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Ganglion Cyst Wrist - Treatment, Causes, Symptoms, and Pain

Medically Reviewed by
Dr. Aman Priya Khanna
Ganglion Cyst

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Ganglion Cyst
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Aman Priya Khanna Written by Sangeeta Sharma

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A ganglion cyst is a round-shaped cyst that is mainly common in women. A ganglion cyst can appear anywhere, but in most cases, it commonly occurs in the back of the wrist. These fluid-filled cysts can quickly show up, fade away, and change size.

It is not carcinogenic and is generally not harmful. But in a few cases, it can lead to severe pain if not treated in time. Let’s read about ganglion cysts, their meaning, types, symptoms, risk factors, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, complications, and other essential details.

Disease Name

Ganglion Cyst

Alternative Name

Bible Cyst


Extreme pain, Loss of mobility, Experiencing numbness, Tingling sensation


Trauma or Irritation


Patient History, Physical Examination, Transillumination, Clinical Investigation, Aspiration, X-ray, Ultrasound, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography Scan (CT Scan)

Treated by


Treatment options

Medication, Aspiration, Immobilisation

What is a Ganglion Cyst? 

A ganglion cyst is a non-cancerous cyst that usually develops on the hands and wrists. It generally originates from the tissues surrounding joints, including ligaments, tendon sheaths, and joint linings of the wrist, ankle and legs. These cysts are generally round in shape and filled with a jelly-like substance. Ganglion cysts can be both a solid or a soft mass. 

This cyst is not a severe health issue. Moreover, they automatically fade away over time. However, patients might undergo pain and feel discomfort in a few cases. If this happens, the ganglion cyst is removed with the help of surgery. 

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NABH Accredited Hospitals (10)

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Electronics City Phase 1, Bangalore
Nelivigi Multispeciality Hospital

Nelivigi Multispeciality Hospital

4.6/5(86 Ratings)
Bellandur, Bangalore

Ganglion Cyst Types

 Based on the area where ganglion cysts are found, they are of the following types:

  1. At the base of the finger: These cysts are common in younger people.
  2. At the back of the wrist: These cysts get cured without treatment. They are common in adults.
  3. On the finger: These cysts are also called mucoid cysts. These cysts appear on the fingers and are primarily found in middle age and older adults.
  4. At the front of the wrist: These ganglion cysts are common in adults but might also develop in older people with arthritis. 

Ganglion Cyst Symptoms

Many people with ganglion cysts don’t even know about it. The reason is the ganglion cyst is often symptomless. Nevertheless, the most common ganglion cyst symptom is an appearance of a lump on the affected area. Other symptoms of ganglion cysts are as follows: 

  1. Extreme pain
  2. Loss of mobility
  3. Experiencing numbness 
  4. Tingling sensation

The symptoms mentioned above are prevalent in ganglion cysts that appear on the nerves. 

Ganglion Cyst Causes 

There is no specific cause for a ganglion cyst. However, these cysts are believed to be caused by fluid accumulation in a joint or tendon on the hand, foot, ankle, wrist, etc. The fluid accumulation might result from an injury, arthritis, or trauma.

Ganglion Cyst Risk Factors

These are the following risk factors of a ganglion cyst:

  1. Being a woman aged 20-40 years
  2. Injury in fingers or wrists
  3. Inflammation in a joint and tendon
  4. Being a gymnast
  5. Medical conditions, such as arthritis

Ganglion Cyst Prevention

Unfortunately, there are no preventive measures for ganglion cysts. And what’s worse is the ganglion cysts may return even after surgery. However, one can pay attention to the following points:

  1. Get proper treatment for health problems like arthritis
  2. Stay safe from injuries 
  3. Get treatment in case of an injury

Ganglion Cyst Diagnosis

There is no particular test to diagnose a ganglion cyst. The Doctor might choose one of the following diagnoses for the patient: 

Patient History: The doctors might ask the patient if there was any case of cysts in the past. The Doctor may also question the patient about other current medical conditions, if any. If the patient says yes, the Doctor can enquire about the medicines the patient is taking (including ayurvedic/ herbal medications). Therefore, it is best to carry the medical reports if the patient has another illness. 

Physical Examination: The Doctor can perform specific physical exams to help diagnose the ganglion cyst. The following are the physical examination that a patient may undergo:

  1. The Doctor can put pressure on the cyst. This will help him to check for any softness in the cyst. 
  2. Transillumination: The Doctor can also pass a beam of light through the ganglion cyst to check if the cyst is transparent or solid.
  3. A few symptoms, like a lump, will also help the Doctor diagnose the cyst. 

