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7 Steps to Getting Pregnant with Blocked Fallopian Tubes

Written by Hexahealth Care Team, last updated on 12 July 2024| min read
7 Steps to Getting Pregnant with Blocked Fallopian Tubes

Quick Summary

  • Blocked fallopian tubes can make it difficult to conceive, but there are still options available.
  • Here are 7 steps to getting pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes:
    1. Understand the condition and your options.
    2. Get a diagnosis and treatment.
    3. Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
    4. Explore alternative paths to parenthood.

Have you been struggling to conceive due to blocked fallopian tubes? Don't worry; you're not alone. For many women, the road to parenthood can be a big challenge and blocked fallopian tubes add another level of a significant obstacle in their life. This read will discuss 7 steps to getting pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes.

Wondering how I got pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes? In this article, read on to learn how can a woman with blocked fallopian tubes get pregnant. You will also learn about everything from understanding the condition to diagnosing and treating it, as well as tips on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and exploring alternative paths to parenthood.

Overview: Blocked Fallopian Tube

The fallopian tubes, also known as uterine tubes or oviducts, are an integral part of the female reproductive system. These delicate, tube-like structures join the ovaries with the uterus (womb) and play an essential role in pregnancy by providing a pathway for the sperm to fertilize the egg and then transporting the fertilized egg to the uterus for implantation and development.

In addition to their role in reproduction, the fallopian tubes can also be affected by certain conditions and diseases. Blockages or abnormalities in the fallopian tubes can lead to infertility, as it hinders the fertilization process or the passage of the embryo.

It is estimated that around 25 to 30% of infertility cases are caused by blocked fallopian tubes. For those diagnosed with this condition, it is essential to know what it is, how it affects your fertility, what causes it, the symptoms, and the chances of getting pregnant after unblocking fallopian tubes.

Symptoms of Blocked Fallopian Tubes

Symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes are uncommon. Many women are unaware that their tubes are clogged until they experience difficulties getting pregnant.

Blocked fallopian tubes can occasionally cause a mild, ongoing abdominal ache on one side. This typically occurs in a hydrosalpinx, a form of obstruction. A blocked fallopian tube enlarges and fills with fluid at this point.

A blocked fallopian tube can result from conditions that have their own symptoms. For instance, endometriosis frequently results in painful, protracted menstrual cycles and pelvic pain. Your chance of having obstructed fallopian tubes may rise as a result.

Causes of Blocked Fallopian Tubes

Blocked fallopian tubes can be due to a wide variety of factors, ranging from natural biological processes to medical conditions. Some of the most common causes include:

  1. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): This is a bacterial infection that affects the reproductive system, including the fallopian tubes. PID can cause scar tissue to form, leading to blockages.
  2. Endometriosis: This phenomenon can be described as a situation where the tissues that typically line the uterus start growing in areas beyond its boundaries. Consequently, this results in inflammation and the formation of scar tissue, which can ultimately cause obstructions.
  3. History of Abdominal Surgery: Scarring resulting from prior surgeries in the pelvic area, such as cesarean section or appendix removal, can lead to the development of scar tissue that obstructs the fallopian tubes.
  4. Ectopic Pregnancy: Implantation of a fertilized egg in a location other than the uterus can result in scarring and harm to the fallopian tubes.
  5. Congenital Abnormalities: In rare cases, women may be born with abnormalities in the structure of their fallopian tubes that can cause blockages.
  6. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STIs): STIs such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea can lead to scarring and PID, which eventually lead to blockage of the fallopian tube.
  7. Hydrosalpinx: A condition in which there is a fluid blockage or swelling in the fallopian tubes.
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Diagnosing Blocked Fallopian Tubes

It's important to seek professional medical advice to diagnose blocked fallopian tubes as it can  provide information on various treatment options available to help unblock the fallopian tubes.

Your doctor may recommend one or a combination of the following diagnostic tests to identify the cause of your infertility, including blocked fallopian tubes. 

  1. Hysterosalpingogram: One of the most common options to diagnose blocked fallopian tubes is through a hysterosalpingogram (HSG). 
    1. This test includes injecting a dye into the uterus and taking X-rays to see if the dye flows freely through the fallopian tubes. 
    2. If the dye does not flow through the tubes, it is a strong indication that they are blocked.
  2. Laparoscopy: An alternative diagnostic examination for detecting obstructed fallopian tubes is called a laparoscopy. 
    1. This method involves the use of a slender and illuminated tube, which is inserted through a small cut in the abdominal area to visually examine the reproductive organs and fallopian tubes.
    2. During the laparoscopy, the surgeon can check for blockages or other tube abnormalities.

