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What is a Sitz Bath? - Meaning, Purpose, Reasons and Benefits

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Hemant Kumar Khowal
Written by Hexahealth Care Team, last updated on 5 September 2024| min read
What is a Sitz Bath? - Meaning, Purpose, Reasons and Benefits

Quick Summary

  • Sitz Bath is a simple treatment that promotes healing and comfort in the genital and anal areas.
  • It is used to relieve pain and swelling from conditions such as haemorrhoids, anal fissures, and childbirth.
  • It can be done at home using a sitz bath kit, which is easily available both online and offline.

Sitz Bath has been a trusted remedy for centuries, providing natural and effective relief for various lower body conditions. From haemorrhoids to postpartum recovery, this simple treatment promotes healing and comfort in the genital and anal areas.

With the increasing popularity of holistic and non-invasive remedies, sitz baths have become a go-to solution for many seeking quick and convenient relief. You can buy a sitz bath kit, which is easily available both online and offline.

So, if you're ready to experience the soothing benefits of this ancient remedy, read on and discover what is a Sitz Bath, its meaning, purpose, reasons and benefits etc. 

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What is a Sitz Bath?

Sitz Bath is a therapeutic shallow warm water bath where you sit to help cleanse and relieve pain in your perineum, i.e. the area between the genitals and the anus. A sitz bath does not cure a condition, but it can effectively be used as a home remedy to relieve pain and discomfort in the anal region.

The primary purpose of a sitz bath is to relieve inflammation in the anal region caused due to conditions like piles. Soaking the genital area in warm water helps relax your rectoanal area, enhancing blood flow through the anal tissues.

It encourages healing and lessens discomfort, itching, and irritation. 

To read about Sitz Bath in Hindi, read सिट्ज़ बाथ क्या है? - उद्देश्य और उपयोग

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Benefits of Sitz Bath

A sitz bath tub is a simple and convenient treatment option that offers several benefits for people with conditions such as haemorrhoids, anal fissures, and post-operative care. Some sitz bath benefits include:

  1. Non-invasive: Unlike surgery, a sitz bath doesn't involve any cuts and is proven effective in relieving pain, itching, and discomfort caused by conditions like haemorrhoids, perianal abscess, anal fissures, etc.
  2. Cost-effective: Compared to other treatments, this option is inexpensive and can be performed without needing any special equipment or medication.
  3. Easy to use: Sitz bath is very easy to use and requires no professional or medical expertise. 
  4. Alleviation of pain and itching: The warm sitz bath water can help relieve pain and itching in the perianal area caused by conditions such as anal fissures or yeast infections.
  5. Accessibility: It is accessible to people of all ages and can be performed in the privacy of your own home.

Sitz Bath Benefits Image

Sitz Bath Indications

A sitz bath meaning a shallow bath that provides relief and promotes healing for various medical conditions affecting the perianal area. Some of the common conditions that may benefit from a sitz bath include: 

  1. Postpartum pain: Doctors usually recommend a sitz bath after childbirth to reduce perineal soreness and pain after delivery. It also helps keep the area clean, thus avoiding the risk of infections.
  2. Haemorrhoids: A sitz bath is a warm, shallow bath that is used to soothe and clean the perianal area. It is often recommended for people with haemorrhoids both before and after surgery.
    1. Before the surgery, a sitz bath can help to reduce pain, swelling, and itching associated with haemorrhoids.
    2. After the surgery, a sitz bath helps to clean the surgical area and promote healing. It is typically recommended to use a sitz bath for 10 to 15 minutes thrice a day or as directed by a doctor.
  3. Pain due to anal fissures: These are cuts in the lining of your anus or anal canal. You may experience muscular cramps in the anal region due to fissures. A sitz bath can relieve the pain , promoting gradual healing in the affected area.
  4. Ease constipation: Sitz bath for constipation is helpful as it improves bowel movement by relaxing the anal sphincter (muscle in your anal region). Doctors usually recommend taking this bath for constipation to ease bowel movement.
  5. Genital infections: This bath can help to cleanse the area and reduce symptoms of infections such as yeast or bladder infections.

Sitz Bath Indications Image

Sitz Bath Kit

A Sitz bath kit typically includes a special basin designed to fit over a toilet seat and is used for soaking the genital and anal areas. The kit may also include items such as Epsom salts, baking soda, etc., to water for added benefits.

Some Sitz bath kits also come with a lid to cover the basin and maintain warmth during the soaking process. These kits can be purchased online or at a local pharmacy or medical supply store.

Choosing a Sitz bath kit made of durable, non-toxic materials and easy to use and clean is important. By investing in a quality Sitz bath kit, you can enjoy the benefits of this natural remedy in the comfort of your own home. 

Sitz Bath Kit

Sitz Bath Procedure

If the anal area is extremely sore, taking a sitz bath after every bowel movement is advisable. Several kits are also available online and in many stores that can help you take a sitz bath at home.

