soft tissues outside the bone marrow. Generally, they develop in the throat, voice box, nose, and sinuses. Approximately 30% of people with this disease get multiple myeloma. 

  7. Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance or MGUS: It almost always starts as a relatively non-cancerous condition known as MGUS. It involves M proteins in the blood. 

  8. Smouldering Multiple Myeloma (SMM): This is a precancerous form in which more abnormal plasma cells are present in the bone marrow, but patients do not exhibit significant symptoms.
    Smouldering may progress to active myeloma over time. About 50% of patients with SMM will be diagnosed with myeloma after five years. 

Multiple Myeloma Types

Multiple Myeloma Stages

It is often classified into stages based on the extent of the disease and various clinical factors.
The Revised International Staging System (R-ISS) is the staging system most commonly used for multiple myeloma, which is based on the following levels: 

  • Albumin (a blood plasma protein made by the liver) in the blood 

  • Beta-2 microglobulin (a small protein found on the surface of the majority of cells in the body) in the blood

  • LDH (an enzyme that helps the body produce energy) in the blood

  • Cytogenetics (specific gene abnormalities) of the cancer

The three multiple myeloma stages are as follows:

  1. Stage 1: Individuals with multiple myeloma in stage 1 have early disease. The stage is characterised by the following:

    • Albumin level of 3.5 g/dL or higher

    • Beta-2 microglobulin levels less than 3.5 mg/L

    • Normal LDH levels

    • Cytogenetics is not considered a high risk

  1. Stage 2: Stage 2 of multiple myeloma is between the levels expected for stage 1 and stage 3. The cancer progresses in this stage, and the individual may begin experiencing symptoms. Test results for stage 2 show the following levels:  

    • Albumin levels less than 3.5 g/dL

    • Beta-2 microglobulin levels between 3.5 to 5.5 mg/L

  1. Stage 3: This is the most advanced stage of the disease, with the greatest number of myeloma cells in the body. In this stage, the test results show the following levels:

    • Beta-2 microglobulin levels of 5.5 mg/L or above

    • LDH levels are high

    • Cytogenetics is considered a high risk

    4 Signs of Multiple Myeloma

Multiple Myeloma Symptoms

In the early stage of the disease, individuals may not experience any symptoms. As cancer progresses, people with multiple myeloma may experience early symptoms, including bone pain (especially in the back or chest), fatigue and nausea. 

Individuals experience at least one of the four major symptoms, referred to by the acronym CRAB (calcium, renal failure, anaemia, bone damage). The CRAB multiple myeloma symptoms are as follows: 

  1. Elevated Calcium Level Symptoms: The bones affected by this condition can leak calcium into the blood, leading to high calcium levels. This may cause symptoms like:

    • Nausea

    • Vomiting

    • Loss of appetite

    • Extreme thirst

    • Upset stomach

    • Constipation

    • Confusion

  1. Renal (Kidney) Failure Symptoms: High levels of M protein in the body can lead to kidney damage or failure, causing symptoms such as:

    • A reduced amount of urine

    • Swelling in the ankles, legs, and feet

    • Excessive fatigue or drowsiness

    • Unexplained shortness of breath

    • Nausea

    • Pain or pressure in the chest

    • Confusion

    • Seizures

    • Coma

  1. Anaemia Symptoms: Anaemia develops when cancer cells outnumber healthy red blood cells in the bone marrow. Symptoms of anaemia may include:

    • Fatigue

    • Dizziness

    • Irritability

  1. Bone Damage Symptoms: When cancer cells invade the bone and bone marrow, they can lead to bone injuries and fractures, causing bone pain (particularly in the back, pelvis, ribs, and skull).
    Bone pain is often the first symptom people with multiple myeloma notice. 

6 Multiple Myeloma Symptoms

Additional Symptoms

Besides the multiple myeloma CRAB criteria, other additional symptoms of the disease include:

  1. Numbness or Weakness in Arms or Legs: This can occur due to the effect on bones in the spine, causing them to collapse and press on the spinal cord. 