Clinical Investigation: 

The Doctor may also perform the following clinical investigation to check for the ganglion cyst.

Aspiration: The Doctor uses a needle and syringe to pull out the fluid from the cyst. If the fluid appears thick and straightforward, it's more likely a ganglion cyst.

Imaging Tests: The Doctor can also advise specific imaging tests to diagnose the cyst. A few tests may not help in diagnosing the ganglion cyst. But they rule out other medical conditions. These are the following imaging tests: 
  1. X-ray: An x-ray test shows a clear image of dense body parts, such as bone. Hence, it helps to eliminate the possibility of tumours and arthritis. 
  2. Ultrasound: With the help of sound waves, an ultrasound report shows a clear image of organs and tissues. Thus, it would help to diagnose the ganglion cyst.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): Using magnetic fields and radio waves, an MRI generates a clear picture of the ganglion cyst (if any). Not only that, but it also helps to distinguish a cyst from a tumour.
  4. Computed Tomography Scan (CT Scan): A CT scan uses x-rays to detect a ganglion cyst. 

How to prepare for the Doctor's consultation? 

What can you do? 

The patients should follow these points: 

  1. Call the Doctor's clinic to make a prior appointment. This will help to save time and avoid confusion.
  2. Take medical reports (in case of other illnesses, such as arthritis, or if the patient had a cyst in the past).
  3. The Doctor will ask questions about the undergoing treatment (in case of any disease). Be prepared to answer them correctly to help ease the diagnosis and treatment. 
  4. The Doctor may ask to conduct some clinical tests. Thereupon wear comfortable and loose clothes.  
  5. The Doctor may also advise laboratory tests. Be prepared for that. 
  6. If, in case, imaging tests such as MRI and CT Scans seem bothersome, talk to the doctor/ family member about it. It helps to calm the mind. 

What to expect from the Doctor? 

  1. The Doctor can ask the patient to undergo physical exams, such as aspiration.
  2. The Doctor can advise specific diagnostic tests, like CT scans, MRIs, and Ultrasounds.
  3. After the diagnosis, the Doctor can prescribe the patient medicines or surgery. 

What questions should you ask the Doctor? 

One can ask the following questions to the Doctor:

  1. How to prevent disease progression?
  2. Is surgery needed in my case?
  3. Why is surgery required?
  4. What is the optimal time for surgery in my case?
  5. Is the illness serious?
  6. What diet should I take?
  7. What is the estimated cost of surgery?
  8. Can it be managed without surgery?
  9. Why has a cyst developed in my body?
  10. What is the risk factor?
Surgery Type

Surgery Cost

Ganglion Cyst Excision INR 40,000 to 1 Lakh

The treatment approach and selection of procedures depend on the patient’s health condition and the opinion of your treating doctor

Ganglion Cyst Risks and Complications 

The ganglion cyst generally does not cause any complications. However, if the ganglion cysts are not treated in time, they may cause the following complications:

  1. Pain
  2. Infection
  3. Redevelopment of the ganglion cysts
  4. It makes specific movements or tasks difficult
  5. Makes one self-conscious

When to see a Doctor? 

A patient must consult a doctor if they experience the following symptoms:

  1. Pain
  2. Infection
  3. Loss of movement
  4. Stiffness in hand
  5. Interferes in day-to-day activities

Ganglion Cyst Diet

There’s no specified diet for a ganglion cyst. Regardless, the patients should eat the following: 

  1. Fresh fruits
  2. Green leafy vegetables
  3. Nuts
  4. Whole grains

However, one must also avoid the following food items:

  1. Junk foods 
  2. Processed food
  3. Food with high sugar content
  4. Preserved items
  5. Cold drinks  

FAQs for Ganglion Cyst

Myth: Ganglion cysts can turn cancerous over time.

Fact: Ganglion cysts do not turn cancerous. It may cause pain if left untreated but won’t cause cancer. 

Myth: Ganglion cyst occurs in older people.

Fact: It’s not always the case. A ganglion cyst can occur in younger people as well. Younger women are more prone to it. 

Myth: Ganglion cyst keeps changing shapes.

Fact: A ganglion cyst may grow more extensive, but it does not change shape. 


