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10 Tips to Avoid Eye Flu Infection: Home Remedies, Guide

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Aman Priya Khanna
Written by Sangeeta Sharma, last updated on 5 August 2023| min read
10 Tips to Avoid Eye Flu Infection: Home Remedies, Guide

Quick Summary

How to Prevent Eye Flu on Public Transport

Eye flu, also known as conjunctivitis, is a highly contagious infection that can cause redness, swelling, and discharge in the eyes. It can be spread through contact with infected surfaces or droplets from an infected person's cough or sneeze.

If you're concerned about catching eye flu on public transport, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, especially after using public transportation.
  • Avoid touching your eyes with unwashed hands.
  • If you do touch your eyes, wash them immediately with soap and water.
  • Avoid sharing personal items such as towels, eye drops, or makeup with others.

If you think you may have eye flu, see your doctor right away. Eye flu can be treated with antibiotics or antiviral medications, but it's important to get treatment early to prevent the infection from spreading to other parts of your body.

Eye flu, also known as conjunctivitis, is becoming more prevalent at an alarming rate. One of the ways people can contract conjunctivitis is through public transport. It is highly contagious.

Therefore, taking all necessary measures to avoid catching it is crucial. To safeguard your eyes and prevent the spread of eye flu while using public transport, adopt some simple yet effective precautions. This blog will assist you in eye flu prevention. So let's get started!

What is Eye Flu Infection?

Children are more likely to get conjunctivitis because they are more active than adults and often gather in groups at school or parks. They are more inclined to touch or rub their eyes, increasing their chances of exposure to viruses or bacteria that can cause the infection. 

Conjunctivitis can spread differently, depending on the cause (viral, bacterial, or allergic). The most common transmission mode is direct contact with infected eye secretions or respiratory droplets when someone touches their eyes or coughs/sneezes without covering their mouth and nose. 

Indirect transmission of the infection can spread if an infected person touches surfaces like doorknobs and others touch their eyes afterwards. 

Certain types of conjunctivitis can be contracted from contaminated water in swimming pools or hot tubs, and some viruses can spread through the air, especially in crowded or poorly ventilated places.

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Necessity of Eye Flu Prevention

Eye flu prevention is essential for various reasons, including protecting eye health and overall well-being. Here are some most important reasons why the prevention is necessary:

  1. Contagion Control: Eye flu is highly contagious. Taking preventive measures helps stop the spread of the infection to others.

  2. Personal Comfort: Avoiding eye flu means preventing uncomfortable symptoms like redness, itching, and discharge from the eyes, leading to better overall well-being.

  3. Community Health: Preventing eye flu contributes to maintaining good public health by reducing the number of cases and potential outbreaks.

  4. Avoiding Complications: One can reduce the risk of developing more severe eye infections or related complications by preventing eye flu.

  5. Reducing Healthcare Burden: Preventive measures lessen the need for medical consultations and treatments, easing the strain on healthcare facilities.

10 Tips to Avoid Eye Flu Infection

S.No Tips to Avoid Eye Flu Infection
1 Frequently Wash Your Hands
2 Avoid Touching Your Eyes
3 Don’t Share Personal Items
4 Salt Water Remedy
5 Identify and Avoid Allergens
6 Properly Clean and Disinfect Contact Lenses & Eyeglasses
7 Use Warm Compresses
8 Apply Cold Compresses
9 Properly Manage Eye Drops
10 Seek Medical Attention

Here are the ten best ways to prevent eye flu and some home cures for pain relief. It is best to see a healthcare expert before using home remedies for eye flu, as some cases can be severe.

  1. Frequently Wash Your Hands

    Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds frequently. Hands come into contact with various surfaces and may be infected with viruses or germs. 

    By washing your hands, you can avoid transferring germs to your eyes and minimize your chances of getting an eye flu infection.
  1. Avoid Touching Your Eyes

    Hands are a common cause of infection, so avoid touching your eyes needlessly.

    Rubbing or touching the eyes can transmit germs from the hands into the delicate eye area, which could trigger eye flu.
  1. Don’t Share Personal Items

    Eye flu infections are easily transmitted from person to person via contaminated materials. 

    Sharing personal things such as towels, eye drops, or cosmetics can result in cross-contamination. The germs from a person's eyes can be transported to the eyes of another, raising the risk of eye flu.
  1. Salt Water Remedy

    Using a saltwater (saline) solution as an eye cure can help relieve pain and promote healing during an eye flu infection. The saline solution aids in cleansing the eyes, lowering irritation, and draining out any irritants or discharge.  

    While a saline solution can assist with mild eye flu symptoms, seeing a doctor for a complete diagnosis and treatment is critical.
  1. Identify and Avoid Allergens

    Detect and Prevent Allergens: Allergic conjunctivitis can cause symptoms similar to the flu in the eyes. 