  2. Repeated Infections: It weakens the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections.

  3. Unexplained Weight Loss: A common symptom may result from a combination of factors, including reduced appetite and anaemia. 

  4. Problems with Urination: This can result from multiple myeloma’s effect on kidney function. 

  5. Unexplained Fever: People may develop a fever due to a bacterial infection. 

  6. Easy Bruising and Bleeding: Abnormal plasma cells may prevent the body from producing enough platelets, making blood clotting difficult.

"I recently cared for a patient battling multiple myeloma, a cancer that affects plasma cells in the bone marrow. The journey was tough, with periods of intense treatment and uncertainty, but seeing my patient respond to therapy and regain their strength was incredibly moving.

Multiple myeloma can be a relentless disease, but with advancements in treatment, there is hope and a path forward. Witnessing my patient embrace life again with renewed optimism reminded me of the resilience of the human spirit. Every victory in this fight, no matter how small, is a powerful testament to the courage of those who face this diagnosis."

- Dr Abhishek Gulia

Multiple Myeloma Causes

The exact causes are not clear. However, multiple myeloma pathogenesis (the process by which the disease develops) begins in one abnormal plasma cell in the bone marrow.
This abnormal cell multiplies rapidly and accumulates, crowding out the healthy blood cells in an individual’s bone marrow. 

The myeloma cells also try to produce antibodies like the healthy blood cells. However, they produce abnormal antibodies that the body cannot use.
These abnormal antibodies (M proteins) build up in the body and cause problems like kidney damage. 

Multiple Myeloma Risk Factors

It is a complex disease, and while the exact causes are not fully understood, several risk factors have been identified that may increase a person’s likelihood of developing the condition.

Here are some recognised risk factors for multiple myeloma:

  1. Age: The risk of multiple myeloma increases with age. It is rare in individuals under 35, but the incidence rises significantly after age 65.

  2. Gender: Men have slightly more chances than women to develop multiple myeloma.

  3. Race: It is more common in black people than in people of other races. 

  4. Family History: A first-degree relative (parent or sibling) with multiple myeloma increases the risk of developing the disease.

  5. Obesity: Being obese or overweight may increase a person’s risk of developing multiple myeloma. 

  6. Environmental Factors: Some studies show a link between myeloma and exposure to radiation or chemicals in fertilisers or pesticides. 

  7. Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance or MGUS: It is a precursor condition characterised by abnormal plasma cells in the bone marrow. Individuals with MGUS have a higher risk of progressing to multiple myeloma over time.

Multiple Myeloma Risk Factors

Prevention of Multiple Myeloma

Since only a few cases of this disease are linked to avoidable risk factors, there are currently no known methods for preventing the disease.
Research is ongoing to treat certain high-risk smouldering multiple myeloma and prevent them from becoming active myeloma. 

However, there are certain precautions that individuals can take to reduce the risk of the disease:

  1. Maintain a Healthy Body Weight: Being obese is linked to an increased risk of multiple myeloma. Therefore, individuals must maintain a healthy weight through regular physical activity and a balanced diet. 

  2. Regular Health Check-Ups: Regular medical check-ups can help detect potential health concerns early. 

  3. Quit Smoking: Cigarette smoking can increase the risk of various types of cancers. Quitting smoking can positively impact a person’s overall health.

4 Prevention of Multiple Myeloma

How is multiple myeloma diagnosed?

Sometimes, doctors diagnose this disease accidentally during a blood test for other conditions. The condition can also be diagnosed if the haemotologist doctor suspects multiple myeloma based on the signs and symptoms.
Tests used for multiple myeloma diagnosis include:

  1. Blood Tests: Several laboratory blood tests are used to aid in the diagnosis of the condition. These tests include:

    1. Complete Blood Count (CBC): The test measures the levels of red blood cells, white blood, and platelets. 

    2. Blood Chemistry Test: The test shows the levels of creatinine (how well the kidneys work), albumin, calcium, and lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) in the blood. 

