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Piles in Women - Images, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Aman Priya Khanna
Written by Hexahealth Care Team, last updated on 19 June 2024| min read
Piles in Women - Images, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Quick Summary

  • Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are a common condition that affects many people, including females.
  • Piles in women occur when the veins in the rectum or anus become swollen and inflamed, causing discomfort and pain.
  • Various factors can cause piles, including constipation, pregnancy, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle.
  • For females, piles can be an especially uncomfortable and embarrassing condition, leading to pain and discomfort during menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth.
  • However, with the right treatment and care, piles can be effectively managed and even prevented.

Piles is a common condition that affects many people, including females. Piles in women occur when the veins in the rectum or anus become swollen and inflamed, causing discomfort and pain. Various factors, including constipation, pregnancy, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle, can cause this.

For females, piles can be an especially uncomfortable and embarrassing condition, leading to pain and discomfort during menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth. Additionally, the stigma surrounding piles can make it difficult for women to seek help and support. However, with the right treatment and care, piles can be effectively managed and even prevented, allowing women to enjoy a better quality of life.

In this blog, we will explore the causes, symptoms, pictures and treatments for piles in females, as well as provide tips for prevention and self-care.

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What is Piles in Women?

Piles, also known as haemorrhoids, can affect both men and women. However, pregnancy and childbirth can increase the risk of developing piles in women due to the pressure on the veins in the rectal area. Other factors that can increase the risk of piles in women include obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, and a low-fibre diet.

Symptoms of piles in women can include itching, pain, bleeding, and swelling around the anus. Treatment options may include lifestyle changes, topical medications, or surgical procedures, depending on the severity of the condition. It is important to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.


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Types of Piles in Women

Piles in Women can be categorized into several types depending on the location and severity of the swollen veins in the rectal area. Understanding the different types of piles is crucial for timely diagnosis and effective treatment. The different types of piles include: 

External haemorrhoids

  1. The swollen lumps are visible outside in such cases, making them highly uncomfortable. Often such haemorrhoids cause pain during defecation (bowel movement), sitting, or day-to-day physical activities.

Internal haemorrhoids

  1. These occur inside the rectum; thus, they are not externally visible. No noticeable symptoms are often present; hence, these haemorrhoids mostly get cured on their own.
  2. However, in case of repeated exposure to friction and pressure, they can be forced out of the anal opening, also known as prolapsed haemorrhoids.

Prolapsed haemorrhoids

  1. As already discussed, when pushed out, internal haemorrhoids are known as prolapsed haemorrhoids. Depending on their severity, such haemorrhoids can be categorised into the following grades:

    1. Grade I: Haemorrhoid prolapse occurs due to pressure or strained defecation. This is not a permanent condition, as the haemorrhoid retracts back into the rectum shortly after. 
    2. Grade II: In this phase, the haemorrhoids don’t retract back on their own. Instead, they need to be pushed back inside. 
    3. Grade III: The most severe grade of piles, where one cannot push the haemorrhoid back inside. Grade III piles are dangerous, and the person experiences intense pain. 

Thrombosed haemorrhoids

  1. A thrombosed haemorrhoid develops a “thrombus” or blood clot within itself. Such an occurrence usually happens at an advanced stage if a haemorrhoid is left untreated for a long time.
  2. Removal and drainage of the blood clot, also known as “thrombectomy,” is usually performed for relief. Types of piles in women

Symptoms of Piles in Female

Piles in women may have mild symptoms that resolve on their own, but they can be dangerous if left untreated. Some common symptoms of piles in female include:

  1. Swelling or painful lumps: Piles are swollen veins in the anal area that can cause painful lumps or swelling. These lumps can be located inside or outside the anus, and they may be small or large in size.
  2. Pain while sitting or during physical activity: Haemorrhoids can cause discomfort or pain when sitting or engaging in physical activity, particularly if the piles are located near the anus.
  3. Itching and irritation in the anal area: Uncomfortable or distressing symptoms like itching in the anal area is one of the major symptoms of piles in female.
  4. Pain and discomfort during defecation: Passing stool can be painful or uncomfortable if the piles are inflamed or if they are located in a way that causes pressure during bowel movements.
  5. Blood in stools: Piles can cause bleeding during bowel movements, which may be visible in the stool or on toilet paper. The bleeding is usually bright red and typically not serious.
  6. Mucous discharge while defecating: Some people with piles may experience a mucous discharge during bowel movements. This is typically not a serious symptom but can be uncomfortable.
  7. Bleeding after defecation: In some cases, piles can cause bleeding after bowel movements, which may require medical attention.
  8. Feeling of incomplete bowel movement: This feeling is caused by piles can be uncomfortable or distressing. This sensation may persist even after passing stool.