    Identify irritants that cause eye discomfort, such as pollen or pet dander. Take precautions to prevent contact with them.
  1. Properly Clean and Disinfect Contact Lenses & Eyeglasses 

    If you wear contact lenses, make sure they are clean and disinfected. Decontaminate and clean your lenses daily using the solution your eye care specialist directed. 

    Dirty or infected lenses can cause infections in the eyes. Also, keep your glasses clean and sanitised. Germs can breed in dirty glasses, contributing to eye diseases.
  1. Use Warm Compresses

    Warm compresses can help relieve inflammation in the eyes caused by eye flu. The warmth of the compress dilates blood vessels, increasing blood flow to the affected area. 

    This increased blood flow helps alleviate pain by reducing redness and irritation. The warmth of the compress can also assist in loosening secretions, making it simpler to wipe away any crusts.
  1. Apply Cold Compresses

    Cold compresses constrict blood vessels, reducing irritation in the eyes. Inflamed blood vessels in the conjunctiva are a common symptom of eye flu. The cool temperature can help reduce dilatation and redness. 

    A cold compress can provide numbing relief, reducing discomfort and soothing inflammation. It also helps reduce tear production.
  1. Properly Manage Eye Drops

    Eye drops are a typical treatment for eye flu, particularly when it is caused by bacterial conjunctivitis. Administering the eye drops correctly ensures that the medication reaches the affected area. 

    This will allow it to tackle the illness more effectively. Cross-contamination can occur when eye drops are handled incorrectly, such as touching the tip of the dropper to the eye or applying contaminated eye drop bottles. This can spread the illness to the other eye or other people.
  1.  Seek Medical Attention

    Viruses, bacteria, allergies, and irritants are all potential causes of eye flu. Each reason necessitates a unique management strategy. A healthcare professional can correctly determine and cure your eye flu's underlying cause. 

    Seeking medical assistance as soon as possible will help prevent eye flu and guarantee correct management.

Alarming Signs of Eye Flu Infection

Conjunctivitis symptoms and indicators might vary depending on its cause. Here are some frequent alarming signs of being on the lookout for:

  1. Red or Pink Eyes: This is the most common and visible indication of conjunctivitis. This redness is caused by blood vessel dilatation in the conjunctiva.

  2. Itching and Irritation: Itching and discomfort are common symptoms of conjunctivitis.

  3. Eye Discharge: Conjunctivitis frequently results in a watery or thick, mucous-like discharge from the eyes. Yellow or greenish discharge may be produced by bacterial conjunctivitis. Viral conjunctivitis, on the other hand, typically generates clear or watery discharge.

  4. Swollen Eyelids: Conjunctival inflammation can spread to the eyelids, causing swelling and puffiness. The eyelids may become red and painful to touch.

  5. Sensitivity to Light (Photophobia): Conjunctivitis can cause the eyes to become more sensitive to light. This can result in pain when exposed to bright lights or sunshine.

Home Remedies in Case of Eye Flu

Natural remedies can be effective in treating eye infections and providing relief from irritation and pain. These natural remedies can provide relief and promote eye health without harsh chemicals.  

However, seeking medical advice is essential if the condition persists or worsens. Here are some simple and beneficial home remedies:

  1. Honey: It has antibacterial properties that can help cure eye infections. Mix two teaspoons of honey in a glass of water and use it to wash your eyes. This can provide relief from pain and irritation.

  2. Rose water: With antibacterial and antiseptic properties, rose water fight infection-causing bacteria. Applying two drops of rose water in each eye and closing them for a minute can offer instant relief.

  3. Basil: Holy Basil or Tulsi has antioxidants and antibacterial properties that can help remove eye infections and reduce burning sensations. Soak basil leaves in water overnight and wash your eyes with this water for a few days to experience relief.

  4. Potato: Surprisingly, potatoes have a cooling effect that can reduce eye irritation and prevent infections. Placing thin potato slices over your eyes before sleeping for 10-15 minutes can also reduce swelling and pain.

  5. Green tea: The antioxidants in green tea can relax the eyes, reducing puffiness and pain. You can use lukewarm green tea bags on your eyes or cool them in the refrigerator before applying.

  6. Turmeric: The antioxidant and antibacterial properties of turmeric are beneficial for preventing eye infections. Mix a pinch of turmeric powder in lukewarm water, soak a cotton pad, and wipe your eyes to clear dirt and avoid infection.

  7. Neem: Soak neem leaves in water and wash your eyes with this homemade eyewash. The antibacterial properties of neem can promote healing and boost eye health.

Safety and Efficacy of The Home Remedies

Home remedies for conjunctivitis can offer some relief from symptoms and aid healing. However, it is critical to understand that these cures are not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice and treatment. 

Home treatments such as warm compresses and tea bags can be safe and beneficial for mild episodes of conjunctivitis. Please remember that they may not be appropriate for all people or all types of eye infections. 

