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Why is Stomach Pain in Pregnancy Both Side? - Is it Normal

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Arti Sharma
Written by Nikita Tyagi, last updated on 11 March 2023| min read
Why is Stomach Pain in Pregnancy Both Side? - Is it Normal

Quick Summary

Stomach pain is a common problem during pregnancy.

There are many different causes of stomach pain in pregnancy, including:

  • Gas and bloating
  • Constipation
  • Indigestion
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Round ligament pain
  • Pregnancy-induced hypertension
  • Urinary tract infections

It's important to seek medical attention if you experience severe stomach pain during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is one of the best times for expecting mothers, but it can also bring about a host of physical discomforts. One of the most common problems during pregnancy is abdominal pain, which can range from mild discomfort to severe cramping. Pregnancy brings about a range of changes to a woman's body, and these changes can often result in stomach pain.

While experiencing stomach pain in pregnancy is considered normal, it's important to understand the underlying causes and seek medical attention when necessary to ensure the health and safety of both the mother and the baby. In this article, we'll explore the causes and symptoms of stomach pain in pregnancy and discuss when it's appropriate to seek medical help.

What are the causes of stomach pain in pregnancy?

Stomach pain is a common complaint during pregnancy, and there may be several causes of this discomfort. Some of the most common causes of abdominal pain or stomach pain in pregnancy include the following,

  1. Pregnancy-related/ obstetric causes 
  2. Non-pregnancy-related/ non-obstetric causes
  3. Causes that are exacerbated by pregnancy
  4. Extra-abdominal causes

Abdominal pain in the stomach due to gas and bloating

  1. Abdominal pain or stomach in pregnancy caused by gas can be very painful and may be felt in different parts of the belly, back, and chest.
  2. During pregnancy, women tend to experience more gas due to high progesterone hormone levels, which relaxes intestinal muscles and slows digestion.
  3. This causes food to stay in the colon longer, increasing gas production. As the uterus expands, it puts additional pressure on organs, further slowing digestion and allowing more gas to build up.


  1. Experiencing stomach pain in pregnancy due to constipation is extremely common.
  2. This tummy pain during pregnancy due to constipation may occur due to the various changes in the body during pregnancy.
  3. These changes include hormonal fluctuations, stress, anxiety, iron supplementations being taken, and lifestyle changes such as changes in diet and minimal physical activity. 

Round ligament pain

  1. During pregnancy, the uterus stretches to accommodate the growing baby, which causes the two large round ligaments that support the uterus to stretch.
  2. This stretching can cause sharp or dull pain in the abdomen, hips, or groin, especially in the second trimester.
  3. Shifting positions, coughing, or sneezing can trigger round ligament pain. The pain may feel like a sharp, piercing sensation or a dull, achy.

Having HELLP syndrome

  1. HELLP syndrome is a serious and life-threatening complication of pregnancy that can cause stomach pain and abdominal pain. It comprises three main parts: hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets.
  2. The exact cause of HELLP is not clear, but it can occur in women who also have preeclampsia or without preeclampsia, particularly in first-time pregnancies.
  3. Symptoms of HELLP include abdominal pain, headache, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, blurry vision, high blood pressure, swelling, and bleeding. Upon experiencing abdominal pain and any of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately, as it can lead to dangerous complications or even death if left untreated.

Braxton-Hicks contractions

  1. The mother may experience Braxton Hicks contractions or "false labour" pains during pregnancy. These contractions are the body's way of practising for true labour, but they are generally milder, irregular, and start strong but get weaker.
  2. While they can be uncomfortable or painful, they will stop on their own if the mother changes the position or moves around. 
  3. They occur when the uterine muscles contract for up to two minutes, but they are not labour contractions and are irregular and unpredictable.
  4. They are a normal part of pregnancy and can cause abdominal pain or uncomfortable pressure, but they won't get progressively more painful or frequent over time. Braxton Hicks contractions are commonly experienced in the third trimester of pregnancy.
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What are the serious causes of stomach pain in pregnancy?

In certain instances, abdominal pain in pregnancy may indicate potentially serious complications. In such cases, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately without any delay, as they may be life-threatening. Some of the serious causes of stomach pain in pregnancy may include the following,

Ectopic pregnancy

  1. In certain rare cases, abdominal pain in pregnancy, especially in the lower abdominal region, may occur due to ectopic pregnancy. When a fertilised egg attaches and grows outside the uterus lining, it's called an ectopic pregnancy.
  2. This can be very dangerous and requires emergency treatment. Usually, ectopic pregnancy happens in the fallopian tube, which connects the ovary to the uterus, but it can also occur in other areas like the ovary, abdominal cavity, or cervix. It's a serious condition that needs immediate attention.
  3. Tummy pain during pregnancy, bleeding, and trouble in passing bowel movements or urinating are some signs of ectopic pregnancy. 