    3. Quantitative Immunoglobulin Test: The test measures the levels of different antibodies (IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM) in the blood. 

    4. Serum Protein Electrophoresis: Multiple myeloma electrophoresis test looks for M protein in the blood.  

  1. Urine Tests: Analysis of a urine sample can test for Bence Jones protein, which is an M protein detected in urine.  

  1. Imaging Tests: Imaging tests are performed to evaluate bone damage, detect fractures, and assess the overall extent of the disease. Common imaging techniques used in the diagnoses include: 

    1. X-rays: Multiple myeloma X-ray is used to look for bones damaged by the disease. Often oncologists perform a series of X-rays that includes most of the bones. The multiple myeloma skull X-ray is also performed to look for lesions in the skull. 

    2. Computed Tomography (CT) Scan: It takes X-rays from different angles to make detailed pictures of the organs. The test also helps guide a biopsy needle. 

    3. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): The multiple myeloma radiology test creates detailed images of the bone and spine using radio waves and strong magnets. It may be used to look for plasmacytomas (single groups of abnormal plasma cells). 

    4. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scan: This is another test to find plasmacytomas that cannot be seen on regular X-rays.

  1. Bone marrow Biopsy and Aspiration: The doctor will perform a bone marrow biopsy to confirm multiple myeloma diagnosis. A small sample of bone marrow is taken from the hipbone or another suitable site using a needle. 

    The sample is then examined under a microscope to evaluate the presence of abnormal plasma cells and assess multiple myeloma pathology outlines. 

  1. Genetic and Cytogenetic Testing: Special tests, such as immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry, and fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH), may be conducted on the bone marrow sample to identify specific genetic abnormalities or mutations associated with multiple myeloma.
    These tests can help guide treatment decisions and provide insights into the prognosis.

Multiple Myeloma Diagnosis

Multiple Myeloma Diagnostic Criteria

The diagnostic criteria, as per the International Myeloma Working Group (IMWG), include:

  1. Malignant Plasma Cells: Presence of at least 10% or more malignant plasma cells in the bone marrow or biopsy sample or evidence of a biopsy-proven plasmacytoma.

  2. Any one or more of the following events:

    1. End-Organ Damage: Presence of one or more of the following multiple myeloma CRAB criteria:

      1. C: Calcium elevation (serum calcium level > 1 mg/dL more than the upper limit of normal or > 11 mg/dL).

      2. R: Renal failure (creatinine clearance < 40 mL per minute or serum creatinine > 2 mg/dL).

      3. A: Anaemia (haemoglobin level > 2 g/dL below the lower limit of normal level or a haemoglobin level < 10 g/dL).

      4. B: Bone damage (one or more osteolytic lesions on imaging studies).

    2. Clonal bone marrow plasma cells ≥ 60% with or without CRAB.

    3. Involved/uninvolved serum-free light chain ratio ≥ 100.

    4. One or more focal lesions on MRI (each > 5 mm in size).

How to prepare for doctor’s consultation?

Preparing for a consultation can help you get the most out of your appointment. Note your symptoms, when they started, and any changes.

Put together your past health issues, surgeries, and any ongoing conditions, especially if you've had plasma disorders like MGUS. Include all medications, vitamins, and supplements. Write down any questions about diagnosis, treatment, or side effects.

What to expect from the doctor?

During a consultation for multiple myeloma, the haemotologist doctor will likely ask about your symptoms, when they started, and if they've changed over time. Common questions include:

  • Are you experiencing bone pain? If so, where?

  • Have you noticed any unexplained weight loss or fatigue?

  • Do you get frequent infections, like pneumonia or sinus problems?

  • Have you had any changes in urination or kidney issues?

  • Do you have any other medical conditions?

  • Is there a family history of plasma disorders like MGUS or multiple myeloma?

  • Are you taking any medications, vitamins, or supplements?

Questions to Ask the Doctor

After a myeloma diagnosis, consider asking:

  • What stage is my myeloma, and what does it mean for my outlook?