The ganglion cyst is caused due to fluid accumulation in the tendon or joint. This fluid accumulation may occur due to the following factors:

  1. Injury
  2. Arthritis
  3. Moving body parts frequently (in the case of gymnasts)

Most ganglion cysts do not require treatment as they fade over time. However, if the cyst causes pain and discomfort, the doctor will prescribe you one of the following treatments:

  1. Aspiration: It is to remove the ganglion cyst with the help of a needle and syringe.
  2. Immobilisation: It stops the movement of the affected part to cure the cyst.
  3. Surgery: if nothing works, the doctor will remove the cyst with the help of surgery. 

Ganglion cysts go away on their own over time. Regardless, you must talk to a doctor if it causes pain. The doctor can also prescribe you pain relievers. In extreme cases, the doctors will provide one of the following treatments:

  1. Aspiration: The doctor will puncture the cyst and drain the fluid using a syringe and needle.
  2. Surgery: The doctor will remove the cyst and its stalk. 

A ganglion cyst is not a severe illness. However, it may grow big and cause pain to the patient. Therefore, it is suggested to consult a doctor if a cyst develops. 


Generally, the ganglion cyst is not a matter of concern. But if the cyst does not reduce in size over six months and starts causing severe pain, one should consult a doctor soon. 


These are the following procedures that shrink the ganglion cyst:

  1. Aspiration: with the help of a needle and syringe, the fluid is drained out, and the ganglion cyst shrinks. 
  2. Immobilisation: patient wears a brace on the affected area, which puts pressure on the cyst and shrinks it.
  3. Surgery: if no treatment proves to be helpful, surgery is performed. This removes the cyst. 

A ganglion cyst usually does not cause any complications and even fades away on its own. However, if left untreated,  it may cause pain and discomfort in some instances.


A ganglion cyst does not become cancerous. Regardless, it may grow bigger and cause pain. If that’s the case, one should talk to a doctor for the necessary treatment.


These are the following factors that make a person prone to ganglion cysts.

  1. Have conditions related to bones, such as arthritis
  2. Women aged between 20-40 years
  3. Past hand/ foot injury. 

Some of the fastest ways to treat a ganglion cyst are as follows

  1. Aspiration: draining the cyst with a needle and syringe.
  2. Immobilisation: wearing a brace to shrink the ganglion cyst.
  3. Surgery: surgical method to remove the cyst

Massaging a ganglion cyst is not good as it can cause the fluid to burst. It can also help the cyst grow by swelling and developing an infection.


Using a hot compressor may help relieve some pain. But it doesn’t reduce the cyst’s size. One can also put ice wrapped in a cloth and apply it on the affected area. 


The doctor can use the following method to get rid of a ganglion cyst without surgery: 

  1. Medication: prescribe anti-inflammatory Medicines or painkillers.
  2. Aspiration: This method involves a needle and syringe to drain the fluid.
  3. Immobilisation: Wear a brace to apply pressure on the cyst and shrink it down. 

However, surgery might only be the last option left if nothing works. 


The ganglion cyst usually has a jelly-like structure inside it. This jelly-like structure can be both a solid and a fluid. 

  1. No! Do not try to pop the ganglion cyst with a needle, as it can cause infection in the body.
  2. Take over-the-counter medicines and use warm compresses if the cyst causes pain.
  3. Moreover, seek medical care to receive proper treatment. 

Although it depends on the seriousness of the cyst, it would still take around INR 40,000 to INR 1 lakh. 


Ganglion cyst surgery takes 15 to 30 minutes. The surgeon will detach the cyst and its stalk from the joint/ tendon. 


To prevent ganglion cysts, consider these points:

  1. Get proper treatment for medical conditions like arthritis.
  2. Stay safe from injuries.
  3. Get treatment in case of an injury. 

Last Updated on: 15 December 2022

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

MBBS, DNB General Surgery, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery, FIAGES

12 Years Experience

Dr Aman Priya Khanna is a well-known General Surgeon, Proctologist and Bariatric Surgeon currently associated with HealthFort Clinic, Health First Multispecialty Clinic in Delhi. He has 12 years of experience in General Surgery and worke...View More


Sangeeta Sharma

Sangeeta Sharma

BSc. Biochemistry I MSc. Biochemistry (Oxford College Bangalore)

6 Years Experience

She has extensive experience in content and regulatory writing with reputed organisations like Sun Pharmaceuticals and Innodata. Skilled in SEO and passionate about creating informative and engaging medical conten...View More

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