Treatment for Blocked Fallopian Tubes

Blocked fallopian tubes can be a significant obstacle to becoming pregnant. So, a basic question can come to your mind: how to open blocked fallopian tubes?

There are several treatment options available to help unblock or bypass them altogether. Based on the diagnosis and other factors related to the patient, the doctor will recommend one or a combination of the following treatment methods.

Natural Remedies

Natural remedies have always been one of the effective treatment options for various conditions for centuries. The blockage of the fallopian tubes can also be effectively treated by undertaking the below-mentioned natural remedies.

  1. Acupuncture: A traditional Chinese medicine approach to acupuncture, the use of thin needles which are inserted into specific points on the body. Acupuncture may help improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, reducing inflammation and scar tissue.
  2. Herbal Medicine: Some herbs, such as dong quai and black cohosh, have been traditionally used to treat female reproductive issues. However, before using any herbal remedies, consult with a physician. 
  3. Nutritional Supplements: Nutritional supplements like folic acid and vitamin D can help support reproductive health and may improve the chances of conception.


Some women may be prescribed fertility drugs such as clomiphene citrate or letrozole to induce ovulation, increasing the likelihood of conception. These drugs do not directly unblock the tubes but may still be helpful in some cases.

Surgical Options

In case the condition gets worse and no treatment method helps cure the condition, the doctor may further recommend the patient undergo surgical procedures to unblock the fallopian tube. Some of the surgical methods are as follows.

  1. Tubal Cannulation: A procedure in which a catheter injects a contrast dye to help identify and remove any blockages.
  2. Fimbrioplasty: A doctor recommends this procedure if the patient has a blockage in the part of the fallopian tube close to the ovaries. In this procedure, the doctor opens up the blockage and rebuilds the fimbriae (small projections at the ends of the fallopian tubes).
  3. Salpingectomy: A surgical procedure in which a doctor repairs a part of the blocked fallopian tube, which eventually improves the likelihood of conceiving.

7 Steps to Getting Pregnant with Blocked Fallopian Tubes

When you're dealing with blocked fallopian tubes, getting pregnant may seem like an impossible dream. One is sure to wonder, can a woman with blocked fallopian tubes get pregnant? 

However, with the right approach and the right medical assistance, it is possible to overcome this obstacle and achieve your goal of becoming a parent. Here are 7 steps to getting pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes:

Step 1: Understand the Cause

The first step in getting pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes is to understand the underlying cause of the blockage. 

  1. This is important because different causes require different treatment approaches. 
  2. Some possible causes of blocked fallopian tubes include pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, surgery, and scar tissue from a previous infection or surgery. 

Step 2: Consult a Fertility Specialist

If you are struggling to become pregnant along with blocked fallopian tubes, it is important to consult a fertility specialist. 

  1. A specialist will help you understand the cause of your blocked tubes and recommend appropriate treatment options. 
  2. In addition, a specialist can help you understand the timing of ovulation, which is crucial for achieving pregnancy.

Step 3: Explore Treatment Options

There are diverse treatment options available for women with blocked fallopian tubes. Some options include fertility medications, surgery to remove scar tissue or repair the tubes, assisted reproductive technologies such as IVF, etc. 

It's vital to discuss all of your options with your fertility specialist to determine the best course of action for you.

Step 4: Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle for anyone trying to conceive, but it's especially important for women with blocked fallopian tubes. Lifestyle changes such as physical exercises for maintaining the right weight, eating a balanced diet, and reducing stress can all increase your chances of becoming pregnant.

Step 5: Monitor Your Fertility

Tracking ovulation and menstrual cycles is crucial when trying to conceive with blocked fallopian tubes. 

  1. Ovulation can be tracked using various methods, including ovulation prediction kits, basal body temperature tracking, and cervical mucus monitoring. 
  2. By tracking your fertility, you can time intercourse for optimal chances of conception.

Step 6: Consider Fertility Preservation

For women with blocked fallopian tubes who may need to delay pregnancy for medical or personal reasons, fertility preservation can be an option. Options for preserving fertility include egg and embryo freezing, which allow for future pregnancy attempts using IVF or IUI.

  1. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): IVF is a popular treatment option for women with blocked fallopian tubes. It involves the extraction of eggs from the ovaries and fertilization with sperm in a laboratory setting. 
  2. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): IUI involves the injection of washed sperm directly into the uterus, bypassing the cervix and the fallopian tubes. This procedure can be used in conjunction with fertility medications to increase the chances of pregnancy.

