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Breast Cancer Pictures - Types of Breast Cancer Lumps Images

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Priyanka Sharma
Written by Shivani Arora, last updated on 6 September 2024| min read
Breast Cancer Pictures - Types of Breast Cancer Lumps Images

Quick Summary

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer forms, affecting millions worldwide. It can affect men and women, though it’s more commonly diagnosed in women. An early diagnosis with the help of breast cancer pictures can help determine the correct treatment approach for this condition.

In this article, you will be made familiar with pictures of breast cancer lumps in the armpit, along with explaining the characteristics of each breast lump, their indications, and when you should consult your doctor. By educating yourself on this topic, you can take control of your health and make informed decisions regarding your well-being.

Here are three to four short points in clear & concise format that summarize the above text:

  • Breast cancer is a serious condition that can affect men and women.
  • Early diagnosis is important for getting the best possible treatment.
  • There are a number of different types of breast cancer, each with its own characteristics.
  • If you have any concerns about your breasts, it is important to see your doctor right away.

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer forms, affecting millions worldwide. It can affect men and women, though it’s more commonly diagnosed in women. An early diagnosis with the help of breast cancer pictures can help determine the correct treatment approach for this condition.

In this article, you will be made familiar with pictures of breast cancer lumps in the armpit, along with explaining the characteristics of each breast lump, their indications, and when you should consult your doctor. By educating yourself on this topic, you can take control of your health and make informed decisions regarding your well-being.

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What Does The Statistics Say About Breast Cancer?

Evidence shows that 1 in 8 women are diagnosed with breast cancer at some point during their lifetime. 

Breast cancers are typically divided into invasive (which spreads into surrounding tissue) and noninvasive (which remains contained within ducts or lobules). Of all newly detected breast cancer cases today, 59% are considered invasive, while 41% are noninvasive. 

The average age for a woman to receive a breast cancer diagnosis is 63 years old. However, statistics also show that one out of every six patients who receive a diagnosis is under 50 years old.

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Symptoms of Breast Cancer

It is essential to be aware of any signs and symptoms of breast cancer so that you can detect and diagnose cancer early (if you observe something unusual in your breast) and get the appropriate treatment. The breast cancer picture above depicts the signs and symptoms of breast cancer.

Early signs of breast cancer may be hard to detect, as symptoms can vary from person to person. Below mentioned are some of the symptoms of breast cancer.

  1. Lump: One common symptom is a lump or mass that feels different from the surrounding tissues. It could feel harder or rounder than other parts of your breast, accompanied by thickening or swelling that may occur around the lump and throughout the breast. 
  2. Skin Changes: Other symptoms include skin changes such as:
    1. Dimpling, puckering, redness, scaliness, and warmth to touch on one side only.
    2. Enlarged lymph nodes under your arm
    3. Nipple discharge (bloody)
    4. Change in size/shape of one side only
    5. Inverted nipples
    6. Pain when touching breasts/chest area
    7. Itching at nipples (intense)
  3. Weight loss: There may also be unexplained weight loss or fatigue associated with this condition.
  4. Depression: Hormonal imbalances caused by cancerous cells could lead to mental health issues. 
  5. Colouration: Discolouration indicates potential malignant growths beneath surface-level tissue layers. Dark spots form an 'orange peel’ like pattern on either side where no physical lumps can indicate cancer.

Breast Lumps

Breast lumps can be a cause of concern for many women. Understanding the different types of breast lumps with types of breast lumps pictures and their associated risk factors is essential so that proper medical care can be sought in the early stage itself if necessary. Types of breast lumps are as follows:

Benign Breast Lumps

Benign breast lumps are non-cancerous changes in the breast that can often be felt during breast self-examination or may be detected by a physician during the examination. 

  1. These lumps will typically differ in size, shape, consistency, and texture from surrounding tissue. 
  2. It is significant to note that not all breast lumps are cancerous, so having one does not mean you have cancer. 

