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10 Home Remedies for Thyroid Treatment & Prevention

Written by Hexahealth Care Team, last updated on 5 September 2023| min read
10 Home Remedies for Thyroid Treatment & Prevention

Quick Summary

  • Thyroid disorders are increasingly common today and many folks are not even aware that home remedies for thyroid exist. If you have thyroid issues, you may have been given a pretty negative outlook. Thyroid problems don't necessarily mean the end of the world, despite the fact that they are a chronic concern. By controlling food and lifestyle, many people have been able to prevent thyroid conditions from complicating into more serious stages.
  • The effects of what we eat and how we live are far more profound than we can ever realise. Many have not only stopped thyroid problems in their tracks, but some have even reversed and are now leading healthy lives with home remedies and healthy lifestyle modifications. Here are ten recommendations for thyroid treatment at home.
  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Manage stress.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol.
  • Take supplements as directed by your doctor.

Thyroid disorders are increasingly common today and many folks are not even aware that home remedies for thyroid exist. If you have thyroid issues, you may have been given a pretty negative outlook. Thyroid problems don't necessarily mean the end of the world, despite the fact that they are a chronic concern. By controlling food and lifestyle, many people have been able to prevent thyroid conditions from complicating into more serious stages.

The effects of what we eat and how we live are far more profound than we can ever realise. Many have not only stopped thyroid problems in their tracks, but some have even reversed and are now leading healthy lives with home remedies and healthy lifestyle modifications. Here are ten recommendations for thyroid treatment at home.

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About Thyroid Gland, its Hormones and Functions

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped organ present in the front part of the neck, around the windpipe. It has two wing-like structures that give it a butterfly-like appearance. The thyroid is a gland (an organ that produces hormones), that produces two hormones vital for several body functions.

The thyroid is controlled by the pituitary gland (another gland located in the brain) with thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH). The TSH instructs the thyroid on what must be done to restore normal body function.

The thyroid gland plays a vital role in producing and managing two hormones that regulate metabolic activities. Metabolism is a process where food is converted into energy. The two hormones secreted by the thyroid gland include

  1. T4 (thyroxine, which has four iodide atoms)
  2. T3 (triiodothyronine, which has three iodide atoms)

These two hormones instruct your body cells on how much energy to use. The gland maintains the normal levels of these hormones to keep the metabolism at the proper rate. Thyroid dysfunction can result in two conditions.

  1. Hyperthyroidism: Your metabolic rate increases, which means the body uses energy too quickly when the thyroid produces excessive amounts of thyroid hormone, known as hyperthyroidism. Using energy too quickly can also make the heart beat quicker, lose weight, and make one feel anxious. 
  2. Hypothyroidism: Thyroid producing too few thyroid hormones (T3, T4)  is known as hypothyroidism. This makes you feel exhausted, gain weight, or even makes you sensitive to cold.

Other thyroid diseases include autoimmune thyroiditis, goitre, and thyroid tumours. The standard treatment for thyroid disorders is

  1. Thyroid Replacement Therapy: This therapy is used when the thyroid gland's function is underactive or has been removed surgically.
  2. Suppressive Therapy: This treatment is used for people with hyperthyroidism or thyroid cancer to stop cell growth and reduce excess thyroid hormone production.

Of course, taking these medications can have unwanted side effects, and skipping a dose could worsen symptoms. Then, what is the best home remedy for the thyroid? Well, some natural remedies for the thyroid can have beneficial effects and comfortably fit into your lifestyle. Here are 10 such remedies for thyroid you can try.

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Benefits of Home Remedies for Thyroid

Getting diagnosed with the thyroid can be a concern for anyone. Some folks might choose to go for conventional treatment, whereas some might not take any treatment. 

Everyone wants to be healthy, and hence it is normal to do and try other things in addition to medications to enhance well-being. Alternative therapies are helpful as new researchers have shown the benefits of home remedies for the thyroid.