Before attempting any home remedies, taking caution and contacting an eye doctor is critical. This is especially important if the symptoms are severe or the cause of the infection is unknown. Here are some general precautions to take when using home treatments for eye flu:

  1. Avoid eye irritants

  2. Be cautious with homemade solutions

  3. Avoid unproven remedies

  4. Don't self-medicate


Following the home treatments and guidelines for eye flu prevention will considerably lower the risk of acquiring conjunctivitis. Infection transmission can be reduced by practising good hand hygiene, abstaining from touching the eyes, and correctly managing contact lenses. 

Contact HexaHealth if you have any further questions or require a second opinion on how to prevent eye flu. Our experts will address all your questions. Schedule your appointment today!

To read more on eyes, click the following links:

Red eyes
Regular Eye Checkup Importance, What to Expect, and Benefits
Conjunctivitis Pink Eye
Eye Test

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, an eye flu infection can be avoided to some extent by taking precautions and adopting excellent hygiene. Taking preventive measures can lower the chances of developing or transmitting the virus.


Here are the top 10 tips for eye flu prevention: 

  1. Hands should be washed often with soap and water.

  2. Avoid using unwashed hands to touch your eyes.

  3. Contact lenses should be cleaned and disinfected properly.

  4. Avoid sharing personal stuff such as towels or cosmetics.

  5. Keep your eyeglasses and accessories clean.

  6. Determine and avoid allergens that cause eye inflammation.

  7. Warm compresses can be used to relieve inflammation.

  8. Seek medical attention if your symptoms worsen or continue.


Here's how to prevent eye flu infection in crowded places:

  1. Avoid touching your eyes

  2. Wear sunglasses or protective eyewear

  3. Cover your nose and mouth

  4. Use hand sanitisers

  5. Practice good respiratory hygiene


Here's a step-by-step guide to avoiding eye flu infection:

  1. Frequent hand washing

  2. Avoid touching your eyes

  3. Maintain cleanliness of eyeglasses and accessories

  4. Identify and avoid allergens

  5. Properly manage eye drops

  6. Seek medical attention when required


Here are the best practices to protect your eyes from the flu:

  1. Wash hands frequently

  2. Avoid close contact

  3. Avoid touching your face

  4. Keep surfaces clean

  5. Use hand sanitiser

  6. Wear glasses or goggles


Yes, there are natural ways to boost immunity and reduce the risk of eye flu. This includes:

  1. Regular exercise

  2. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants

  3. Adequate sleep

  4. Stress reduction

  5. Practising good hygiene


Creating a flu-free environment at home to protect your family's eyes involves implementing various preventive measures. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Promote hand hygiene

  2. Sanitise frequently

  3. Cough and sneeze etiquette

  4. Limit exposure to sick individuals

  5. Ventilation

  6. Maintain a clean home

  7. Disinfect personal items


Here are some nutrients and foods that may be beneficial for eye flu prevention:

  1. Vitamin C, E, and A

  2. Zinc

  3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

  4. Garlic

  5. Probiotics

  6. Water


Here are some practices to consider for maintaining healthy eyes during flu season:

  1. Frequent hand washing

  2. Avoid touching eyes

  3. Practice respiratory hygiene

  4. Maintain cleanliness

  5. Healthy diet

  6. Adequate water intake

  7. Eye rest

  8. Avoid smoke and irritants

  9. Proper contact lens care


Quick and easy home remedies for soothing eye flu discomfort include:

  1. Warm compress

  2. Cold compress

  3. Saline solution

  4. Artificial tears

  5. Chamomile tea bags

  6. Cotton pad soak

  7. Aloe vera gel


Eye flu prevention is important because:

  1. Protects vision

  2. Prevents complications

  3. Minimises transmission

  4. Avoids discomfort

  5. Promotes overall health



All the articles on HexaHealth are supported by verified medically-recognized sources such as; peer-reviewed academic research papers, research institutions, and medical journals. Our medical reviewers also check references of the articles to prioritize accuracy and relevance. Refer to our detailed editorial policy for more information.

  1. CDC. Conjunctivitis [Internet]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2019. link
  2. Conjunctivitis (pink eye) [Internet].
  3. Conjunctivitis: What Is Pink Eye. Conjunctivitis: What Is Pink Eye? [Internet]. American Academy of Ophthalmology.
  4. Ryder EC, Benson S. Conjunctivitis [Internet]. PubMed. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing;

Last Updated on: 5 August 2023

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

MBBS, DNB General Surgery, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery, FIAGES

12 Years Experience

Dr Aman Priya Khanna is a well-known General Surgeon, Proctologist and Bariatric Surgeon currently associated with HealthFort Clinic, Health First Multispecialty Clinic in Delhi. He has 12 years of experience in General Surgery and worke...View More


Sangeeta Sharma

Sangeeta Sharma

BSc. Biochemistry I MSc. Biochemistry (Oxford College Bangalore)

6 Years Experience

She has extensive experience in content and regulatory writing with reputed organisations like Sun Pharmaceuticals and Innodata. Skilled in SEO and passionate about creating informative and engaging medical conten...View More

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