  • Can multiple myeloma be cured?

  • What treatment options are best for me?

  • What are the risks and benefits of each treatment?

  • How can I handle or reduce side effects?

  • What if the first treatment doesn't work?

  • How often will I need follow-up visits or tests?

  • What symptoms should prompt immediate medical attention?

Multiple Myeloma Treatment

Treatment for multiple myeloma depends on factors like the disease stage, severity, symptoms and overall health. The goals are to manage symptoms, control the disease, and improve quality of life. Common treatment options include:

  1. Observation: If the disease is asymptomatic or progressing slowly, close monitoring with periodic blood and urine tests, without immediate treatment, may be recommended in some cases.
  1. Chemotherapy: Multiple myeloma chemotherapy drugs, often used in combination, kill or control the growth of myeloma cells. High doses of chemotherapy drugs are also given before a bone marrow transplant.
    These medications may be given intravenously or as a pill. 

  1. Targeted Therapy: They are drugs specifically targeting certain proteins or pathways involved in the growth and survival of myeloma cells.

  1. Immunotherapy: The immune system of the body recognises and destroy myeloma cells.

  1. Corticosteroids: Multiple myeloma medications like dexamethasone and prednisone help regulate the immune system to kill cancer cells and reduce inflammation. They can be taken intravenously or as a pill. 

  1. Radiation Therapy: It uses radiation to target and kill myeloma cells in specific areas affected by these cells, such as bone lesions causing pain or potential fractures.

  1. Bone Marrow Transplant: This treatment replaces sick bone marrow with healthy cells. Patients first receive high-dose chemotherapy to prepare for the transplant.

Please Note: The selection of the treatment approach is based on the patient’s overall health and the treating oncology doctor’s opinion. 

Multiple Myeloma Treatment

Multiple Myeloma Treatment Cost

The cost of multiple myeloma treatment in India varies based on factors like the type and stage of the disease, age, other health conditions, hospital and doctor, and insurance coverage.

Surgery Name Surgery Cost
Chemotherapy Cost ₹ 75,000 to ₹ 2,50,000
Targeted Therapy Cost ₹ 80,000 to ₹ 2,25,000
Immunotherapy Cost ₹ 80,000 to ₹ 2,25,000
Radiation Therapy Cost ₹ 60,000 to ₹ 2,00,000
Bone Marrow Transplant Cost ₹ 15,00,000 to ₹ 27,00,000

Multiple Myeloma Survival Rate

Multiple myeloma survival rates can vary widely depending on various factors, including the stage of the disease, age of the patient, overall health, and response to treatment.

The R-ISS staging system for multiple myeloma shows survival rates for different stages:

  • Stage I: 82% survival rate over five years and 55% progression-free rate.

  • Stage II: 62% survival rate and 36% progression-free rate.

Risks and Complications of Multiple Myeloma

It can lead to various complications due to the effects of the disease on the body. The common complications associated with multiple myeloma are:

  1. Bone Issues: It can weaken and damage bones, leading to pain, thinning, and fractures.

  2. Anaemia: It reduces healthy blood cells, causing tiredness and weakness.

  3. Kidney Problems: Myeloma cells can block the ability of the kidney to filter waste, leading to kidney damage.

  4. Frequent Infections: It lowers the number of healthy white blood cells, increasing infection risk.

  5. Blood Clotting Issues: It can affect platelets, causing problems with blood clotting.

  6. High Calcium Levels: Weak bones can release excess calcium into the blood, leading to hypercalcemia.

6 Multiple Myeloma Complications

When to see a doctor?

Patients should visit an oncologist doctor if they experience any multiple myeloma symptoms that do not go away. Although other conditions can also cause these symptoms, seeking medical evaluation for a proper diagnosis is essential.

Symptoms that may require medical attention include:

  • Unexplained bone pain

  • Frequent infections

  • Fatigue and weakness

  • Bone fractures

Diet for Multiple Myeloma

For people with multiple myeloma, eating well can help support their health. These precautions help protect a weakened immune system and maintain health.

