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Why Am I Always Tired and Have No Energy? 10 Reasons

Written by Hexahealth Care Team, last updated on 26 April 2023| min read
Why Am I Always Tired and Have No Energy? 10 Reasons

Quick Summary

  • Here are three reasons why you feel tired all the time: Lack of sleep: When you don't get enough sleep, it can lead to fatigue and low energy levels
  • Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night
  • Poor diet: Eating a healthy diet is essential for maintaining energy levels
  • Make sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
  • Stress: Stress can take a toll on your physical and mental health, leading to fatigue
  • Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as exercise, yoga, or meditation
  • Here are some tips to help you overcome chronic fatigue: Get regular exercise
  • Exercise can help improve your mood, energy levels, and sleep quality
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Eating a healthy diet will give you the nutrients you need to feel your best
  • Manage stress
  • Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as exercise, yoga, or meditation
  • Get enough sleep
  • Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night
  • If you are experiencing chronic fatigue, it is important to see a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions

Do you feel sluggish and tired, even after a good night's sleep? Do you often question why am I always tired and have no energy? Females experience chronic fatigue and low energy levels due to various reasons. It affects not only the day-to-day activities but also productivity as well.

Lack of energy leads to a lack of interest in daily activities and prevents you from growing. And this can be a sign of various health disorders. People often avoid this, but that's not the right thing to do. In this blog post, we will find the right answers to your wondering, “Why am I always tired and have no energy” and how to overcome it.

10 Reasons Why Energy is Essential

Energy plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. It keeps you fit and mentally active. “Why am I always tired and have no energy” is not just a frustrating thought but will also disturb your daily activities.

Avoiding these conditions can become one of the biggest mistakes. Therefore, a person must understand the importance of energy in their body. The top 10 reasons that make energy vital are:

  1. Helps Maintain a Healthy Weight: Energy is essential for performing physical activities, burning calories, and maintaining a healthy weight. Consuming energy-rich foods and drinks gives the body the necessary fuel to carry out daily activities.
  2. Boosts Mood and Mental Health: Energy will surely play a crucial role in regulating mood and mental health. Lack of energy can lead to fatigue, irritability, and depression, while increased energy levels can improve mood and promote well-being.
  3. Improves Heart Health: The right flow of energy in the body is vital for the heart to pump blood and deliver oxygen to the body's tissues.
    Making physical activities and a balanced diet a part of the everyday routine improves heart health and reduces problems of heart disease and stroke.
  4. Enhances Brain Function: Energy is vital for optimal brain function, including concentration, memory, and cognitive performance. Adequate energy levels can help improve brain function and mental clarity.
  5. Supports a Healthy Immune System: Energy is required for the immune system to function correctly. The immune system relies on energy to produce and activate immune cells that protect the body against infections and diseases.
  6. Improves Sleep Quality: Energy levels can affect sleep quality. Adequate energy levels can help promote a healthy sleep-wake cycle, while low energy levels can disrupt sleep and lead to insomnia.
  7. Increases Stamina and Endurance: Energy is essential for physical performance, including stamina and endurance. Consuming energy-rich foods and staying hydrated can help improve physical performance and endurance.
  8. Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Energy levels can affect stress and anxiety levels. Low energy levels can increase stress and anxiety, while high energy levels can promote relaxation and reduce stress.
  9. Improves Digestion and Gut Health: Energy is necessary for the digestive system to function correctly. Eating energy-rich foods and maintaining a healthy diet can help improve digestion and gut health.
  10. Increases Productivity and Efficiency: Energy is essential for optimal productivity and efficiency. Adequate energy levels can help improve focus, concentration, and mental clarity, boosting overall productivity and efficiency.

To avoid problems in the long run, it is essential to understand the right causes of tiredness in females and men and the right treatments.

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Top 10 Reasons for Feeling Tired, Lethargic, and Having No Energy

Feeling tired due to excessive work sometimes is normal. But, if you say, “Why am I always tired and have no energy” regularly, it’s not a good sign. Constantly feeling tired, lethargic, and out of energy is a sign of deficiencies in the body or an illness.

The causes of tiredness in females and males can be the same. Below discussed are some top reasons for this:

  1. Lack of Sleep: Sleep is essential for the body to recharge and repair itself. One feels tired, irritable, and unfocused when they don't get enough sleep.
    Establishing a consistent sleep schedule is essential to ensure getting enough rest. A person suffering from sleep-related problems such as insomnia, sleep apnoea, etc., is sure to complain, “I am always feeling tired”.
  2. Poor Diet: Dietary imbalances and nutritional deficiencies play a crucial role in the way a person feels.
    Foods high in sugar and refined carbohydrates, caffeine and alcohol intake, micronutrient deficiencies, meal timings, size, etc., should be seriously considered.
    A balanced diet with lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats can help sustain energy levels throughout the day.
  3. Dehydration: Dehydration is among the most common causes of people wondering, “Why am I so tired all the time.” Not drinking enough water can result in bodies becoming dehydrated.
    This condition makes it harder for body organs to function correctly. Drinking water and consuming 7-8 glasses of water throughout the day are important. It is especially vital during physical activity or hot weather.
  4. Lack of Exercise: Exercise is a crucial aspect of a healthy lifestyle. It helps to boost energy levels, improve mood, and reduce stress. When we don't exercise regularly, our bodies weaken, and we may experience fatigue and lethargy.
    Incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine, even if it's just a short walk, can help boost energy levels and improve overall health.
  5. Medical Conditions: Several medical conditions can contribute to fatigue and low energy levels, including anaemia, thyroid problems, and sleep apnoea.
    If you're experiencing persistent fatigue unrelated to other causes, it's essential to speak with a healthcare professional to determine if an underlying medical condition needs to be addressed.
  6. Stress: Stress can cause physical and mental fatigue, making functioning difficult. When we're under stress, our bodies produce cortisol, disrupting sleep patterns and leaving us feeling drained.
    Stress management techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises, can help reduce cortisol and boost energy levels.
  7. Medications: Certain medications can also contribute to feelings of fatigue and low energy levels. Antidepressants, antihistamines, and blood pressure medications are some examples of drugs that can cause fatigue.
    If you're experiencing fatigue and taking medications, you must speak with a healthcare professional to determine if there are alternative medications or dosages that may be less likely to cause fatigue.
  8. Lack of Sunlight: Sunlight is essential for the body to produce vitamin D. This is necessary for maintaining bone health and overall well-being.
    We may experience fatigue and low energy levels when we don't get enough sunlight.
    Spending time outdoors or using a light therapy box can help increase exposure to sunlight and improve energy levels.
  9. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Chronic fatigue syndrome is a body disorder. The symptoms include extreme fatigues that don't improve with rest. Other symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome may include difficulty sleeping, muscle and joint pain, and headaches.
  10. Depression: Depression can cause fatigue and lethargy. People with depression may have difficulty getting out of bed, lack energy, and always feel tired. It’s advisable to seek help from a mental health therapist in a state of depression.

How to Boost Energy and Feel Energetic?

Feeling tired and lacking energy can greatly impact your productivity and overall quality of life. If you complain once a week, “Why am I, as a female, always tired and have no energy,” it’s acceptable, but not if you say this daily. Identifying the problem is good but not enough.

Initially, you can work on some factors and get your energy levels on track. Several ways can help boost your energy levels and make you feel more energetic. Here are some tips:

  1. Get Enough Sleep: One of the most effective ways to boost your energy levels is to get enough sleep. Don’t compromise, and have 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night.
  2. Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can cause fatigue and lethargy. Keep a note to drink an ample amount of water during the entire day.
  3. Eat a Balanced Diet: Eat a diet high in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein to get the energy your body needs to function optimally.
  4. Exercise Regularly: Exercise helps increase blood flow and oxygen to the body, boosting energy levels. Make a routine to exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes daily.
  5. Manage Stress: Stress can cause fatigue and lethargy. Managing stress through yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises is essential.
  6. Take Breaks: Regular breaks throughout the entire day can help boost your energy levels. Stand up, stretch, and take a short walk to help increase blood flow and oxygen to your body.
  7. Get Some Sunlight: Exposure to sunlight can help regulate your body's circadian rhythm, improving sleep quality and boosting energy levels.
  8. Limit Caffeine Intake: While caffeine can temporarily boost energy, too much caffeine can cause dehydration and interfere with sleep quality. Aim to limit caffeine intake to no more than 400mg per day.

These were some helpful methods to cure your most complained problem, “Why I am always tired and have no energy.” Try to implement the above-discussed methods in your lifestyle and boost your energy.

When to Seek Medical Help?

Occasionally feeling tired or lacking energy is common and can result from various factors, including stress, lack of sleep, or a poor diet. However, if you consistently feel tired or lack energy daily, it could indicate an underlying medical condition requiring attention.

If you constantly ask yourself, “Why am I, a female, so tired all the time”, then it's time to pay attention to your body and take the necessary action. Below are some symptoms that highlight the need for medical attention:

  1. Persistent Fatigue: If you feel you are always tired, despite getting enough sleep, chances are you are suffering from underlying medical conditions like anaemia, thyroid problems, or chronic fatigue syndrome.
  2. Lack of Motivation: If you feel that you are no longer motivated to do things you usually enjoy or struggle to complete daily tasks, it could indicate depression or other mental health issues.
  3. Unexplained Weight Loss or Gain: Are you experiencing a significant weight change without any significant changes to your exercise routine or your everyday meals? If yes, then chances are that it could be related to an underlying medical condition.
  4. Difficulty in Concentrating: If you are having difficulty concentrating or remembering things, it could be a sign of a neurological condition or a sleep disorder.
  5. Chronic Pain: Chronic pain, such as headaches, back pain, or joint pain, can cause fatigue and impact daily life.
  6. Shortness of Breath: Do you feel out of breath or experience shortness of breath, even with minimal physical activity? If yes, this could indicate a respiratory or cardiac condition.