You can see piles pictures in females for a clearer understanding of the symptoms of piles.

Piles in women symptoms

Causes of Piles in Female

Usually, piles occur due to increased pressure in the lower part of the rectum and anal cavity, which causes the veins to bulge out and swell into lumps. Some common causes of haemorrhoids in women include: 

  1. Straining while passing stools: Commonly occurs due to constipation. Because of straining, pressure increases on the veins in the lower rectum and anus. This results in inflammation and swelling of the veins leading to haemorrhoids. 
  2. Prolonged sitting or standing: When we sit or stand for long periods, the blood flow in the lower body can become restricted, causing the veins to swell and enlarge.
  3. A low-fibre diet: Fibre helps increase the bulk of the stools by increasing their water content. Less fibre in the diet can lead to constipation which further leads to piles.
  4. Excess weight gain: Often due to pelvic pressure during pregnancy, the risk of developing piles in women increases.
  5. Too much weightlifting: Engaging in excessive weightlifting can lead to increased pressure in the lower part of the body, contributing to the development of piles.
  6. Obesity or a sedentary lifestyle: Lack of physical activity can slow metabolism, leading to slower bowel movements and increased water absorption in the colon, which can eventually lead to piles. 

If you are looking for information on piles in women, including piles pictures in female and causes of piles in female you can read our blog about Piles.

Piles in women Causes

Prevention of Piles in Women

Piles in women can be prevented by adopting some healthy lifestyle habits. Below are some steps that can be followed to prevent piles in women. These also extend to treating existing piles in women. Some of them include:

  1. Avoid sitting for too long
    1. Sitting for an extended period puts unnecessary pressure on the veins in and around the anus. This increases the risk of developing piles. 
  2. If you have to use the washroom, Go and Use it!
    1. Many people knowingly or unknowingly delay going to the bathroom, even if their body tells them otherwise.
    2. Such delay often leads to the drying of stool, which causes problems in the passage of stool, leading to strain on the venous cushions.
  3. Tailor your diet
    1. Diet is vital in determining stool consistency. If the stools get hard and lead to constipation, the risk of developing piles increases exponentially due to the friction and pressure caused during the passage of stools.
    2. Eating a healthy diet and consuming plenty of water can minimise the possibility of developing constipation and thus avoid piles.
    3. The diet must be rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Including fibre-rich food items in your diet is a must. 
  4. Add fibre supplements
    1. Consider consuming fibre supplements to meet the body's daily requirements.
    2. Dietary fibre supplements are highly effective, even for patients with advanced haemorrhoids. They can even help you avoid surgery by restricting the progression of haemorrhoids and bleeding.
    3. Some commonly consumed Ayurvedic fibre supplements include Triphala and Isabgol. To know more about it, read Benefits of Triphala powder for Piles in Hindi
  5. Drink lots of fluids
    1. When the body is dehydrated, it can lead to harder and drier stools, making it more difficult to pass bowel movements.
    2. Water constitutes the bulk of our body and is responsible for many vital functions.
    3. Although the amount to drink varies from person to person, a minimum of 2-3 litres per day is recommended.
  6. Exercise
    1. Exercise can also help you lose extra pounds, which may be the reason behind your haemorrhoids.
    2. You can consult a trainer or doctor to know which exercise suits you. For example, pregnant women are prohibited from doing highly strenuous activities and heavy lifting. Jogging, walking, etc., are some possible exercise options. 
  7. Maintain adequate body weight
    1. Overweight and obese women are more prone to developing piles. This is because being overweight results in increased pressure on the veins surrounding the rectum and anal canal.
    2. Hence maintaining adequate body weight is essential in preventing piles. Eat fibre-rich food, exercise regularly and drink a lot of water to shed those extra kilos!