You should contact your doctor for further evaluation and testing if you notice any unusual changes or new developments, such as bumps. Your doctor will likely perform tests such as mammograms or ultrasounds and discuss lifestyle habits like diet and exercise, which could affect the lump's development.

With early detection and understanding of benign breast lumps, women can better maintain their health going forward.

Malignant Breast Lumps

Malignant breast lumps are cancerous tumours that can develop in the breast. Common signs and symptoms associated with a malignant lump include:

  1. Thickening
  2. Pain or discomfort
  3. Changes in shape or size
  4. A nipple that has retracted inward and/or discharges from a nipple. 

A physical exam by your healthcare provider will help determine if it is benign or malignant. 

If you or your doctor suspects a malignancy, they will order additional tests such as imaging studies like mammograms and ultrasounds, biopsies, or other lab tests to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment options may involve surgery combined with chemotherapy, radiation therapy or hormone therapy, depending upon the individual's case.

Breast Cancer Types

There are two main types of breast cancer, invasive and noninvasive. As per the breast cancer picture shown above.

  1. Non-invasive Breast Cancers remain localised within the breast tissue.
  2. Invasive Breast Cancer occurs when the malignant cells have spread from their original location to other parts of the body through blood vessels or lymphatic channels.

The major difference between these two types lies in how aggressive they are. In contrast, invasive tumours tend to proliferate and require more intense treatments. Noninvasive ones can usually be treated with less intensive surgery or radiation therapy. 

Understanding which type of breast cancer you have is crucial for determining an appropriate treatment plan and improving your chances of survival.

Non-Invasive Breast Cancer

Non-invasive (in-situ) breast cancer types are early-stage cancers where the abnormal cells have not yet spread beyond the cancer growth. These cancers can be identified through mammograms and biopsies.

Treatment often involves surgical removal or radiation therapy to destroy any remaining atypical cells. Non-invasive breast cancers are generally considered low-risk and highly treatable, with a good prognosis if recognised in their early stages.

Ductal Carcinoma In-Situ

It is a non-invasive (in-situ) breast cancer that remains within the milk duct and does not spread to other body parts, as depicted in the above breast cancer picture. 

  1. It is detected through a mammogram and may or may not require treatment depending on its size, grade and hormone receptor status. 
  2. Although DCIS cannot spread to other body parts, it increases the risk of developing invasive cancer if left untreated. 
  3. DCIS can be treated with surgery such as lumpectomy or mastectomy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy and/or chemotherapy.

Lobular Carcinoma In-Situ

It is a non-invasive type of breast cancer in which abnormal cells form in the breast's lobules, as shown in the above breast cancer picture. 

  1. It does not spread beyond these areas, and a biopsy will usually be done to confirm the diagnosis. 
  2. Treatment typically involves hormone therapy or surgery since LCIS itself does not increase an individual's risk of developing an invasive form of breast cancer. 
  3. Regular mammograms are recommended to monitor any changes in the affected area.

Invasive Breast Cancer

Invasive breast cancer is a type of cancer that has spread beyond the milk ducts or lobules of the breast. It can occur in different forms and types that vary in how they look under a microscope and their behaviour. Treatment for invasive breast cancer typically involves surgery, radiation therapy and/or systemic therapies such as chemotherapy or hormonal therapy.

Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

It is the most common invasive breast cancer, affecting about 80% of females. It begins in the milk-producing ducts and spreads to surrounding tissue. Symptoms include:

  1. A lump or thickening in the breast 
  2. Changes to the skin, such as dimpling or redness
  3. Discharge from the nipple
  4. Pain in the breast areola. 

Treatment involves surgery followed by chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy, depending on how aggressive it is. Early detection can result in better outcomes for individuals affected by this condition.

Invasive Lobular Carcinoma

It is an aggressive form of breast cancer that starts in the breast's milk-producing lobules or glands. It can spread to other body parts, as shown in the above-depicted breast cancer picture. Symptoms include

  1. A lump in the breast
  2. Pain or tenderness
  3. Changes to the skin overlying the tumour, such as dimpling or redness
  4. Swelling of nearby lymph nodes. 