If you are undergoing any of the symptoms discussed above, it is essential to seek medical attention. Your healthcare provider will thoroughly evaluate the underlying cause of your fatigue or lack of energy and develop a treatment plan accordingly.


There are several causes of tiredness in females and males. Feeling tired, lethargic, and having no energy can be caused by various factors. Identifying the underlying cause of being always tired and taking steps to manage it is essential. Lifestyle changes like improving your diet, stress management, following a fitness regime, and getting enough sleep can help boost your energy levels. If you are constantly wondering, “Why am I, as a female, always tired and have no energy”, it's time for you to acknowledge the problems in your body and find the right solutions. 

If you still have any doubts or concerns regarding lack of energy, you can contact our experts without any hesitation. At HexaHealth, we have top doctors who can provide you with the right treatment based on the right diagnosis at the right time. So contact our experts TODAY!

Frequently Asked Questions

Even though both men and women are sure to complain of always feeling tired and having no energy, the causes of tiredness in females can be : 

  1. Physical health
  2. Emotional and mental health
  3. Lifestyle factors
  4. Social and cultural factors
  5. Lifestyle changes

There can be many reasons for a person to feel constantly tired and low on energy. If you constantly complain, “Why am I, a female, always tired and have no energy”, then the following causes can be responsible. These are:

  1. Insufficient sleep
  2. Nutritional deficiencies
  3. Stress and depression
  4. Medical conditions, etc.
To successfully perform the many basic and essential tasks of the day, one must always eat right and sleep right. Irregularities in these two basic activities can constantly make a person always tired and impact their energy levels.

The causes of tiredness are the same in both men and women. Some of the most known causes of tiredness in females are:

  1. Thyroid problems
  2. Lack of vitamin D
  3. Heart problems
  4. Depression, etc.
Yes. What a person eats will surely play a significant role in determining their energy level. Those who eat a well-balanced and healthy diet are far more energetic than those who consume unhealthy food lacking essential nutrients.
During exercises, the muscles contract resulting in the generation of heat and power. This mechanical energy forms a steady internal environment. Regular physical exercises significantly reduce fatigue and allow a person to feel fit and energetic.
Yes, many medical conditions can cause a state of severe fatigue and tiredness among people. These medical conditions include high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, anaemia, diabetes, etc.
The conditions of stress and tensions make the heart work harder and deeply affect the smooth functioning of the immune system. This, in turn, is sure to make a person feel fatigued.
A good night's sleep is essential for a person not just to wake up fresh and energetic every morning but also to regulate the many other functions in their body. People suffering from sleep-related problems, such as insomnia, sleep apnoea, etc., are more prone to experience fatigue and tiredness.
It is not just the sleeping pill that can make a person drowsy and tired but also many other treatments or medications. Some of the most common medications making a person feel tired are medications related to allergies, antidepressants, anti-anxiety pills, etc.

The presence of adequate amounts of minerals and vitamins in the body ensures the smooth functioning of the body. If any one of the essential nutrients is missing, it can lead to fatigue and tiredness. Some vitamins and minerals required by the body include:

  1. Vitamin D
  2. Iron
  3. Copper
  4. Magnesium, etc.

Yes, several environmental factors can cause low energy levels and fatigue. These environmental factors include:

  1. Printer toner 
  2. Paper dust
  3. Allergens or chemicals
  4. Insufficient lights
  5. Loud noises
Yes, hormonal imbalances have been known to be one of the primary causes of chronic fatigue and low energy levels. These hormonal imbalances can be related to thyroid, menopause, etc.
Chronic pain contributes significantly to many health conditions in a person. From feeling immense pain to exhaustion, inflammation, and much more, severe pain and health conditions can drain energy and make a person weak, less energetic, and tired for long durations.

Fatigue is all about feeling tired with an immense loss of energy. However, with the right lifestyle changes, people can easily return to feeling good, energetic, and recharged. These lifestyle changes include:

  1. Drinking sufficient water
  2. Adequate sleep
  3. Eating healthy
  4. Regular exercises
  5. Avoid alcohol and smoking

Experiencing chronic tiredness and lack of energy can primarily impact the way a person lives their life. However, with the use of vitamins and supplements, this problem can be permanently eradicated. Some essential vitamins and supplements to stay energetic and motivated are:

  1. Vitamin B12
  2. Iron
  3. Vitamin C
  4. Folic acid
  5. Caffeine
  6. Green tea
Fatigue and lack of energy are one of the biggest symptoms of depression. Depression in people causes a lack of appetite, insomnia, and other imbalance, which in turn can drain out energy making a person feel tired and exhausted all the time.
The extent of physical and mental pain in diseases like fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome can make a person weak and completely drain their energy. Not only are they sure to feel weak, but they also can remain in that condition for several days.

Last Updated on: 26 April 2023

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


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