Steps for Sitz Bath Procedure

  1. Clean the Sitz Bath tub well beforehand. Check for any cracks or weakened areas before using. If there are any cracks, replace the tub with a new one to avoid water spillage.
  2. Fill the tub with lukewarm water up to 2-3 inches. Ensure that it's enough to cover your perineum area fully.
  3. Make sure that the water is comfortable to touch, or you could burn your skin. The ideal temperature is 40 degree Celsius.
  4. You can add Epsom salt to the water as it helps to reduce swelling. 
  5. And you're done! Sit in the tub and make sure your perineal area is perfectly covered.
  6. Soak in for 15 to 20 minutes.
  7. After a session of sitz bath, stand up and dry the area by gently patting it with the help of a soft towel.
  8. Clean the tub thoroughly after using it.
  9. Don't share your tub with anyone else.

After the Procedure: Lidocaine jelly, aka Lox Jelly, is a topical anaesthetic that is used post sitz bath to relieve pain and discomfort in the perianal area. It works by numbing the skin and tissues, which can help to reduce pain and discomfort associated with various conditions. 

Note for sitz bath procedure: Do not add shower gel, soap, bubble bath or any other external agent to your sitz bath as it may irritate your skin and cause inflammation.

Sitz Bath StepsTo know about the procedure in detail, read How to Take a Sitz Bath: Procedure and Benefits

Sitz Bath Precautions

It is important to consider certain precautions when performing a Sitz bath in order to ensure a safe and effective experience, which include:

  1. Avoid using very hot sitz bath: The water should be warm but not so hot that it causes discomfort or pain.
  2. Open wounds or active infections: If you have open wounds or active infections in the genital or anal area, it is best to avoid using a Sitz bath and seek medical advice.
  3. Persistent pain or discomfort: If pain or discomfort after performing a Sitz bath is present, it can indicate some underlying conditions that may be causing the issue.
  4. Heart or circulatory problems: Being a heart patient or having circulatory problems may affect blood flow and increase the risk of complications, so it is best to consult your doctor before using it. 
  5. Use a basin specifically designed for Sitz baths: To ensure the most effective and safe experience, it is best to use a basin specifically designed for Sitz baths rather than a regular bathtub or other types of the basin.

Sitz Bath Precautions Image

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Sitz Bath Risks

While a Sitz bath is generally considered safe and effective, there are a few risks and complications that should be considered:

  1. Burns: The water in a Sitz Bath tub should be warm but not too hot, as overheating can cause discomfort and lead to skin irritation or burns.
  2. Infections: There is an increased risk of infections in the perineal region if the tub is not cleaned thoroughly. 
  3. Rashes: After a sitz bath, if you dry the area with a hard towel, then it may further aggravate the condition by causing more rashes.
  4. Allergic Reaction: Using certain products in your Sitz bath (such as bath salts or essential oils) may cause an allergic reaction if you have sensitive skin or are prone to allergies.
  5. Other side effects: If you are using other treatments for a lower body condition, using a Sitz bath may interact with those treatments and lead to unwanted side effects.


A sitz bath is a therapeutic bath used to relieve pain, itching, and swelling caused due to conditions like haemorrhoids, anal fissure, or post-vaginal delivery. It is pretty beneficial with minimal risks. It is easy to prepare, and also it is cheap and effective.

Talk to your doctor about a sitz bath if you have any of the above conditions. You can also connect with our team of doctors on board to discuss your health issues and get them solved with a free consultation call. Visit HexaHealth and book your appointment now.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Sitz bath is a type of therapeutic bath where only the hips and buttocks are immersed in warm water. The purpose of Sitz bath is to provide relief and promote healing for conditions that affect the perineal area, which includes the anus, genitals, and lower part of the pelvic region.

Relieving pain and itching in the genital region brought on by various health conditions is the main purpose of a sitz bath. It does so by soaking the perineal area in warm water, which relaxes the anal sphincter and enhances blood flow through the anal tissues.

Clear, lukewarm water is used for a sitz bath. Avoid adding soap, shower gel, and other external agents. Some doctors suggest adding Epsom salt or sodium bicarbonate while taking a sitz bath at home.

A regular bath can be a sitz bath only if it's done by sitting in a tub with warm water. The perineal area needs to be soaked in the water.

Yes, a sitz bath consist of warm water filled up to 2-3 inches in the tub. The tub must be cleaned appropriately before and after use.

Follow your doctor's advice. Stop taking a sitz bath when your symptoms disappear, or your doctor tells you to. You should stop taking a sitz bath if your symptoms worsen or if you notice redness or puffiness around the anus.

A sitz bath is recommended to be taken with water alone. Consult your doctor before adding anything to the sitz bath.

A sitz bath essentially consists only of water. Epsom salt can be added to the sitz bath to help relieve pain. Epsom salt has been used for centuries in providing pain relief, but there are no concrete scientific studies to back its use.

Baking soda can be used instead of Epsom salt.