Treatment typically includes surgery followed by chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy, based on the stage at diagnosis.

Inflammatory Breast Cancer

It is a rare but aggressive invasive breast cancer that accounts for 1 to 5% of all diagnosed cases. It differs from other types of breast cancers as this rapidly proliferates and has unique symptoms such as redness, warmth, swelling, and an orange peel texture to the affected area, as shown in the above breast cancer picture.

Early detection is key to treating inflammatory breast cancer.

Paget's Disease

Paget's disease is a rare form of invasive breast cancer affecting the nipple and areola. 

  1. It causes itching, burning, pain, and redness in the area around the nipple. 
  2. In some cases, it can also cause discharge from the nipple or changes in its appearance. 
  3. Paget's disease often begins with noninvasive cells that grow on top of already existing milk ducts or lobules and spread to other parts of the breast tissue.

Treatment for Paget's Disease typically consists of surgery to remove affected tissue followed by radiation therapy or chemotherapy, depending on individual diagnosis.


Angiosarcoma of the breast is a rare and aggressive type of invasive breast cancer that affects the inner lining of blood vessels in the breast tissues. It may occur in both men and women but is much more common among women who have had radiation therapy to treat other cancer.

Symptoms may include a: 

  1. Lump or swelling near the affected area
  2. Pain, redness or discolouration in the skin
  3. Bleeding from an open wound. 
  4. Early detection is critical for successful treatment as it has been associated with poor outcomes if left untreated.

Understanding this disease can help you protect yourself against developing it in the future and provide support for those who have been diagnosed with it.

Who are at the Risk of Developing Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer can develop in anyone, but certain factors can increase the risk. These risk factors include:

  1. Gender: Women are at the highest risk of developing breast cancer compared to men; however, men can also be diagnosed with breast cancer. 
  2. Age: The risk increases as a woman ages, with most cases occurring in women over 50 years old. 
  3. Family History: A family history of breast or ovarian cancer puts one at a higher risk of developing the disease. This includes having multiple first-degree relatives diagnosed with these cancers.
  4. Genetics: Certain inherited genetic mutations, such as BRCA1 or BRCA2, can increase the risk of breast cancer.
  5. Early Menstruation: Those who began their menstrual cycle before age 12 and those who had it last after age 55 have increased chances of being diagnosed with this type of cancer. This is due to changes in hormone production over time and amounting exposure to them when young or elderly, respectively. 
  6. Radiation exposure: Women exposed to high radiation levels, such as radiation therapy, have a higher risk of developing breast cancer.
  7. Lifestyle factors: Alcohol consumption, obesity, and lack of physical activity may also increase the risk of breast cancer.

Screening for Breast Cancer

Before the symptoms develop, breast cancer can be screened or detected by performing certain tests. The following are some common breast cancer screening tests:

  1. Breast self-exam (BSE): BSE is a way for women to check their breasts for any changes, such as lumps or other signs of breast cancer.
  2. Clinical breast exam (CBE): During a CBE, a healthcare provider will examine the breasts for any lumps, changes in shape or texture, or other signs of breast cancer.
  3. Mammography: A mammogram is an X-ray of the breast that can detect breast cancer in its early stages when it is still small and has not yet spread to other parts of the body.

It's important to note that these tests are not diagnostic and do not guarantee the absence of breast cancer. A positive result from any of these tests should be followed up with additional diagnostic tests, such as a biopsy, to confirm the presence of cancer.

Women should also discuss their risk factors with their healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate screening schedule.


To conclude, breast cancer can be a terrifying diagnosis to receive. It is essential to acknowledge the signs and symptoms of breast cancer in order to get early treatment and maximize success rates.

With progress in technology, it is now possible for people to obtain detailed images of various types of lumps associated with breast cancer. This information can enhance understanding of the disease and help individuals feel more prepared when seeking medical attention. 

