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How to Reduce Hip Pain? - Best Way to Treat Hip Pain Fast

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Aman Priya Khanna
Written by Shivani Arora, last updated on 25 November 2022| min read
How to Reduce Hip Pain? - Best Way to Treat Hip Pain Fast

Quick Summary

Hip pain can be caused by various reasons, such as:

  • Arthritis
  • Bursitis
  • Trochanteric bursitis
  • Iliotibial band syndrome

Here are some tips on how to get rid of hip pain while sitting:

  • Use a supportive cushion
  • Take breaks throughout the day
  • Do hip exercises
  • See a doctor if the pain is severe

The hip joint connects the femur and pelvic bone to form a ball-and-joint socket. This joint is surrounded by major nerves and blood vessels, and also it carries the total body weight. In addition, the glute, thigh, and lower back muscles are all connected to the hip joint as well. Thus, mindful care needs to be provided to the hip joint.

The pain caused in the hip area can be due to multiple reasons. Let us dive in to understand what might be the cause of the hip pain and how to get rid of the hip pain while sitting. 

Cause of Hip Pain while Sitting

To determine the root cause of the pain and discomfort in your pelvic area, it is important to understand the type of pain and where it originates.

  1. The outer area of the hip, upper thigh, or buttocks: If you feel pain in the outer areas of your hip, upper thigh, or buttocks while seated, the muscles, ligaments, and tendons cause pain in your hip. 
  2. Inside of the hip or groin: If the pain is inside your hip or your groin area, it indicates some health issue in your hip bones or hip joint. 
  3. Referred pain: There are times when the pain in your hip originates from your lower back. This is also known as referred pain.

Once you understand where your hip pain originates, it is easier to diagnose the cause of your hip pain when sitting. Mentioned below are the various causes of strain, discomfort, and pain in your hips when sitting:

  1. Posture 
    1. A correct and aligned posture while sitting, sleeping, and walking is important to ensure that you're not putting unnecessary stress on your muscles and ligaments, causing irreversible damage and pain in the long run. 
    2. If you are a person who spends long durations sitting while working or studying, you have to ensure that your knees are a little over 90° in angle and both feet are touching the ground. 
    3. Avoid lowering seating if you know the duration you will be seated for since that puts you in a bad posture for prolonged hours, causing stress to your hip flexors and the surrounding muscles. 
    4. Sitting cross-legged, leaning to one side, or sleeping on one side for too long are bad postures that put pressure on your hip and cause pain when sitting.
  2. Sitting on an Uneven Surface
    1. We might overlook it, but sitting on an uneven surface also leads to hip pain. If your chair, sofa, bed or cushion is too soft, it can put more pressure and weight on your hips, leading to pain while sitting.
  3. Arthritis
    1. Arthritis is a common condition that causes deterioration of the joint's protective cartilage. While sitting or standing, you have to bend your hip. 
    2. Arthritis can cause swelling in the hip joint, which in turn heat to pain when you are sitting. Typically Arthritis pain is most prominent when you get out of bed in the morning. ​​​​​
  4. Bursitis
    1. Bursa is the small fluid-filled sacs that are the shock absorbers of our hip joint. When the stats are damaged or swollen, they become sore and stiffen. This can cause pain in the outer hips or the back of your hips. This condition is known as bursitis. 
  5. Tendinitis
    1. Your hips are surrounded by tendons that help stretch and flex your muscles while sitting and standing. Sitting for a long duration in a bad posture can cause inflammation of the tendons, which can cause pain while sitting.
  6. Pressed Nerve or Sciatica
    1. The sciatic nerve runs through your back, hips, and legs. If this nerve gets pressed wrongly or damaged, it can cause serious pain in your back and the muscles surrounding your hip. This condition is called Sciatica. 
  7. Lupus
    1. Lupus is an autoimmune disease that disbalances your immune system, which can lead to swelling in your hip joints. If you have lupus, it might be a reason for your hip pain when sitting or lying down. 
  8. Damaged cartilage
    1. Trauma from an injury and natural wear and tear of the muscle due to immobility are a few reasons for damaged cartilage around your hip. This can cause your hip to 'pop' easily, and be a source of constant pain when you sit, stand, walk or sleep. 
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How to Avoid Hip pain from Sitting?

The hip and surrounding muscles allow us a free range of motion, and if these muscles get injured due to the various causes discussed above, you can start experiencing pain in the hip area when sitting. Below mentioned are some of the practices that need to be avoided to minimize the aggravation of the pain at an early stage: 

  1. Ensure a right sitting setup: Sitting in the wrong posture for long durations (for 8 hours on average) can aggravate your hip pain. Make sure that:
    1. Your neck, back, and hip are aligned straight. 
    2. Your knees are at an angle of more than 90°.
    3. Your desk is pulled closer to your chest. 
    4. You are not sitting cross-legged or favouring the left or right side of your buttocks, and
    5. You are not sitting on an uneven or unusually soft surface. 
  2. Daily exercising and frequent stretching: Exercising daily is good for your hip joints and overall health and well-being.
    1. There is a common misconception that exercising more will aggravate the pain if your hip is hurting or sore. 
    2. On the contrary, exercising daily strengthens your muscles, increases flexibility, and helps avoid hip pain from sitting. 