  1. Home remedies often use natural ingredients and methods to address thyroid disorders, which can be a gentler and safer alternative to medications and treatments that may have side effects.
  2. Stress and anxiety can affect thyroid function, so home remedies that help reduce stress and anxiety levels, such as yoga and meditation, may be helpful in managing thyroid disorders.
  3. Alternative treatments help with relieving symptoms of the disease by treating the disease.
  4. Some home remedies may help balance the thyroid hormones and improve the overall functioning of the thyroid gland.
  5. These are often less expensive than medications and treatments prescribed by doctors, making them a more affordable option for managing thyroid disorders.

Consider the following home treatment for thyroid disease as an alternative or addition to your current treatment plan.

Top 10 Home Remedies for Thyroid

Thyroid disorders have become prevalent worldwide. While medication is often necessary to treat these disorders, there are also some home remedies that may help alleviate symptoms and improve overall thyroid health. Here are some examples:

  1. Ashwagandha: The consumption of some herbs may support thyroid function. Ashwagandha is among the top natural ayurvedic home remedies for thyroid. 
    1. The herb ashwagandha is significant in medicine and has been shown to benefit health. 
    2. According to a study, Ashwagandha root extract helps in elevating serum thyroid hormone (T3 and T4) levels. Randomised clinical research studying the impact of herbal medication (ashwagandha) on hypothyroidism revealed that the treatment group's TSH levels decreased while their T3 and T4 levels increased. As a result, natural treatments like ashwagandha may help reduce the symptoms and indicators of primary hypothyroidism.
  2. Brahmi Plant: Brahmi is among the natural ayurvedic home remedies for the thyroid. Brahmi, also known botanically as Bacopa Monnieri or Indian pennywort, is a well-known Medhya medicine in traditional Ayurvedic texts.
    1. Brahmi is known to be effective in treating hypothyroidism because it stimulates thyroid activity by producing more T4.
    2. It also aids in memory enhancement, focus, and nervous system detoxification. 
  3. Guggulu (Commiphora Mukul): Commiphora Mukul, also known as Guggulu, has a beneficial role in correcting T3 and T4 levels. 
    1. Evidence from an in vitro study showed that Guggulu is beneficial for hypothyroidism treatment. This ayurvedic herb enhances T3 uptake by the thyroid gland, enhances the binding of iodine with protein and increases the T4 index.
    2. Guggulu is not only useful in managing hypothyroidism but also its associated conditions like atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia and increased cholesterol levels, making it the right choice for home treatment for thyroid disease.
  4. Aloe Vera Juice: Aloe vera is another home treatment for thyroid disease, as this natural substance is known to reduce thyroid autoantibodies that raise serum levels of free thyroxine (FT4) and decrease serum thyrotropin (TSH). 
    1. According to research, early or mild hypothyroidism can be treated with aloe vera juice. The research study showed aloe vera juice can restore euthyroidism (also known as subclinical hypothyroidism). 
    2. Aloe vera juice is also believed to act on the peripheral deiodination of T4 into T3, in addition to having a healing effect on thyroid inflammation and thereby enhancing hormone production by the thyrocytes.
  5. Ginger: Searching for what is the best home remedy for thyroid? In addition to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial characteristics, ginger has several health benefits.
    1. According to a study published in 2022, patients with primary hypothyroidism receiving appropriate hormone replacement therapy showed a significant improvement in their hypothyroid symptoms after taking 1000 mg of ginger powder daily.
    2. The symptoms of hypothyroidism responded to ginger supplementation the most. Also, with ginger supplementation, outcomes like weight, BMI, waist circumference, and laboratory variables like TSH, fasting blood sugar, triglycerides, and total cholesterol improved. Thus, ginger supplementation in hypothyroid individuals may aid in regulating thyroid functions.