Foods to Eat:

  • Greens: Fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants and can help with digestion and infections. Cooked options are easier on the stomach.

  • Iron-rich foods: Help combat anaemia and boost energy. Good sources include lean red meat, broccoli, bell peppers, and tropical fruits.

  • Fibre: Helps with digestion and prevents constipation. Include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts.

  • Bland Foods: If dealing with diarrhoea, try the BRAT diet (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast) and drink plenty of water. For mouth sores, stick to soft, non-spicy foods.

Foods to Avoid:

  • Unwashed Fruits and Vegetables

  • Runny Eggs

  • Raw Meat or Fish

  • Sushi

  • Unpasteurized Drinks


Multiple myeloma is a complex and potentially serious blood cancer affecting plasma cells in the bone marrow. It can cause various symptoms and complications, requiring timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment. 

While multiple myeloma prognosis and survival rates vary depending on individual factors, advancements in treatment options have improved outcomes for many patients. 

At HexaHealth, our dedicated team of healthcare professionals is committed to supporting individuals with multiple myeloma. We provide comprehensive care, from initial diagnosis to ongoing management. Contact us to learn more about our services and how we can assist you in your journey towards better health. 

Suggested Reads

FAQs for Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma meaning is a cancer of plasma cells in the bone marrow, characterised by the growth and accumulation of abnormal cells. It impacts the immune system and bone health and can affect other organs, requiring specialised treatment and management.


 Common multiple myeloma symptoms include:

  • Bone pain

  • Fatigue

  • Weakness

  • Recurrent infections

  • Weight loss

  • Excessive thirst

  • Frequent urination

  • Nausea

  • Constipation

  • Anaemia

However, symptoms can vary; some individuals may experience no symptoms at early stages.


The first sign of multiple myeloma can vary among individuals. The most common initial sign may include bone pain, especially in the back or chest.

Other early signs are fatigue and nausea. However, it is important to note that early-stage multiple myeloma can also be asymptomatic.


Multiple myeloma symptoms of end-stage may include:

  • Bone pain in the back or ribs

  • Bruising or bleeding easily

  • Fever

  • Severe fatigue

  • Weight loss

  • Decreased appetite

  • Recurrent infections

  • Weakness in arms and legs, etc. 

Palliative care becomes a significant focus at this stage.


The exact multiple myeloma causes are not yet fully understood. However, it begins in one abnormal plasma cell in the bone marrow that grows and multiplies rapidly, crowding out the healthy blood cells.


Multiple myeloma is commonly staged using the Revised International Staging System (R-ISS). Multiple myeloma stages range from I to III, based on various factors, including:

  • The levels of certain proteins, such as albumin, beta-2 microglobulin, and LDH

  • The presence of symptoms or complications


Several factors can increase the risk of developing multiple myeloma, including:

  • Advanced age

  • Male gender

  • A family history of the disease

  • Exposure to radiation or certain chemicals

  • Obesity

  • Certain pre-existing conditions like monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)


Multiple myeloma can impact the bones in several ways. It can weaken the bones and increase the risk of fractures and bone pain. Abnormal myeloma cells can form tumours within the bone marrow and spread to damage the bone tissue.

These can also cause bone marrow cells to remove calcium from bones, leading to further problems.


Multiple myeloma diagnosis typically involves a combination of blood and urine tests to detect abnormal proteins and markers, imaging tests like X-rays or MRI, bone marrow biopsy to examine plasma cells, and genetic testing to identify specific mutations.


Multiple myeloma treatment depends on various factors, including the stage of the disease and the patient’s overall health.
Treatment options may include chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, corticosteroids, radiation therapy, stem cell transplantation, and supportive care to manage symptoms.


Medical images show the characteristic features of multiple myeloma. These images can include X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, and bone scans, which help visualise bone lesions, fractures, and other abnormalities associated with the disease.

Individuals can also find images of multiple myeloma online or ask their healthcare provider for the same.