  1. Experiencing right-side stomach pain in pregnancy may be a sign of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a serious problem during pregnancy, causing high blood pressure and protein in the urine.
  2. It usually happens after the 20th week and can affect other organs in the body, putting both the mother and baby in danger. It is essential to get medical help if the pregnant mother has preeclampsia.

Urinary tract infection (UTI)

  1. Abdominal pain in pregnancy may occur due to a urinary tract infection (UTI). During pregnancy, women are more likely to get a urinary tract infection (UTI) due to changes in their urinary tract.
  2. The growing uterus can press on the bladder and block the urine flow, which can lead to a bacterial infection. UTIs are also known as bladder infections. 
  3. Abdominal pain in pregnancy, accompanied by other symptoms such as a frequent urge to urinate, difficulty in passing urine, burning during urination, blood in urine, etc., may be a sign of a  urinary tract infection (UTI). 

Placental abruption

  1. Sudden stomach pain in pregnancy may occur due to placental abruption. The placenta is an organ that gives the baby nutrients during pregnancy. Placental abruption happens when it detaches from the uterus too soon.
  2. This can cause bleeding and problems with the baby's oxygen and nutrient supply. 
  3. The main symptom is vaginal bleeding, but the patient may also have pain or tenderness. These symptoms can worsen, so it is important to call the doctor immediately, especially if stomach pain is accompanied by vaginal bleeding in the third trimester.

Preterm labour

  1. Regular abdominal pain or contractions in pregnancy may indicate preterm labour.
  2. Preterm labour happens when the cervix opens early due to regular contractions, occurring between week 20 and week 37 of pregnancy.
  3. This can lead to premature birth, which can be risky for the baby's health.


  1. Severe abdominal pain in pregnancy or experiencing abdominal cramps may be a sign of miscarriage.
  2. A miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion when a fetus is lost before 20 weeks of pregnancy, usually during the first three months.

Other conditions 

Apart from the causes mentioned above, several other conditions may cause stomach or abdominal pain in pregnancy. These conditions include the following, 

  1. Appendicitis 
  2. Kidney stones 
  3. Pancreatitis 
  4. Ulcer 
  5. Food sensitivities 
  6. Gallstones 

How to treat stomach pain during pregnancy?

Treatment of stomach pain in pregnancy depends upon what is causing the pain. Treating the cause of pain will help in alleviating it. Depending upon the causes, some of the treatments that can help in relieving abdominal pain in pregnancy include the following, 

  1. Eating small, frequent meals and drinking lots of water can help relieve gas and constipation, alleviating stomach pain during pregnancy. 
  2. Avoiding foods that trigger stomach pain in pregnancy by causing gas and constipation can help prevent and treat it. 
  3. Exercising may help improve digestion and prevent constipation or gas, thereby treating belly pain. 
  4. To reduce or get rid of round ligament pain during pregnancy, take your time when getting up from a seated or lying position. If you feel like sneezing or coughing, bend and flex your hips to relieve pressure on the ligaments. Doing daily stretches can also help alleviate this type of pain.
  5. Taking medications prescribed by the doctor to alleviate stomach pain during pregnancy. 

When to see a doctor?

Experiencing stomach pain during pregnancy is normal in most cases. Many a time, people dismiss this tummy pain in pregnancy, thinking it is caused due to gas or constipation. But, it is important to remember that stomach pain in pregnancy due to constipation and gas will subside in some time. However, it is essential to see a doctor immediately upon experiencing any of the following symptoms, 

  1. Vaginal bleeding 
  2. Spotting 
  3. Fever 
  4. Recurring contractions 
  5. Chills 
  6. Painful urination 
  7. Burning sensation while urinating 
  8. Nausea and vomiting 
  9. Feeling lightheaded


Pregnancy stomach pain is common, and in most cases, its occurrence is normal. Several factors, such as gas, constipation, bloating, Braxton hicks, etc., may cause abdominal pain in pregnancy. However, there are some serious causes of stomach pain in pregnancy, such as preterm labour, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, Preeclampsia, urinary tract infections (UTIs), etc. Hence, it is best not to ignore abdominal pain in pregnancy and get it checked by your doctor to avoid any unwanted complications. 

HexaHealth offers top-notch medical services to its patients. One of our areas of expertise is treating stomach pain in pregnant women. Our team of experienced doctors and medical professionals is well-equipped to handle any complications that may arise during pregnancy. At HexaHealth, we prioritise the health and well-being of our patients above everything else, and we offer affordable services to our patients without compromising on the quality of care.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, pregnancy stomach pain is normal and often caused by the normal changes that occur in a woman's body during this time. However, it is essential to determine the cause of the pain to ensure that it is not a sign of a more serious condition.