Step 7: Be Open to Alternative Paths to Parenthood

While getting pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes is possible, it's imperative to remember that there are alternative paths to parenthood. Stop wondering, can a woman with blocked fallopian tubes get pregnant? 

Consider adoption and surrogacy options that can help you significantly achieve your dream of becoming a parent, even in cases where pregnancy is impossible. 

Remember to stay positive, remain informed, and keep your eye on the lifetime gift - a beautiful, healthy baby.

Success Rates of Getting Pregnant After Unblocking Fallopian Tubes

The success of getting pregnant after unblocking fallopian tubes varies depending on several factors. Generally, the success rate for unblocking fallopian tubes is around 40% to 80%.

Factors That May Affect the Chances of Success

There are many factors affecting the chances of success getting pregnant after unblocking fallopian tubes, including:

  1. Age: Age is a significant factor in fertility and can affect pregnancy success rates. Even with unblocked fallopian tubes, it becomes harder to conceive as women become older because of a decline in their ovarian reserve. Pregnancy problems may also be more likely in older mothers.
  2. Partner's Fertility: When trying to get pregnant, it's crucial to take both couples' fertility into account. Regardless of the condition of the fallopian tubes, the male partner's fertility concerns, such as low sperm count or poor sperm quality, can affect the likelihood of a successful pregnancy..
  3. Underlying Conditions: If there are underlying health issues that impair fertility, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, or hormone imbalances, unblocking fallopian tubes may not be enough on their own. To increase the likelihood of a successful pregnancy, some conditions might need further care or management.
  4. Severity and Location of Blockage: The likelihood of conceiving can be affected by the degree and location of the fallopian tube blockage. The likelihood of a natural conception may be decreased if the obstruction is severe or located close to the fimbrial end, where fertilisation usually takes place. In such circumstances, in vitro fertilisation (IVF) may be suggested as a form of assisted reproduction.
  5. Previous Pregnancy History: Knowing a woman's past pregnancies can help determine how fertile she is. She is more likely to become pregnant after clearing her fallopian tubes if she has previously had healthy pregnancies. However, the likelihood of a successful conception may be impacted by frequent miscarriages or other pregnancy difficulties.
  6. Overall Health and Lifestyle Factors: A balanced diet, frequent exercise, and stress management are all aspects of a healthy lifestyle that can help with fertility and pregnancy outcomes. The likelihood of a successful pregnancy can be increased by maintaining a healthy weight, abstaining from smoking and excessive alcohol use, and controlling chronic health concerns.

Ways to Boost the Chances to get Pregnant

While unblocking fallopian tubes can increase the chances of getting pregnant, there are also things that women can do to further increase their chances of conceiving. Some tips include:
  1. Maintain a Healthy Weight: Being overweight or underweight can affect fertility and decrease the chances of getting pregnant. Women should maintain a healthy weight by eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. You can aim for a healthy body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 and 24.9.
  2. Eat a Balanced Diet: A diet that consists of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean protein, etc., is healthy and can help support fertility.
  3. Manage Stress: Chronic stress is sure to have a negative impact on fertility. Consider practising relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises.
  4. Quit Smoking: Smoking can decrease fertility and increase the risk of miscarriage. Women should quit smoking before trying to conceive to increase their chances of getting pregnant.
  5. Reduce Alcohol Consumption: Drinking alcohol can affect fertility and increase the risk of miscarriage. Women should aim to limit their alcohol consumption or avoid it altogether when trying to conceive.
  6. Vaginal Steaming: A method that is fast gaining popularity with its many benefits, vaginal steaming has been known to cure many problems, from period cramps to infertility. It is also recommended for unblocking fallopian blockages.

When to Consult a Doctor?

Those who have had both or any one of their tubes repaired should be watchful of the following symptoms and consult their doctor immediately. 

  1. Pelvic pain  
  2. Fever or chills
  3. Pain or swelling in the legs
  4. Painful urination, etc.


Dealing with blocked fallopian tubes can be emotionally and physically draining, but staying positive and seeking support when needed is important. One must remember that they are not alone in this journey, and resources are available for help. Whether it's support groups, therapy, or simply confiding in loved ones, do not hesitate to ask for help. With the right care and treatment, lifestyle changes, etc., one can overcome this obstacle and achieve the dream of becoming a parent.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Following the 7 steps to getting pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes, one can achieve their dreams and enjoy parenthood. These seven steps include:

  1. Understand the cause
  2. Consult a fertility expert
  3. Explore the medical treatments
  4. Maintain a healthy lifestyle
  5. Monitor fertility and opt for accurate treatment
  6. Consider fertility preservation
  7. Consider other parenthood options

If you are wondering, “how I got pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes?” it is possible for women to get pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes. Even though blocked fallopian tubes can be a serious obstacle in getting pregnant, there are several treatments and procedures with the help of which this problem can be eradicated.