Yes, multiple myeloma radiology plays a significant role in detecting and diagnosing the disease.

Imaging techniques like X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, and bone scans can identify bone lesions, fractures, and other abnormalities associated with multiple myeloma.


CRAB is an acronym used in multiple myeloma to represent the common signs and symptoms of the disease. CRAB multiple myeloma symptoms stand for:

  • Calcium (elevated levels of calcium in the blood)

  • Renal failure (kidney failure)

  • Anaemia (low red blood cell count)

  • Bone damage


Multiple myeloma diagnostic criteria include the presence of certain markers and findings.

The International Myeloma Working Group (IMWG) criteria require specific levels of abnormal plasma cells, evidence of end-organ damage (CRAB criteria), and/or specific biomarkers and imaging findings.


Yes, multiple myeloma can exhibit specific features on skull imaging. Multiple myeloma skull imaging may include “punched-out” lytic lesions.

The pattern of punched-out lesions on the skull resembles raindrops hitting a surface and splashing. These findings can be seen on X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs of the skull. 


Multiple myeloma is characterised by the infiltration of abnormal plasma cells in an individual’s bone marrow. Multiple myeloma pathology outline includes a distinctive pale area that can be seen under the microscope.

Myeloma cells have an enlarged, irregular nucleus and a light-coloured area adjacent to the nucleus.


Multiple myeloma skull X-rays can show lytic (punched-out) lesions, bone thinning, fractures, and other abnormalities associated with the disease.
However, it cannot be used to detect multiple myeloma. Additional imaging tests like CT scans or MRIs may provide more detailed information.


Multiple myeloma is considered treatable but is generally not curable. However, advancements in treatment options have significantly improved outcomes and prolonged survival for many individuals with multiple myeloma.

With the right treatment, the disease can be managed for several years.


 The diagnostic criteria for multiple myeloma include:

  • Specific levels of abnormal plasma cells in the bone marrow or biopsy sample

  • The presence of end-organ damage (CRAB criteria)

  • Specific biomarkers


Multiple myeloma definition is a cancer that arises from abnormal plasma cells in the bone marrow.

It is characterised by the overgrowth of these malignant cells, producing abnormal proteins, bone damage, and potential organ dysfunction.


Multiple myeloma pathogenesis begins with the asymptomatic state of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS).

MGUS progresses to asymptomatic smouldering myeloma, which eventually becomes symptomatic overt myeloma. It causes bone marrow infiltration and osteolytic lesions.


Multiple myeloma prognosis varies depending on various factors, including the stage at diagnosis, the overall health of the individual, and response to treatment.

\With advancements in therapies, multiple myeloma can be a manageable disease, but the prognosis still varies from person to person.


Multiple myeloma X-rays can help detect bone damage and lesions and point toward the disease.

However, they are not enough to make a diagnosis. Additional imaging techniques like CT scans or MRI may be used to detect multiple myeloma-related bone changes.


Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer itself. It is a malignancy of plasma cells, which are a type of white blood cell that helps make up the immune system. 


Chemotherapy plays a significant role in the treatment of multiple myeloma. Common multiple myeloma chemotherapy options include combinations of drugs such as bortezomib, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide.

The specific regimen depends on the individual’s condition and treatment goals.


Multiple myeloma is treated with a variety of medications. Multiple myeloma medications include:

  1. Immunotherapy drugs (such as lenalidomide and pomalidomide)

  2. Chemotherapy drugs (such as cyclophosphamide and doxorubicin)

  3. Corticosteroids (such as dexamethasone)

  4. Targeted therapies

Treatment regimens are personalised based on individual patient factors and disease characteristics.


Multiple myeloma treatment options include:

  • Chemotherapy

  • Immunotherapy

  • Targeted therapy

  • Corticosteroids

  • Stem cell transplantation

  • Radiation therapy

  • Supportive care

The specific treatment plan depends on factors such as the stage of the disease, the patient’s health, and treatment goals.


The survival rates for multiple myeloma vary depending on factors such as the stage at diagnosis, age, overall health, and treatment response. 