Yes, pain in the left side of the stomach during early pregnancy is common and may occur as a result of various bodily changes. It may occur as the uterus expands and shifts during pregnancy to accommodate the growing fetus. However, it is important for pregnant women to seek medical advice if they experience any pain or discomfort during pregnancy to ensure a healthy pregnancy and rule out any potential issues.

The various signs and symptoms of abdominal pain in pregnancy include, 

  1. Dull or sharp pain in the abdomen
  2. Pain in the ligament
  3. Vaginal bleeding 
  4. Constipation 
  5. Spotting 
  6. Fever 
  7. Recurring contractions 
  8. Chills 
  9. Painful urination 
  10. Burning sensation while urinating 
  11. Nausea and vomiting 
  12. Feeling lightheaded

Stomach pain in pregnancy is normal, especially in the first trimester. This is because, in the first trimester, the body goes through various hormonal changes as the baby begins to grow. These changes and the growth of the baby can cause mild stomach pain during pregnancy. 

Stomach pain during pregnancy may not be considered normal and should be promptly evaluated by a healthcare provider if it is severe, persistent, or accompanied by any of the following symptoms,

  1. Vaginal bleeding 
  2. Spotting 
  3. Fever 
  4. Recurring contractions 
  5. Chills 
  6. Painful urination 
  7. Burning sensation while urinating 
  8. Nausea and vomiting 
  9. Feeling lightheaded

Left-side stomach pain in pregnancy may be a sign of any of the following diseases,

  1. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  2. Constipation 
  3. Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  4. Kidney infections 

Experiencing right-side stomach pain in pregnancy may be a sign of preeclampsia. It is a serious condition that can happen during pregnancy, causing high blood pressure and protein in the urine.

Stomach pain in early pregnancy may not always be preventable, as it can be a natural part of the physical and hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. However, there are some measures that pregnant women can take to reduce their risk of experiencing abdominal pain, such as:

  1. Maintaining a healthy diet
  2. Drinking lots of water 
  3. Getting regular exercise 
  4. Practising good hygiene to prevent infections that can cause abdominal pain.
  5. Getting plenty of rest and sleep 

Some of the serious causes of tummy pain during pregnancy may include the following,

  1. Ectopic pregnancy 
  2. Preeclampsia 
  3. Urinary tract infection (UTI) 
  4. Placental abruption 
  5. Preterm labour 
  6. Miscarriage

Some common causes of stomach pain in pregnancy include the following,

  1. Gas and bloating 
  2. Constipation 
  3. Round ligament pain
  4. Braxton hicks contractions
  5. Having HELLP syndrome

Severe abdominal pain in pregnancy or experiencing abdominal cramps may be a sign of miscarriage. A miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion when a fetus is lost before 20 weeks of pregnancy, usually during the first three months. Hence, seeking medical help immediately upon experiencing persistent and severe stomach pain during pregnancy is vital.

No, stomach pain in pregnancy can occur at any time during the pregnancy. However, it is primarily seen in pregnancy's first and third trimesters. 

It is essential to worry about stomach pain in pregnancy and seek medical attention immediately if you experience any of the below-mentioned symptoms, 

  1. Vaginal bleeding 
  2. Spotting 
  3. Fever 
  4. Recurring contractions 
  5. Chills 
  6. Painful urination 
  7. Burning sensation while urinating 
  8. Nausea and vomiting 
  9. Feeling lightheaded

The alarming signs of stomach pain in pregnancy include the following,

  1. Vaginal bleeding 
  2. Spotting 
  3. Fever 
  4. Recurring contractions 
  5. Chills 
  6. Painful urination 
  7. Burning sensation while urinating 
  8. Nausea and vomiting 
  9. Feeling lightheaded

Upon experiencing any of these symptoms, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately. 

Last Updated on: 11 March 2023

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Arti Sharma

Dr. Arti Sharma

MBBS, DNB Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Diploma In Cosmetic Gynaecology

9 Years Experience

Dr Arti Sharma is a well-known Obstetrician and Cosmetic Gynaecologist currently associated with Aesthetica Veda in Bengaluru. She has 9 years of experience in Obstetrics and Cosmetic Gynaecology and worked as an expert Obstetrician...View More


Nikita Tyagi

Nikita Tyagi

BPharm (Jawaharlal Nehru Technical University, Hyderabad)

2 Years Experience

An enthusiastic writer with an eye for details and medical correctness. An avid reviewer and publisher. She emphasises authentic information and creates value for the readers. Earlier, she was involved in making ...View More

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