  6. Black Cumin: Another herb used in traditional medicine to treat thyroid issues is black cumin or Nigella Sativa. 
    1. According to a 2016 study, serum levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and anti-thyroid peroxidase (anti-TPO) antibodies fell while serum T3 levels increased after 8 weeks of treatment with Nigella Sativa.
    2. This provides valid evidence that powdered Nigella Sativa can significantly impact thyroid function and anthropometric measurements in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
  7. Probiotics: Live bacteria, known as probiotics, can have a host of benefits for health when used as functional food ingredients in sufficient doses.
    1. Probiotics have demonstrated therapeutic benefits in thyroid conditions and have the potential to positively impact trace elements, including selenium, zinc, and copper. 
    2. Moreover, microbiota serves as a T3 storage site and can lower thyroid hormone fluctuations, which may reduce the requirement for T4 supplementation. Probiotics might be used as an adjunctive treatment for thyroid conditions.
    3. In addition to improving thyroid function, a healthy gut microbiome boosts immune system activity. 
    4. Yoghurt, cultured buttermilk, and cheese are common foods that contain probiotics. Japanese miso, tempeh, sauerkraut, beer, sourdough bread, kimchi, olives, and pickles are other foods made by bacterial fermentation.
  8. Vitamin B12: A vitamin B12 supplement is among the most natural remedies for the thyroid. 
    1. According to a 2008 study, 40% of people with hypothyroidism often have a vitamin B12 deficiency. Anti-thyroid antibodies that hinder thyroid function increase in people with vitamin B12 deficiency. Supplementing vitamin B12 can improve symptoms of thyroid disease.
    2. Dietary sources of vitamin B12 include fortified breakfast cereals, dairy products, eggs, fish, poultry, and meat. In addition, vitamin B12 is now available as a mineral or multivitamin supplement.
  9. Micronutrients: Searching for what is the best home remedy for thyroid? Thyroid function can be improved by vital micronutrients that are essential for smooth thyroid functioning.
    1. Selenium: The thyroxine level in your body can be balanced by consuming foods high in selenium.
      1. Maintaining a normal concentration of selenium (selenostasis) is necessary to prevent thyroid disease and preserve overall health.
      2. You can achieve this by eating a diet rich in foods high in selenium or taking selenium supplements. Foods rich in selenium include beans, nuts like Brazil nuts, eggs, fish, chicken, turkey, and pork.
      3. Selenium is beneficial for patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Supplementing with selenium appears to be helpful in people with mild to moderate Graves' orbitopathy.
    2. Iodine: The thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which help with the production of proteins and enzyme activity as well as controlling normal metabolism, need iodine. 
      1. These thyroid hormones cannot function correctly without sufficient iodine, resulting in an underactive or overactive thyroid gland, hypothyroidism, and hyperthyroidism.
      2. The human body cannot produce iodine, so it must be acquired via food or supplements. Some rich iodine sources include table iodised salt, fish, shellfish, dairy products, tuna, oysters, shrimp, eggs, and chicken.
  10. Acupuncture Therapy: If you are looking for home treatment for thyroid disease, then you must try acupuncture therapy. 
    1. A study published in 2021 noted the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating hypothyroidism. It showed a significant improvement in thyroid function after three months of acupuncture.
    2. In addition to improving TSH and T4 levels, the effects of acupuncture persist for months. Acupuncture not only restores the normal level of thyroid hormones but also reduces the requirement for medication to treat hypothyroidism.

Things to Remember - Home Remedies for Thyroid

As conventional medications have side effects, people turn towards home remedies. However, it is important to understand that any substance or therapy taken too much or without proper knowledge can be harmful. So here are some key points to remember before taking alternative treatments like home therapies.