Try the following easy to do at home exercises to strengthen your hip muscles: 

  1. Figure 4 stretch: 
    Lie down on your back and extend your legs out. Put your right ankle over your left thigh, lace your fingers behind your left leg and pull it towards your body. Hold the stretch for not more than 30 seconds, and then repeat the same on the other side.
  2. Standing quad stretch: 
    Stand straight and bend your left knee behind to pull your leg closer to your glute muscles. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds, then release your leg. Follow the same with the other leg.
  3. Knee to chest stretch: 
    Lie down with your back and extend your legs out. Pull your right knee to your chest and hold that stretch for 30 seconds. Release your right leg, then repeat the same with the left leg. 
  4. Butterfly stretch:
    Sit upright with your knees bent outwards. Pull your legs closer to your body and press your knees out. For a deeper stretch, fold your body forward while keeping your back straight. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds, find your way back to an upright position, and repeat. 
  5. Bridge pose: 
    Lie on the floor with your back pressed and bend your knees. Using your glute muscle, lift your hips till your hips, knees, and shoulders align in a straight line. Hold this position for not more than 30 seconds, then release and repeat. 

Other Treatment Methods

Sometimes exercising and stretching can only temporarily relieve pain and discomfort caused in the hip area when sitting. If your pain continues to cause discomfort and disrupts the normal routine, you might want to try the following: 

  1. Over-the-counter pain medicine: over-the-counter pain and anti-inflammatory medications can help decrease pain in your hip area when sitting or standing. However, consult a professional before taking any of these medicines regularly.
  2. Icing and compression: If an injury is causing you pain in the hip area, it is highly recommended to ice the affected location and wrap it in a compression bandage. This technique can help in faster recovery of the affected area. 
  3. Heat compression: Hot baths and heat pads can be beneficial in reducing hip pain from sitting. 
  4. Surgery: Consulting a medical professional can help you diagnose the root cause of your hip pain. He or she can look for the severity of the condition and recommend appropriate surgical procedures.

Lifestyle Changes

Our hips are one of the vital joints in our body. Therefore it is important to maintain the strength and flexibility of the joint. Below mentioned are some of the lifestyle changes that one can make to maintain hip strength and flexibility maintained. 

  1. Exercise daily: This does not mean lifting weights, going to the gym, or being super active daily. A simple walk, low-impact at-home exercises, stretching, squats, core workout, and stationery biking are easy to do and keep your joints active. 
  2. Be mindful of what you're eating: 
    1. Food rich in Omega-3 can help reduce inflammation in your joints, while those rich in Omega-6 add to the inflammation. 
    2. Having whole wheat or whole oats reduces blood sugar levels which in turn helps in reducing inflammation. 
    3. Knowing which foods and ingredients to eat can help you heal from hip pain fast. 


Hip pain is not just an age factor. It can occur at any age due to multiple factors and disrupt a normal routine. A bad posture is one of the biggest factors leading to hip pain, and it is easily avoidable if we only pay attention to our posture while sitting. However, there can be many more underlying reasons which lead to hip pain while sitting. In such cases, simple home remedies and lifestyle changes help reduce hip pain while sitting. 

If home remedies do not help relieve hip pain from sitting, get in touch with the team at HexaHealth TODAY! We will connect you to an expert in your area who can correctly help you reach a diagnosis. Not just that, we deliver better health outcomes with our patient care, including but not limited to helping you throughout your admission, recovery, insurance, and more. 

Frequently Asked Questions

There are various reasons that you might be experiencing hip pain while sitting. Mentioned below are a few quick ways you can reduce hip pain while sitting:

  1. Be careful of the angle of your hip: 
    If your hip is at an angle over 90°, it will only aggravate your pain. Make sure you avoid a lower seating or place a cushion under your hips to ensure your hips are above your knees. 
  2. Get up and move:
    Sitting continuously for long durations can also aggravate hip pain. You should ensure some movement in the form of short walks or quick hip and pelvic stretching exercises to help relieve your hip pain.
    If your hip pain persists, get in touch with our professionals at HexaHealth, who will help you get the right diagnosis and treatment. 

Listed below are ways you can get rid of sudden hip pain:

  1. Use a heating pad or ice pack to relieve pain. Ensure you are not using the ice pack for more than 20 minutes. A heating pad can be used for as long as needed. 
  2. Try over-the-counter pain medication.
  3. Stretch your hip and pelvic muscles.
  4. Rest your muscle. Avoid putting pressure on the affected side by sleeping or sitting.