Taking preventative measures such as regular self-exams and comparing results with breast cancer pictures, mammography screenings, and healthy lifestyle choices are also essential for lowering one's risk of developing this potentially life-threatening illness.

HexaHealth is here to provide you with the best information about breast cancer and its types. Our experts have a wealth of knowledge to help you learn more about breast cancer. We are committed to connecting you with the right specialist to receive the most accurate, up-to-date information on breast cancer treatment and prevention. With our support, we will ensure that you get all the answers you need to make well-informed decisions when it comes to your health.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Breast cancer pictures may include close-up images of tumours or abnormal lumps, as well as images from X-rays and MRI scans. It could also show the effects treatment has had on tissue and skin affected by the disease.

A cancerous lump in the breast on an ultrasound typically appears as a mass with irregular edges and unclear margins. It may also have areas of increased or decreased echo density, indicating different densities within the mass.

The size of the tumour can vary, and it may appear differently depending on its stage. Ultrasound is usually used to distinguish benign from malignant masses, but further testing, like a biopsy or MRI, is needed for confirmation.

Cancerous breast lumps are usually located in the inner area of the breast, close to the chest wall. They can also be found near or under the nipple, areola, and in other parts of the breast, like near your armpit.

It is significant to check your breasts regularly for any changes so that if there is a lump present, it can be detected early on.

Pictures of breast cancer lumps in the armpit can vary based on the size and shape of the lump. They may appear as a hard mass under the skin that is distinct from normal breast tissue or diffusely spread throughout the area.

Common characteristics of breast cancer lumps include an enlarged lymph node, irregular margins or shape, and thickening of the soft tissue due to fluid accumulation. Additionally, some pictures show redness or swelling around the affected area.

Early-stage pictures of breast cancer lumps in the armpit can vary but often present as a small, hard lump that may feel painless. It may also appear as red or inflamed skin around the armpit area. An ultrasound scan will usually be needed to determine if it is a cancerous lump or not.

Ultrasounds are used to help diagnose cancer, but the colour of a cancerous lump typically depends on the tissue affected. In general, malignant tumours appear as white or grey lumps on an ultrasound scan because they do not absorb sound waves in the same way as healthy tissues.

Additionally, some benign tumours may appear hypoechoic (darker than normal) or hyperechoic (brighter than normal).

The only definitive way to tell if a lump is benign or malignant is for a doctor to examine it. If the doctor suspects that it may be cancerous, they will likely order imaging tests, such as an ultrasound or mammogram, and/or a biopsy, where a tissue sample from the lump is tested in a lab.
It depends on the type of different breast cancer. Some types, such as inflammatory breast cancer, can grow very quickly and form lumps in weeks. Other types may take months or even years to form visible lumps that can be detected by self-examination or mammogram.
Early detection of breast cancer enhances the chances of a successful outcome. If you can feel a lump, the breast cancer is likely in stage 1 or 2. It is essential to seek medical attention so that an accurate diagnosis can be made and treatment options discussed.
Yes, an ultrasound can tell the difference between a cyst and a tumour. Ultrasounds detect differences in tissue density and size, allowing them to distinguish between tumours and cysts. While both appear as dark spots on an ultrasound image, tumours are more likely to be irregularly shaped, while cysts tend to have smooth edges.
No, without a biopsy, you cannot tell if a mass is cancerous. A biopsy involves taking a sample from the tissue or cells of an abnormal area and examining it under a microscope to determine whether or not there are any cancer cells present.

Last Updated on: 6 September 2024

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Priyanka Sharma

Dr. Priyanka Sharma

MBBS, DNB Plastic Surgery

15 Years Experience

Dr Priyanka Sharma is a well-known Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon associated with HealthPort Clinic in Delhi. She has 15 years of experience in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic surgery and worked as an expert Plastic,...View More


Shivani Arora

Shivani Arora

BA Journalism and Mass Communication

2 Years Experience

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