  1. Supplements do not need a prescription; they are easily available as over-the-counter medications.
  2. Some herbs or home remedies may not be as effective as they claim in advertisements.
  3. It is important to understand what best suits you.
  4. No matter how safe it is, always inform your healthcare practitioner if you take any home remedies.
  5. Herbs or natural substances can sometimes interfere with other medications you take.
  6. Certain supplements and detox can act similarly to prescribed medications, so be cautious.
  7. When it comes to vitamins or supplements, the more is not necessarily, the merrier. Stick to advised doses.

Lifestyle Changes

Whether it is a thyroid disorder or any other systemic condition, diet and lifestyle play a significant role in its management. Although the person is taking medication for thyroid disorders, eating the right diet and following a healthy lifestyle can help minimise the side effects, prevent complications and lead a healthy life. 

Here are some lifestyle changes that can help make the thyroid functions better.

  1. Avoid Ultra-Processed Foods: Want to know how to get rid of thyroid home remedies most efficiently? Well, the solution lies on your plate! Eliminate processed and junk food from your diet. 
    1. According to studies, subclinical thyroid dysfunction (SCTD) and ultra-processed foods (UPF) are related. A study found that eating more ultra-processed foods increased the incidence of subclinical hyperthyroidism by 14%.
    2. Although eliminating processed foods from your diet may seem difficult, you will soon experience a noticeable improvement in your health if you learn to identify and avoid the offenders.
  2. Follow a Regular Exercise Routine: We have many health issues because our lives are considerably more sedentary than our forefathers. Thus, exercise is one of the best home remedies for the thyroid. 
    1. As per a recent study, the thyroid function of hypothyroid patients who regularly exercise showed reduced TSH levels and elevated T3 and T4 levels. 
    2. Working out regularly
      1. Increases your metabolic activity
      2. Helps you burn more calories
      3. Helps maintain a healthy weight
    3.  A medium-intensity aerobic exercise at 70% of the maximum heart rate can produce the best results for enhancing TSH. As a result, exercising regularly can improve your thyroid function by improving blood flow to the thyroid gland.
  3. Increase your Protein Intake: Lack of or low protein is dangerous for humans, especially during pregnancy and lactation, since they have a long-term impact on the child's growth, development, metabolism, and hormonal condition. 
    1. As per research published in 2018, a protein-deficient diet or insufficient amino acids in the diet can affect thyroid hormone synthesis. 
    2. The amount and type of protein in a diet impact how active the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid HPT axis is. Thus, increase your protein intake to recommended amounts to boost the functioning of the thyroid. 
  4. Practice Meditation and Yoga: Depression is common in women with hypothyroidism. Combined, yoga and meditation are among the best home remedies for thyroid problems in women. 
    1. As per a study published in 2021, women with hypothyroidism and depression benefited from yoga. In women with hypothyroidism, a 3-month integrated yoga intervention (3-IY) improved depression, lipid indices, and serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels. 
    2. In addition, anxiety, depression, joint pain, mental and wellness, and psychosomatic symptoms significantly decreased after regular yoga practice.
    3. Yoga asanas like Sarvangasana, Halasana, Matsyasana, Ushtrasana, and pranayama (a meditation technique), like ujjayi, respond significantly to thyroid disorders. These exercises increase the blood flow to the neck and surrounding tissues thus eventually normalising thyroid hormone secretion, functioning, and overall health.

When to Consult a Doctor?

Ideally, you must visit a doctor if you are experiencing symptoms of thyroid disorders. Unfortunately, thyroid disease symptoms frequently closely resemble those of other illnesses. This can make it challenging to determine if your symptoms are caused by a thyroid condition or something completely different.

Most thyroid disease symptoms fall into two categories: hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Consult a healthcare practitioner if you have symptoms of 

  1. Hyperthyroidism like pain, anxiety, sleeplessness, weight loss, and tremors. 
  2. Hypothyroidism like weight gain, cold sensitivity, forgetfulness, hair loss, weakness and hoarse voice

In addition, if you feel a lump in your throat or nodules, it's an alarming sign that you must see a doctor.