Hip pain while sitting can happen for multiple reasons which do not involve your age:

  1. Sitting in an incorrect posture without proper back or hip support can lead to hip pain over time.
  2. Sitting on an uneven surface over a long time can eventually lead to discomfort and pain in your hips. 

There might also be some underlying conditions that cause hip pain while sitting. These include arthritis, bursitis, and tendinitis.

You will know your hip pain is serious when the pain persists even after trying medication, stretches, and other home remedies. You should immediately consult a doctor for further evaluation and treatment.

A strained hip can cause great discomfort in any form of movement. To treat a hip strain, try the following:

  1. RICE Method: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation
  2. Anti-inflammatory medications
  3. Stretching and strengthening exercises
  4. Physical therapy or massage therapy
  5. Surgery, in the most severe cases

If you're feeling a little tight in your hips which is causing you pain and discomfort, try the following easy-to-do exercises:

  1. The figure 4 stretch
  2. Standing quad stretch
  3. Knee-to-chest stretch
  4. Butterfly stretch
  5. Bridge pose

Yes, adding daily walks relieves mild to moderate hip pain. Through daily walks, you can enjoy various benefits such as lubricated joints, improved flexibility, increased range of motion, and reduced inflammation in your hips.

For severe cases, it is recommended that you consult a professional who can advise on the amount of exercise needed for your condition.

Misalignment of the hips can cause pain and discomfort. Exercises such as the 90/90 stretch, the side plank, and the Superman can be easily done at home to improve symptoms of misalignment. 

If you feel discomfort while performing the stretches, please see professional help and do not attempt to pop your hip in place yourself.

True hip pain is felt near the hip joint in an individual's groin area. Sometimes, true hip pain can also be felt in a place other than the true source of the pain, such as the thigh or the knee.

Sitting for longer durations at a stretch or sitting in a bad posture continuously over a while can reduce blood flow, tighten muscles and cause a pins and needles sensation leading to hurt or discomfort while standing.

Sitting for longer durations affects the mobility in your muscles that allow hip extension and flexion, and with age, that only worsens. To avoid this stiffness and enable flexibility in hip muscles for a longer time, exercise often, and make sure you move and stretch frequently.

More often than not, hip problems are associated with aging. However, your joints can wear out at any age if proper care is not taken. When the pain or stiffness is felt between your hip, back, or knee, it is your first sign of hip problems. If your pain and discomfort are prolonged, we recommend consulting a medical specialist immediately for a proper diagnosis.

Yes, sitting too much can cause hip pain. Sitting for extended periods can decrease the strength of your hip muscles, increasing the possibility of soreness and stiffness of the muscles around your pelvic area.

If your hip hurts when you sit or lay down, one or more of the following might be the reason:

  1. Poor sleep or sitting posture
  2. Arthritis
  3. Bursitis
  4. Tendinitis

Your leg and hip muscles are the key muscles you use for sitting and standing. The quadriceps and hamstrings in your legs help flex, lift and straighten your body, while the glutes, lower back, and oblique muscles help rotate and balance your body when you sit or stand. 

Try the following to get rid of hip pain from sitting:

  1. Over-the-counter pain medicine or prescribed pain medicine
  2. Heat therapy
  3. Cold compression
  4. Get a massage
  5. Try to exercise daily
  6. Stretch in regular intervals
  7. Go for physical therapy
  8. Visit a chiropractor for adjustments

Try these hip exercises daily to loosen your hips after sitting for long hours:

  1. Hip Rotations
  2. Figure 4 Stretch
  3. Pigeon pose
  4. Butterfly stretch
  5. Kneeling lunges
  6. Squats

The best sitting position for hip pain is to keep your hip over a 90° angle or above your knees. Avoid a lower seating, angle your seat forward if possible, and use a cushion to support your hip and back.

Sitting weakens your muscles if they do not get much movement for prolonged periods. A poor posture while sitting also aggravates the pain. 

Checking your posture while sitting is imperative to avoid hip pain sitting. Stretching your legs and going for short walks is also helpful if you have been sitting for long durations. 

Last Updated on: 25 November 2022

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

MBBS, DNB General Surgery, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery, FIAGES

12 Years Experience

Dr Aman Priya Khanna is a well-known General Surgeon, Proctologist and Bariatric Surgeon currently associated with HealthFort Clinic, Health First Multispecialty Clinic in Delhi. He has 12 years of experience in General Surgery and worke...View More


Shivani Arora

Shivani Arora

BA Journalism and Mass Communication

2 Years Experience

She is an accomplished new-age professional who has interviewed prominent personalities such as Bhaichung Bhutia, G. Sathiyan, Shashi Tharoor, etc. A content writer interested in health communication, graphic desi...View More

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