These include fertility drugs, medical and surgical procedures, alternative therapies such as acupuncture, herbal medications, etc.

Fallopian tubes are two thin tubes connecting the ovaries to the uterus. Fallopian tubes are essential for pregnancy or fertility as they provide the pathway for the sperm to reach the egg and for the fertilised eggs to travel to the uterus.

 Fallopian tubes can be tested with the help of medical procedures such as hysterosalpingogram and laparoscopy. Some of the most common causes of fallopian tubes include:

  1. Pelvic inflammatory disease.
  2. Endometriosis. 
  3. Certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
  4. Past ectopic pregnancy.

If both fallopian tubes are blocked, then natural pregnancy can become difficult. However, with the right treatment and expertise of a healthcare provider, this problem can be eradicated.

If the fallopian tubes are partially blocked, then pregnancy can be possible. However, if both tubes are blocked, pregnancy without treatment can become impossible.


If you are wondering can a woman with blocked fallopian tubes get pregnant, then the answer is yes. With the use of fertility medicines, medical procedures and surgeries, and alternative and acupuncture therapies, the right measures can be taken to eradicate this problem completely.

 Laparoscopic surgery can be identified as a surgical procedure to inspect the fallopian tubes and the other reproductive organs visually. It helps to determine the extent and areas of blockage, which further helps in adopting accurate treatments.
It significantly helps to unblock fallopian tubes in less invasive ways, with a quick recovery time and without the risk of complications.

 Yes, assisted reproductive technology (ART), such as in-vitro fertilization, can be used in case of blocked fallopian tubes. This is a procedure in which there is the extraction of eggs from the ovaries and fertilization with sperm in a laboratory setting. The resulting embryo is placed in the uterus for conception.

Yes, several alternative or complex therapies can help a woman with fallopian tubes get pregnant. These include herbal remedies, acupuncture, lifestyle changes, maintaining a healthy weight, stress management, etc.

Most women do not realise they have blocked fallopian tubes unless they face difficulty conceiving. However, with the help of treatments and alternative therapies, this problem can be eradicated, and conceding can be made possible. 

Accurately determining the duration it can take to get pregnant after the fallopian tubes are unblocked varies from woman to woman and also on their health conditions. However, pregnancy can be attained in a minimum of 3 – 4 months.

In cases where a woman has minimal damage to their fallopian tubes, slight medical procedures can be used to help a woman conceive naturally. If one of the fallopian tubes is blocked, natural pregnancy is also possible. Natural conceiving can also become difficult in cases where both tubes are blocked or damaged.

It is completely possible for one to get pregnant after unblocking their fallopian tubes. However, one must ensure that they are taking the medical instructions of their healthcare provider to achieve the desired results.

Maintaining the right weight, practising safe sex, and seeking medical treatment promptly after infections or other problems ensure the good health of your reproductive organs and problems associated with the fallopian tube. Consuming a healthy diet, exercising, and making essential lifestyle changes are equally essential.

It is possible to conceive with only one functioning fallopian tube, although some challenges might exist. The ovary on the side with the blocked tube may still release an egg, which can be fertilized by sperm and travel down the open tube to the uterus. 

However, there is still a risk of ectopic pregnancy if the fertilized egg implants in the blocked tube. If you get a normal pregnancy after all these conditions, then it is a miracle pregnancy with blocked fallopian tubes for sure.


All the articles on HexaHealth are supported by verified medically-recognized sources such as; peer-reviewed academic research papers, research institutions, and medical journals. Our medical reviewers also check references of the articles to prioritize accuracy and relevance. Refer to our detailed editorial policy for more information.

  1. What You Should Know About Blocked Fallopian Tubes [Internet]. Healthline.
  2. Blocked fallopian tubes: Symptoms, causes, and treatment [Internet]. 2018. link
  3. What fallopian tube procedures help with fertility? [Internet]. WebMD. [cited 2023 Jun 8].link
  4. Tubal Factor Infertility (Fallopian Tube Obstruction) | ColumbiaDoctors - New York [Internet]. ColumbiaDoctors. 2017. link

Last Updated on: 12 July 2024

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


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