You can control the severity of the thyroid disease if you take the proper medications and use natural therapies. A proper diet, as recommended above, can be combined with ayurvedic and herbal therapies. Before beginning any new home remedies for thyroid, discussing them with a medical expert is essential because some may not be suitable for everyone.

Now you know how to get rid of thyroid home remedies, you can try these remedies for thyroid. If you still have questions about thyroid disorders, symptoms, prevention, treatment and treatment for thyroid disease, contact the HexaHealth expert team. We are happy to resolve all your queries and provide the most effective solution. To learn more about HexaHealth, visit our website.

Suggested Reads

How to Cure Thyroid Permanently Is Thyroid Curable
Thyroid Treatment in Ayurveda Thyroid Foods to Avoid
Thyroid in Pregnancy Symptoms of Thyroid in Female

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Frequently Asked Questions

The most effective home remedies for thyroid problems are making changes in your diet.  Eating the right variety of foods in adequate proportion is essential for maintaining health. The NHS Eatwell Guide suggests:

  1. Every day, consume five or more portions of various fruits and vegetables.
  2. Base your meals on more fibre foods high in carbohydrates, such as potatoes, bread, rice, or pasta.
  3. Add some dairy or dairy substitutes.
  4. Eat fish, eggs, meat, beans, lentils, or other protein sources.
  5. Choose unsaturated oils and spreads, and consume them in tiny quantities.
  6. Drink a lot of water (minimum 6 to 8 glasses a day).

Yes, home treatment for thyroid is possible. For instance

  1. Have healthy meals high in protein, moderate carbohydrates, and a minimum quantity of unsaturated fats
  2. Hydrate regularly with 6-8 glasses of water each day 
  3. Add probiotics
  4. Exercise regularly

Here are three safe and well-known natural remedies for thyroid:

  1. Probiotics: A healthy gut microbiome improves thyroid function and immune system activity. Probiotics are effective in treating thyroid disorders and may have a good effect on trace elements, including selenium, zinc, and copper.
  2. Protein diet: Inadequate protein intake, poor diet, or a lack of amino acids may interfere with the production of thyroid hormones. Thus, eating more protein can be the best thyroid treatment at home.
  3. Iodine: Iodine is the essential micronutrient thyroid gland needs to synthesise thyroid hormones. Thus, adding iodine in the form of iodised salt, fish, shellfish, dairy products, tuna, oysters, shrimp, eggs, and chicken is among the best ways to manage abnormal thyroid levels.

Here are two natural ayurvedic home remedies for thyroid that may have the benefit

  1. Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha is among the top natural ayurvedic home remedies for the thyroid. Using ashwagandha increases T3 and T4 thyroid hormone production.
  2. Brahmi: It is one of the most important herbs that boost thyroid activity by creating more T4; Brahmi is well known for its ability to cure hypothyroidism effectively.
  3. Guggulu: Guggulu plays a positive role in adjusting T3 and T4 levels and treating hypothyroidism.

Yes. The most effective home remedies for thyroid problems are dietary changes.  If you are looking for how to get rid of thyroid home remedies, here are some tips

  1. Eat different kinds of fruits and vegetables every day.
  2. Drink a minimum of 6-8 glasses of water.
  3. Add dairy or dairy substitutes.
  4. Increase your protein intake such as fish, eggs, meat, beans, lentils.
  5. Reduce unsaturated fatty acids such as oil.
  6. Have probiotic-rich food.

Here are some foods to avoid when dealing with thyroid problems.

  1. Soy: People with hypothyroidism who consume excessive soy may experience symptoms. The main concern is that soy prevents thyroid hormones from being absorbed.
  2. Cruciferous vegetables: While being beneficial to our health, consuming high quantities of raw cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables, particularly in the case of iodine deficiency or borderline iodine levels, can cause hypothyroidism.
  3. Cassava: A staple in several regions of Africa, this is a root vegetable. In an iodine deficit individual, this root releases toxins that can impede an already underactive thyroid.