Piles in women preventionTo read more, click How To Prevent Piles

Non-Surgical Treatment options

While surgery may be necessary in severe cases, several non-surgical treatment options are also available for piles in women. These include home remedies, dietary changes, and over-the-counter medications to help manage the symptoms and promote healing.

Home Remedies for Piles in Women

While there are medical treatments available for piles, some women may prefer to try home remedies to alleviate their symptoms. Some home remedies include:

  1. Sitz bath
    1. One must soak the affected anal area in warm water for 10-15 minutes, 2-3 times a day. Sitz Bath helps improve blood flow and relaxes muscles in and around the anal region.
    2. To know instructions for the same, click How to Take a Sitz Bath: Procedure and Benefits
  2. Over-the-counter treatments 
    1. You can purchase an ointment containing hydrocortisone, which will help to relieve the pain and discomfort quickly. Usually, these haemorrhoid creams cure the area within a couple of days. 
  3. Stool softeners
    1. These medications can help relieve constipation and make it easier to pass bowel movements, which can help reduce the risk of straining and further irritation of the anal area.
  4. Pain relievers
    1. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help relieve pain associated with piles.
  5. Ice packs
    1. Applying a cold compress to the affected area can help reduce swelling and provide relief.

Home remedies for piles in womenDietary Changes for Piles in Women

A high-fibre diet can be beneficial for women with piles (haemorrhoids) as it can help prevent constipation and promote regular bowel movements. Good sources of dietary fibre include:

  1. Fruits such as apples, pears, berries, and prunes.
  2. Vegetables, including broccoli, carrots, leafy greens, and sweet potatoes etc. 
  3. Whole grains like brown rice, oatmeal, whole-wheat bread, and whole-grain pasta are good sources
  4. Legumes consisting of beans, lentils, and chickpeas are fibre-rich.

In addition to fibre, it is important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and other fluids. Avoiding processed foods, fried foods, and spicy foods can also help reduce symptoms of piles. You can read more about diet for piles at Best and Worst Food For Piles in Hindi.

What to eat if you have piles? If the above-mentioned home remedies don't work, you should see a doctor immediately. Your doctor may advise some non-surgical medical treatments, which include:

  1. Electrotherapy: The piles are made to shrink using an electric current
  2. Sclerotherapy: Injecting a liquid into the piles makes them shrink in size.
  3. Infrared coagulation: Here, infrared light is used to cut off blood supply from the haemorrhoids, thus shrinking them.
  4. Rubber band ligation: In this method, a small tool called ligator and rubber bands are used to cut off the haemorrhoids from their blood supply, causing them to wither and drop off.
  5. Cryotherapy: Cryotherapy is the therapeutic application of freezing temperatures to destroy tissues. 
  6. Doppler-guided haemorrhoidal artery ligation: Through this procedure, the arterial supply to the rectum and anal canal is cut off, resulting in fibrosis (shrinkage).

Piles treatment without surgeryYou can read more about treatment options at Non Surgical Treatment for Piles

Surgical Treatment Options

Surgery is the final option left if none of the above-mentioned methods works. Haemorrhoidectomy is the surgery of choice wherein the piles are cut and removed. It is typically recommended for large or severe haemorrhoids. Three types of haemorrhoidectomy can be performed:

  1. Open Haemorrhoidectomy is a traditional surgical procedure that involves removing haemorrhoids using a scalpel.
  2. Stapler Hemorrhoidectomy is a less invasive procedure that uses a stapling device to remove the haemorrhoids.
  3. Laser Haemorrhoidectomy uses a laser to vaporize and remove the haemorrhoid tissue.

However, they are not preferred in pregnant women due to the complications that might harm the mother or the growing foetus. The risk for these complications is more in the third trimester of the pregnancy than in the previous ones.