  • Generally, the 5-year relative survival rate for multiple myeloma is around 58%. 

  • For the localised stage, the survival rate is 79%. 

  • For the distant stage, the survival rate is 57%.


Multiple myeloma can lead to various complications, including:

  • Bone fractures

  • Kidney problems

  • Anaemia

  • Frequent infections

  • Blood clotting problems

  • Hypercalcemia

  • Amyloidosis

  • Hyperviscosity syndrome

  • Cryoglobulinemia


 Treatment for multiple myeloma can cause side effects that vary depending on the specific medications and therapies used. Common side effects include:

  • Fatigue

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Constipation

  • Decreased blood cell counts

  • Achy feeling

  • Numbness in hands, arms, legs or feet

  • Increased risk of infections


Several advancements have been made in treating multiple myeloma, including developing new targeted therapies, immunotherapies, and combination treatment approaches.

FDA has approved two CAR T-cell therapies for treatment. Clinical trials are undergoing to test the effectiveness of more CAR T-cell therapies, immune checkpoint inhibitors, and cancer vaccines.


Multiple myeloma and its treatment can have long-term effects, such as ongoing bone problems, kidney damage, increased risk of infections, secondary cancers, and neuropathy.

Regular follow-up and management are important to address these potential long-term effects.


According to some researchers, genetic mutations contribute to the development of multiple myeloma. Chromosomal translocations account for about 40% of all multiple myeloma cases.


Stem cell transplantation, or bone marrow transplantation, can be an important treatment option for eligible patients with multiple myeloma.

It involves replacing the diseased bone marrow with healthy stem cells to promote the growth of new, healthy cells and potentially achieve remission or prolong survival.


  1. Myth: Multiple myeloma runs in families. 

    Fact: Only about 5% of people develop multiple myeloma if a close family member has the disease. Most myeloma patients do not have a family history of the disease. Mutations that cause multiple myeloma are not passed from a parent’s genes to a child. 
  1. Myth: Multiple myeloma damages the liver

    Fact: Multiple myeloma rarely causes liver problems. However, it usually damages the kidneys. Many people experience kidney failure even before the diagnosis of multiple myeloma. 
  1. Myth: Multiple myeloma is curable. 

    Fact: There is no cure for multiple myeloma. However, it is a highly treatable cancer. With the right treatment and medications, it is possible to keep the cancer under control for a long time.



All the articles on HexaHealth are supported by verified medically-recognized sources such as; peer-reviewed academic research papers, research institutions, and medical journals. Our medical reviewers also check references of the articles to prioritize accuracy and relevance. Refer to our detailed editorial policy for more information.

  1. Multiple Myeloma: Symptoms & Treatment [Internet]. Cleveland Clinic.
  2. 8 Types of Multiple Myeloma [Internet].
  3. Bensalah M, Lamrabat S, Lyagoubi A, Aarab A, Bouayadi O, Seddik R. A Rare Case of Non-Secretory Multiple Myeloma: A Case Report and Literature Review. EJIFCC [Internet]. 2019;30(1):88–
  4. Multiple Myeloma Stages [Internet].
  5. Multiple Myeloma: Symptoms, Causes, and Risks [Internet]. Healthline.
  6. Mayo Clinic. Multiple myeloma - symptoms and causes [Internet]. Mayo Clinic.
  7. Can Multiple Myeloma Be Prevented? [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 4].link
  8. Diagnosis | Leukemia and Lymphoma Society [Internet].
  9. Multiple Myeloma: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & More [Internet]. Healthline.
  10. Multiple Myeloma: When Should You See a Doctor? [Internet]. WebMD. [cited 2023 Jul 4].link
  11. Multiple Myeloma Diet: How to Eat Well & Foods To Avoid [Internet].
  12. Myths and Facts About Multiple Myeloma [Internet]. WebMD. [cited 2023 Jul 4].link
  13. Survival Rates for Multiple Myeloma [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 4].link

Last Updated on: 24 September 2024

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


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