Yes. Here are some supplements that can help improve thyroid function naturally.

  1. Selenium: Selenium is beneficial in people with Hashimoto's thyroiditis and mild to moderate Graves' orbitopathy. 
  2. Iodine: Iodine is essential for producing thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which aid in protein synthesis, enzyme activity, and regulating normal metabolism. Without enough iodine, thyroid hormones cannot be produced in the required amounts, causing hypothyroidism.
  3. Vitamin B12:  Taking vitamin B12 is one of the well-liked and effective natural remedies for the thyroid. Vitamin B12 supplements can help improve thyroid symptoms.

Several researches have demonstrated the role of yoga and meditation in thyroid disorders.

  1. Thyroid diseases respond strongly to yoga asanas like Sarvangasana, Halasana, Matsyasana, and Ushtrasana, as well as ujjayi, a meditation or pranayama breathing technique.
  2. By neck flexion, extension, compression, or vibration, these exercises improve blood flow to the neck and surrounding tissues, including the thyroid gland, boosting thyroid gland activities. Yoga is thus one of the best home remedies for high thyroid and low thyroid.

Yes. Certain herbs and spices can be natural remedies for the thyroid. Some include

  1. Ashwagandha: it increases T3 and T4 thyroid hormone production.
  2. Ginger powder: Taking ginger supplements can help people with hypothyroidism regulate their TSH levels, fasting blood sugar, and cholesterol profile and lose weight.
  3. Powdered black cumin can considerably improve thyroid function in people with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. You can use this medicinal plant as a home treatment for thyroid disease, as it has been proven to enhance health and lower the severity of the disease.
Studies have found that individuals with hypothyroidism who regularly exercised had lower TSH levels and higher T3 and T4 levels. Exercise boosts metabolic activity, which promotes calorie burning and aids in maintaining a healthy weight. Results for enhancing TSH can be obtained with a medium-intensity aerobic workout at 70% of the maximum heart rate. As a result, regular exercise can enhance thyroid function by increasing blood supply to the gland.

While essential oils cannot prevent your body from overproducing thyroid hormone, some of them can help cope with hyperthyroidism's symptoms better. For instance,

  1. Lemon grass: Research has demonstrated the potent anti-inflammatory qualities of lemongrass oil. Lemongrass oil applied topically may help relieve swelling or inflammation in the thyroid region. 
  2. Wintergreen: Methyl salicylate, the active component of wintergreen oil, is a proven analgesic that functions similarly to aspirin. For muscles and joints that are sore from thyroid disorders, wintergreen oil can be applied to the painful part.
  3. Sandalwood: Sandalwood oil has undergone numerous tests for its ability to reduce anxiety. Anxiety brought on by an overactive thyroid can be managed better by diffusing sandalwood oil through an aromatherapy diffuser or applying a few drops of the oil topically to pressure points.
Acupuncture is another potential home treatment for thyroid disease. The usefulness of acupuncture in treating hypothyroidism was noted in a 2021 study. It was seen that three months of acupuncture vastly enhanced thyroid function lowered BMI, and reduced the medication dosage. Acupuncture has long-lasting effects that include normalising TSH and T4 levels. In addition to restoring normal thyroid hormone levels, acupuncture also lowers the need for hypothyroidism medication.

Home remedies for minor health issues may not need doctors' advice. However, without consulting a doctor, do not try home remedies like supplements, exercise, or ayurvedic herbs. When it comes to serious health disorders, consulting a doctor is essential before you start a home remedy.

Stress has been one of the main factors responsible for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT). A study conducted in 2019 showed stress management positively affected people with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Following stress reduction techniques for eight weeks can reduce anti-thyroglobulin levels, and improve depression and anxiety due to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

Similarly, a good night’s sleep can enhance overall health and reduce thyroid symptoms. Sleeping less than six hours affects your energy metabolism. Thus, getting good sleep is essential to regulate and release thyroid hormones.