Piles treatment with surgery

Complications of Delayed Treatment

If left untreated, piles can lead to several complications that can significantly impact a woman's quality of life. It is important for women to be aware of the complications of piles and to seek medical attention if they experience symptoms to prevent and manage them. Some complications include: 

  1. Thrombosis: This occurs when a blood clot forms in the haemorrhoid, causing severe pain and swelling.
  2. Infection: If the haemorrhoid becomes infected, it can lead to fever, chills, and severe pain.
  3. Faecal incontinence: Chronic straining during bowel movements can weaken the muscles that control bowel function, leading to involuntary bowel movements.
  4. Strangulation: This occurs when the haemorrhoid becomes trapped outside the anal opening, and its blood supply is cut off, causing severe pain and tissue death.
  5. Anaemia: Prolonged bleeding from haemorrhoids can lead to anaemia, a deficiency in red blood cells that can cause fatigue and weakness.
  6. Psychological distress: Chronic haemorrhoid symptoms, including pain, bleeding, and itching, can cause anxiety, depression, and social isolation.

Complications of delaying piles treatment

Piles in Pregnant Women

Haemorrhoids can develop in pregnant women, especially during the third trimester or the days after childbirth. The most common reasons for developing Piles in women include: 

  1. Almost 50% of pregnant women are seen to develop haemorrhoids. The most prominent reasons behind this are the increase in blood volume during pregnancy, which leads to swelling of veins.
  2. Another reason for piles in women is constipation. During constipation, gut motility is reduced, slowing down bowel movement. This happens due to the increase in the level of progesterone hormone during pregnancy.
  3. If the delivery has been very strenuous, the mother might develop piles the following days after childbirth. However, this unpleasant part of pregnancy can be avoided by incorporating some changes in the lifestyle.

To read in detail, click Piles during Pregnancy

Piles in pregnant woman


In conclusion, piles in women is a common condition that can affect women, and while they can be uncomfortable and painful, they are generally treatable. By making simple lifestyle changes and incorporating non-surgical treatment options, women can often effectively manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

However, if symptoms persist or worsen, it is important to seek medical attention to prevent potential complications. You can contact the experts at HexaHealth, who will guide you through the best treatment option available for piles. We have a team of expert medical professionals who can help you treat piles without any hassle. Visit our website to get in touch with us right now!

Overall, by being proactive and taking steps to prevent and manage piles, women can reduce the impact of this condition on their daily lives and enjoy optimal health and well-being.

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Piles Prevention
Piles in Pregnancy Piles in Men
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Frequently Asked Questions

Many females develop piles during pregnancy due to hormonal changes, weight gain, and increased pressure on the rectum due to the growing foetus. 

Small haemorrhoids often go away on their own when not in an advanced stage. During the advanced stages, the piles can develop into external haemorrhoids, which need more time to heal. This is because it gets exposed to friction very often.

Yes, females can suffer from piles. Piles in women occur due to constipation, excess weightlifting or post vaginal delivery.

Mild haemorrhoid symptoms can be relieved within 2 to 7 days by adapting certain lifestyle changes. These changes include eating fibre-rich food, drinking more water, etc. However, some advanced cases might take longer to heal.

If not severe, piles go away on their own. For advanced cases, medical intervention such as hemorrhoidectomy might be required.

Fruits such as pears, apples, bananas, and raspberries are good for piles. They are good sources of fibre which helps increase the bulkiness of stool, thus allowing easy passage of stool.

Due to increased pressure on the rectum, the blood vessels in that area get stretched, which leads to further swelling and the occurrence of piles. Other causes include extreme weightlifting, obesity, and chronic constipation, all of which strain the anal region and cause piles.

Yes, piles can be cured permanently. Some lifestyle changes and surgery that is Haemorrhoidectomy can be performed to cut and remove piles permanently.

Food with less fibre (e.g., junk and processed food) can cause piles. Due to their high fat and sodium content, they are difficult to digest and might give rise to constipation, further giving rise to piles.

If not treated within time, piles may cause complications. Apart from increased pain and discomfort, there is a risk of bleeding from the haemorrhoids and causing anaemia. If it becomes strangulated haemorrhoid, it can get excruciating with higher chances of blood loss.

Stress leads to improper gut functioning and increased blood pressure, both of which can give rise to piles.

Unhealthy and processed food items, deep-fried food, and spicy food must be avoided due to their low fibre content. Besides, they are difficult to digest and cause constipation, further aggravating piles.