  1. It might help relieve the pain and itching caused due to haemorrhoids and constipation.
  2. One-fourth cup of baking soda can be enough to relieve symptoms. Sea salt can also be used instead of Epsom salt.

No. Pat dry the genital region with a clean, dry towel or use a hair dryer if possible. Avoid rubbing too hard as the skin near the anus is sensitive.

The water should be lukewarm and comfortable to touch. It shouldn't be too hot. The ideal temperature for a soothing sitz bath should be around 40 degrees Celsius.

A sitz bath should be drawn with lukewarm water that is comfortable to touch. The ideal temperature is around 40 degree Celsius.

A sitz bath has many benefits over a regular bath. It reduces inflammation, improves hygiene, and promotes blood flow to the genital region.

Yes, soaking in water helps relieve the pain and itching from constipation and piles. It's often considered the first line of treatment for constipation and piles.

A sitz bath should last for a minimum of 15 minutes. It's usually taken three times a day, based on the severity of your condition.

Baking soda can be used as an additive in the sitz bath for haemorrhoids. It might help relieve pain and itching caused due to haemorrhoids and constipation. One-fourth cup of baking soda can be enough to relieve symptoms

Most of the time a sitz bath for haemorrhoids is prescribed by doctors and it does not contain anything other than water. Although some may recommend putting Epsom salt to help relieve pain.

Sitz bath can help shrink haemorrhoids fast. Applying a steroid cream can also help shrink them. Sometimes using an ice pack might also help shrink haemorrhoids.

A sitz bath, when done wrong, can actually make haemorrhoids worse. For example, boiling water can complicate haemorrhoids by increasing the swelling and pooling of blood.

Haemorrhoids can take a couple of days to a week to heal. Some advanced cases may take longer to heal.

A Sitz bath is a type of bath that involves sitting in warm water to help relieve discomfort and promote healing in the lower body. The name "Sitz bath meaning" comes from the German word "Sitzbad," which means "sitting bath."
Sitz baths have several benefits for the lower body, including relief from pain and discomfort associated with conditions like hemorrhoids, perineal tears, and prostatitis. They also aid in the healing process by increasing blood flow and reducing swelling.
Sitz Bath purpose is to provide relief and promote healing in the lower body. It is used to treat various conditions affecting the genital and anal areas, including haemorrhoids, perineal tears, prostatitis, and vaginal yeast infections.

Yes, you can use a sitz bath at home. In fact, many people prefer to use a Sitz bath at home for convenience and privacy. A Sitz bath can be performed in a shallow basin designed to fit over a toilet seat, and the water can be filled with Epsom salts, baking soda, or other remedies to enhance the benefits.

Sitz baths are commonly used to treat various conditions affecting the lower body.

Some of the most common uses of Sitz baths include relief from pain and discomfort associated with haemorrhoids,

  1. Promotion of healing after perineal tears
  2. Relief from symptoms of prostatitis
  3. Relief from symptoms of vaginal yeast infections.

Sitz baths increase blood flow to the affected area and promote relaxation.

  1. The warm Sitz bath causes the blood vessels in the lower body to dilate, which can help to reduce swelling, relieve pain, and promote healing.
  2. The warm water also has a soothing and calming effect on the mind and body, which can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

A Sitz bath vs regular bath differs in terms of their purpose, location, and depth of water. A Sitz bath is a shallow bath that only covers the lower body and is designed to be used while sitting on a special basin that fits over a toilet seat.

In contrast, a regular bath is a full-body soak in a tub of water. The purpose of a regular bath is to clean and relax the entire body, not just the lower body. 

Taking a Sitz bath in the shower requires a Sitz bath basin and a shower stool.

  1. Fill the basin with warm water and add Epsom salts, baking soda, or essential oils if desired.
  2. Place the basin on the shower floor and sit on the shower stool, positioning the basin underneath your hips and buttocks.
  3. Soak for 15-20 minutes or for as long as you are comfortable.
  4. After the soak, remove the basin, rinse your lower body with warm water, and pat dry.

The ideal Sitz bath temperature is warm but not hot. The water should be comfortably warm to the touch, around 100-110°F (37-43°C). It is important to avoid using water that is too hot, as this can cause discomfort and increase the risk of skin irritation or burns.

Always test the water temperature with your hand or a thermometer before getting into the bath to ensure that it is safe to use.

The Sitz bath position is when you sit in a Sitz bath basin with only your hips and buttocks immersed in the water. The basin is typically positioned on the toilet seat, so that the affected area is directly in the water.

Last Updated on: 5 September 2024

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Hemant Kumar Khowal

Dr. Hemant Kumar Khowal

MBBS, MS General Surgery, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery

14 Years Experience

Dr Hemant Kumar Khowal is a well-known General Surgeon and a proctologist. He has 14 years of experience in general surgery and worked as an expert general surgeon in different cities in India. He has worked in many reputed hospital...View More


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