Yes, research has shown the efficacy of homoeopathy in thyroid problems. Individualised homoeopathic medications are effective in hypothyroidism with or without autoimmune thyroiditis. Taking homoeopathic medications reduces the serum TSH value and anti-TPO antibody levels. In addition, it also prevents the progression of hypothyroidism in children.

Detoxification is a process of cleansing your digestive system to enhance its functioning. A healthy gut microbiome improves thyroid function and boosts immune system activity. A compromised intestinal barrier can lead to an autoimmune thyroid disorder. Thus, the absorption of micronutrients essential for the thyroid depends on the composition of the gut microbes. Thus, detoxification of the gut helps improve thyroid function. You can try detox drinks that can act as homemade remedies for thyroid disorders.

Yes. Lifestyle changes that can help manage thyroid issues include;

  1. Eating varieties of fruits and vegetables every day
  2. Increasing your protein intake such as fish, eggs, meat, beans, and lentils.
  3. Have probiotic-rich food.
  4. Using essential oils like lemon grass, wintergreen, and sandalwood for anxiety relief
  5. Practising yoga asanas to improve blood supply and thyroid functioning.

Here are some precautions while trying home remedies

  1. All herbs or home remedies aren't effective as claimed in advertisements.
  2. Although most herbs and natural remedies are safe, inform your doctor about them.
  3. Herbs or natural substances can sometimes
    1. Interfere with other medications.
    2. Can act similarly to drug.
Ginger may be considered as one of the best home remedies for hypothyroidism. Consuming 1000 mg of ginger powder daily can improve hypothyroid symptoms in people with primary hypothyroidism. Ginger supplementation benefits hypothyroidism symptoms such as weight gain, cold sensitivity, constipation, dry skin, decreased appetite, memory loss, concentration problems, and feeling giddy or lightheaded.
Looking for home remedies for high thyroid? Well, yoga is a solution you must try. Yoga asanas like Sarvangasana, Halasana, Matsyasana, Ushtrasana, and pranayama (a meditation technique) like ujjayi, can help with symptoms of hyperthyroidism. By neck flexion, extension, compression, or vibration, these exercises improve blood flow to the neck and surrounding tissues, including the thyroid gland, boosting thyroid gland activities. Yoga is thus one of the most effective natural treatments for high thyroid levels.

If your home remedies for thyroid do not work, meet your healthcare expert.  He will analyse and treat you to get your thyroid hormone levels normal. If your thyroid levels are high, the doctor might advise

  1. Anti-thyroid drugs 
  2. Radioactive iodine
  3. Beta-blockers
  4. Surgery (thyroidectomy)

If your thyroid levels are low, you will be put on. 

  1. Thyroid replacement hormonal therapy


All the articles on HexaHealth are supported by verified medically-recognized sources such as; peer-reviewed academic research papers, research institutions, and medical journals. Our medical reviewers also check references of the articles to prioritize accuracy and relevance. Refer to our detailed editorial policy for more information.

  1. Cleveland Clinic. Thyroid Disease: Hypothyroidism & Hyperthyroidism. Cleveland Clinic. 2020. link
  2. Thyroid Hormone Treatment. American Thyroid Association. link
  3. Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Thyroid Disease. American Thyroid Association. link
  4. Javidi N, Khorasani ZM, Salari R, Niroumand S, Yousefi M. Achievements in Hypothyroidism Treatment with Herbal Medicine: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Current Drug Discovery Technologies. 2023 Apr
  5. Foods and Supplements You Should Avoid With Thyroid Issues. Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic. 2019. link
  6. Javidi N, Khorasani ZM, Salari R, Niroumand S, Yousefi M. Achievements in Hypothyroidism Treatment with Herbal Medicine: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Current Drug Discovery Technologies. 2023 Apr

Last Updated on: 5 September 2023

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


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