Exercises targeting the pelvic muscles help cure and avoid piles. Balasana is a good yoga position for improved blood circulation in the rectal region. Other exercises include deep breathing, pelvic floor contraction, legs up the wall pose, etc.

Applying haemorrhoid creams, taking a warm hip bath, and avoiding strain are some effective ways to get rid of piles quickly.

Yes, they can. However, it is best to reach out to Proctologists for the treatment of piles. Colorectal surgeons, also known as proctologists, should be consulted for piles treatment.

Yes, it can affect marital life. Having sex causes increased arousal and blood flow, automatically increasing pressure in and around the anal area. Such increased pressure may aggravate piles.

Piles aren’t dangerous or life-threatening. However, they can be very painful and uncomfortable.

Common symptoms of piles in females include pain and itchiness around the anus, mucus discharge, and blood during the passage of stool.

It is important to know about the symptoms of piles in female before treating it. One can initially follow home remedies (warm water bath, haemorrhoid cream, etc.). Surgical procedures are often considered to be the last resort for piles treatment.

Piles surgery is mostly safe for pregnant women; however, it is not preferred in pregnant women due to the need for anaesthesia and complications.

Yes, pregnancy increases the risk of piles due to hormonal changes and increased abdominal pressure. The veins tend to relax and get easily strained due to the high pressure put on by the growing foetus.

Understanding the diagnosis of piles in women is important for identifying and treating this common condition.

  1. The diagnosis of piles in women typically involves a physical examination of the anus and rectum by a healthcare provider.
  2. During the examination, the provider may use a gloved finger or an anoscope, a small tube with a light, to examine the inside of the anal canal and rectum.
  3. In some cases, further diagnostic tests may be necessary, such as a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, which allow the provider to examine the entire length of the colon and rectum.
  4. If there is bleeding associated with the piles, the provider may also recommend additional tests, such as a fecal occult blood test or a stool culture, to rule out other causes of bleeding.
You can find various piles pictures in females on our HexaHealth website to get an idea of how they look and start your treatment. 
No, it is not appropriate to self-diagnose any medical condition, including piles (haemorrhoids), by looking at woman piles pictures. Piles can have different symptoms and severity levels, and other conditions can have similar symptoms, so a proper diagnosis requires a medical examination by a qualified healthcare professional.

The piles symptoms for female can include:

  1. Pain or discomfort
  2. Itching or irritation
  3. Swelling or a lump
  4. Bleeding during bowel movements that may be visible in the toilet bowl or on toilet paper.
  5. Mucus discharge
  6. In some cases, fecal incontinence, which is the involuntary leakage of stool.

The reason for piles in female can include:

  1. Straining during bowel movements
  2. Chronic constipation or diarrhoea
  3. Pregnancy
  4. Obesity
  5. Sitting or standing for long periods
  6. Aging

First-stage woman piles, also known as first-degree haemorrhoids, may not be visible outside the anus. They typically cause mild symptoms such as itching, burning, and discomfort.

If they are visible, first stage woman piles pictures may appear as small bumps or lumps around the anus, which may be pink or red in colour. They may also be soft to the touch and can be pushed back inside the anus.

The starting symptoms of piles in female consist of:

  1. Stool containing blood
  2. Inflammation or itching
  3. Anal discomfort, such as pain or soreness
  4. Lumps that stick out of the anal area
  5. Swelling 
Sexual arousal causes increased blood flow to the genital and anal areas, resulting in engorgement and pressure. This can cause swelling or inflammation in the anal area, leading to piles.

Some common piles medications include over-the-counter creams and ointments, such as hydrocortisone and lidocaine, which can help reduce pain and inflammation. There are also prescription medications, such as suppositories and oral medications, that can help shrink haemorrhoids and provide relief from symptoms.

Last Updated on: 19 June 2024

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

MBBS, DNB General Surgery, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery, FIAGES

12 Years Experience

Dr Aman Priya Khanna is a well-known General Surgeon, Proctologist and Bariatric Surgeon currently associated with HealthFort Clinic, Health First Multispecialty Clinic in Delhi. He has 12 years of experience in General Surgery and worke...View More


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